It's no secret that recentlythe requirements for specialists are constantly increasing. If previously you could get a job without knowing a computer and a foreign language, now without them there is no way.
Now and then in the ads you see:requires a specialist with knowledge of the computer. Yes there is knowledge, confident possession, even so. Who needs an employee who will sit for half an hour over one page of the report, because he can not quickly print?
A modern highly qualified specialist should know not only text editors, the principles of working on the Internet, but also the hot keys of Windows 7. And all because they make it easier to work at the computer.
Windows 7 hot keys are not much differentfrom those used in other operating systems. Well, let's name the main ones. Let's start, perhaps, with those that are used in text editors.
Beautifully select the text you will be allowed the following combinations: CTRL + B will make the font bold, CTRL + U will emphasize it, and CTRL + I will highlight italics.
Ctrl + S will allow you to save changes to the document. And the command Ctrl + P will open the print window.
Of course, this is not a complete list of hotkeys that are used in text documents. But you can always see which of them cause this or that team. Quite often they are attributed to the commands on the control panel.
Now consider the other hotkeys of Windows 7. Rename the selected document will allow F2. F1 opens the help window. SHIFT + F10 allows you to open the context menu for the selected object. CTRL + Z cancels the previous command.
As you can see, there are quite a few hotkeys.We listed only the main ones. Remember the hot keys of Windows 7 very easily. It should only be used several times when working on a computer.
It is also worth noting that for each programthere are special hotkeys. For example, in the Internet browser to expand the window in full screen will help F11. To open the list of downloads, you can use the hotkey combination CTRL + J.
A lot of them are used in graphiceditors, video and audio players, even in games. Of course, remembering all the combinations is not so easy. It is best to know the basic, most commonly used by you. They will save time and energy. You do not need to drive with the mouse on the screen, searching for the desired item in the task menu. All actions will be performed without interruption from the keyboard and unnecessary mouse movements.
Study them gradually, try as often as possibleapply the knowledge gained in practice, and you will see how easily and easily you started working on the computer. In addition, you will see how the attitude of the authorities to you has changed.