/ Mask for the skin around the eyes. Folk recipes

Mask for the skin around the eyes. Folk recipes

The skin around the eyes is a very vulnerable area,which needs the most gentle and delicate care. It early formed age and facial wrinkles, bruises, unpleasant swelling. The zone around the eyes immediately reacts to sleepless nights, bad weather conditions, fatigue, stress, irritation. Due to some features, here you will need special care. The mask for the skin around the eyes delicately nourishes and moisturizes the tender area, prevents wrinkles, removes traces of lack of sleep and fatigue. In this article you will learn a lot of proven folk recipes aimed at solving the most unpleasant problems.

We are fighting with edema

Избавиться от мешков под глазами вам поможет The following recipe. Take parsley greens, preliminarily finely chopped, in the amount of 1 tea. l. and mix it with 2 teaspoonfuls. l. thick sour cream. For greater convenience, this mask for the skin around the eyes is applied to the cotton pad. Keep it should be at least 15 minutes.

Remove edema will help apple gruel, whichyou need to get it with a small grater. For greater efficiency, you can simply cut off small slices from the apple, and attach to the problem area for 10 minutes.

Another great way is to grate potatoes on a fine grater. As in the previous recipe, you can simply cut it into slices. Keep the potato mixture on your eyes for 10 minutes.

Try to make herbal compresses.To do this, brew the daisy, as well as lime flowers and marigold flowers in a glass of boiling water. It will take about 1 tea. l. curative herbs. Let it brew for half an hour. Then, with the help of cotton pads, apply compresses to the skin near the eyes for 10 minutes.

We fight with dark circles

Mix the grated potatoes with 2 teas. l. flour and milk. Leave the compresses for 5-10 minutes.

Make a gruel from the fresh root of parsley. Apply it to the eye area with a cotton pad. Wait 20 minutes, rinse with cold mineral water.

This multi-component eye maskwill also bring you a quick result. Take a teaspoon of coriander and cucumber from cucumber, mix the mixture with 1 table. l. thick sour cream. Leave on for 15 minutes.

To perform this recipe, you will need toa good coffee grinder or blender. Place a couple of walnuts in there and grind them to the state of flour. The obtained composition in the volume of 2 c. l. connect with 1 table. l. butter, pre-melted. Add a drop of natural lemon juice. Apply for 20 minutes.

It is worth noting, the mask around the eyes, aimedto eliminate dark circles, require regular application. After the first use, the effect will be minimal, but after 2 weeks you will notice significant positive changes.

We wrestle with wrinkles

The easiest recipe is that you can just apply compresses from aloe vera juice. This will moisten the delicate skin, will not allow "goose paws" to appear.

Buy vegetable oils made from peach, apricot, almonds. Gently rub them into the skin strictly on the massage lines.

Mix 10 ml. oil. sol. vitamin E with 50 ml. natural olive oil. As in the previous case, gently rub the composition with your fingertips.

The next mask for the skin around the eyes helpscope with the emerging age changes. Take 1 table. l. oil. sol. vitamin E. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Connect with 1 table. l. sea ​​buckthorn and cocoa butter. Leave a thick layer of the composition on the skin for 15 minutes. The remains of the oils must be soaked with a tissue, you do not need to rinse the mixture.

Remember that the anti-wrinkle mask around the eyes does not act immediately. In order to notice visible improvements, apply it at least a month, about 3 times a week.

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