What is AI

Now we will discuss what the format isAI. We will deal with the purpose for which it was developed, as well as talk about programs that will allow it to be dig. The material will be useful for people working with vector graphics.

About the expansion

ai format
The AI ​​format has files that are picturesvector graphics, created with the help of the software product "Adobe Illustrator". Since these images are capable of increasing in size without loss in quality, they are widely used for the production of advertising products, creation of logos, and also in print media.

It should be separately noted that the AI ​​format can beopen with programs such as Adobe InDesign or XnView. But in this case, the image will be converted to a raster format, which will lead to loss of quality in case of zoom. Adobe Reader and Adobe Photoshop support vector AI format only if the required image was originally created in a PDF-compatible solution. About the programs needed to interact with the files we are interested in, we'll talk more about this in more detail.

Unexpected meeting

In addition to the main one, it has the format AI and additionalinterpretation. Although in this sense, he is known only in special circles, but also worthy of mention. This expansion is possessed by some game files called Battlefield 2. It's about a modern military shooter from the 1st person.

This file contains settings, as well as instructionsAs to how the units should behave in the created game process. At the same time, the material is saved in a convenient text format, which allows it to be modified to make changes to the current game process.

Format AI: than to open similar files

ai format than open
Since the interaction with files of the second typeoccurs directly in the conditions of the game itself, we will dwell in more detail on the consideration of programs that allow AI to carry vector graphics. Of course, it's worth starting to start with the already mentioned Adobe Illustrator.

The main purpose of this programis the development of breadboard models of various printed products with a view to its subsequent publication. Thanks to a wide range of tools, the program has evolved into a universal graphics editor. The product is suitable for web developers, artists and designers. Among the strengths of the program: a clear, intuitive interface, the creation and collaboration of the necessary number of working areas, a help system covering several sites that are entirely devoted to Adobe Illustrator, three-dimensional special effects, a variety of tools that allow you to draw. A large number of features have been implemented that allow working with text. There are in-depth functions for optimal printing.

Other programs

vector format ai
With the format we are interested in, we can work withCorelDRAW. It's about a powerful vector graphics editor that was developed by Corel. Using the program, the user can work with various images, as well as create drawings, diagrams and charts.

A special mention deserves the program ACD,which will also help to solve the task. This software solution is a professional graphics package, its main specialization is vector graphics. Using the set of professional tools implemented in the product, you can perform any actions with your images. A special driver allows you to print any of their projects on any device while saving all the settings of the selected image.

Among other programs that supportthe desired vector format, it should be noted: Serif DrawPlus, Ai Viewer, GIMP, Rhinoceros, IMSI TurboCAD, Xara Photo, Adobe Flash, Photoshop, InDesign, Reader, Acrobat, XnView, Inkscape. Now you know what the AI ​​format is, than to open it and how to work with it. We hope that this material helped you.

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