/ / How it is correct: depilation or depilation? What is better and how are they different?

How it is correct: depilation or depilation? What is better and how are they different?

Modern girls need to get rid ofundesirable vegetation on the legs, in the intimate area and underarm area, and sometimes even on the hands and face. To achieve this goal, there are several methods that can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: with a long and short effect. The second refers to depilation, and to the first - depilation, and in each many varieties. Often there is confusion. Depilation or hair removal - the names are similar to each other. Therefore, it is not surprising that people are constantly confused in these two concepts. Consider both methods of removing unwanted vegetation from the body.

Depilation or epilation

What is epilation?

Epilation is an artificialhair removal by damaging the follicle and the papilla. The procedure allows you to get rid of unwanted vegetation forever, but the hairs can still appear chaotically on the body. Hair removal by this method promotes complete cessation of growth in the treated area due to a permanent negative effect on the follicle and its destruction. The difference between depilation and depilation is that this technique gives an effect forever, as the effect on the follicle is carried out by a laser or other devices (more on this later).

Epilation or depilation: contrast

What is depilation?

This method is the removal of eitherOnly that part of the hair that is located above the surface of the skin, or completely, "under the root." However strange it may sound, bioepilation also refers to depilation. Now, for sure, a beautiful half of humanity is easier to understand how to properly: depilation or depilation.

In principle, remembering the differences is not difficult.Each method is divided into several types, has its advantages and disadvantages. But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. So sometimes you can endure it and then think about more pleasant things.

By the way, about the machine - he also refers to depilation, as well as a depilator.

The difference between depilation and depilation

Conclusion, or the difference between depilation and depilation

So, let's fix the received knowledge:

  1. Epilation implies a profound effect on the follicles, due to which they are destroyed and unable to give more hairs. The effect is long-term, or even lifelong.
  2. Depilation involves the temporary disposal of unwanted vegetation for a period of several days to 4 weeks.
  3. Wax hair removal (or depilation - anything), andAlso, hair removal with sugar paste, special creams and gels can be carried out at home. But the hair removal - only in the salon, professional equipment and a skilled specialist's hand.

How it is correct: depilation or depilation?

Method of depilation and its variants

Epilation and depilation, the difference between them is discussed in this article, have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider each method in more detail.

Depilation is carried out with a special cream, waxor sugar paste, as well as a razor and an electric depilator. The first method (like the penultimate one) differs from the second and third themes, which is absolutely painless, since there is no need to tear out the hairs. On the skin a special cream is applied, aged for a certain time, and then it is simply removed. To do this, use a spatula or sponge. Together with the cream, hairs are removed. The advantages of this technique:

  • painlessness;
  • simplicity;
  • availability;
  • additional care;
  • rapidity.


  • short-term effect (3-7 days);
  • Adaptation to the composition and deterioration of the effect;
  • removal of not all hairs (can not take hard);
  • allergy is possible;
  • with prolonged exposure, the cream causes a burn.

Popular manufacturers:

  • Velvet.
  • Veet.
  • Eveline.
  • Cliven.
  • "Batiste".

Next on the list we have hair removal (depilation) waxing.The procedure is divided into 3 types: cold, warm and hot. It depends on the temperature of the wax. The procedure can be carried out using a special cartridge, which applies the wax to the skin, then glue the paper strip on top and shoot it against the growth with a sharp movement. Another option - the purchase of ready-made ribbons, which need only rub between the palms, glue and sharply pull. Pros:

  • long-term effect (about a month);
  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure at home.


  • a soreness that not all ladies can withstand;
  • inconvenience of holding in an intimate zone;
  • possible irritation in the form of red dots (but it is easily removed with antiseptic).

Manufacturers of wax:

  • Veet (strips and canned wax).
  • Natura.
  • Depiflax (in the bank and cartridges).
  • Velour.
  • White Line (in the bank and cartridges).

And, finally, depilation (or epilation-shugaring)can be carried out with sugar paste. It is prepared independently or already ready to buy in a specialized store. The procedure is similar to hair removal with wax, but these small differences are significant. First, the removal of unwanted vegetation is done by growth. Second - do not need paper strips. It is necessary to take a small ball (the size of a walnut), press it against the skin and smudge against the growth of hair. Then abruptly pull. One ball (like one wax strip) can be used several times. Advantages of slugging:

  • long-lasting effect;
  • the opportunity to save money and prepare the composition yourself (you need only sugar, water and lemon juice).
  • absence of irritation;
  • softening of the skin.


  • soreness (although less than when using wax);
  • inconvenience in the treatment of the intimate area.


  • Aravia.
  • Cannaan.
  • Gloria.
  • Start Epil.
  • White Line.

What is needed for depilation?

Since depilation (or hair removal) with wax or cream can be carried out at home, you need to buy everything you need:

  1. Waxing:voskoplav, cartridge, paper strips, wipes to remove wax, talc or baby powder (to remove moisture from the surface of the skin). You can also buy wax in a jar (bundles will include strips and scapula) or finished strips.
  2. Depilation cream: the product is sold in the store, complete with everything you need.
  3. Shugaring: ready (purchased or home) sugar paste, talc or powder.

Epilation, waxing

The method of epilation and its varieties

Now you know what epilation and depilation are. The difference between them is colossal, although many confuse these concepts.

Today, three methods of epilation are most popular:laser, photo and electro-epilation. In the first case, the destruction of the hair follicle occurs under the action of a laser beam, in the second - a long-pulse broadband source of nonmonochromic light, and in the third an electric current.

Photoepilation helps stop hair growthdue to the action of a light wave. The flash damages and destroys the follicle. The impulse at the same time affects melanin, discoloring and making the hairs less visible.

Electroepilation involves the introduction of an electrodein the follicle, which then passes a current that destroys the bulb. The laser beam also penetrates into the follicle and destroys it, burning the hair. Now it is important to mention some nuances:

  1. Each of the procedures requires several sessions.
  2. Electrolysis is a very painstaking, long and painful process that causes many side effects, but remains the most effective and popular.
  3. It will take a lot of money to achieve the desired result. Laser hair removal (depilation, as we have already learned, is cheap) is the most expensive method.
  4. Perhaps the manifestation of adverse reactions.
  5. There are a lot of contraindications. There are even limitations on the type of skin and hair color.

Laser hair removal, depilation

What do you need for hair removal?

In specialized clinics or beauty salonsA technique is used that can not be purchased for domestic use (at least in view of its cost). Contraindicated to carry out electro-, photo- or laser hair removal by a layman and at home, as this is dangerous for health.

Waxing or depilation

Depilation or hair removal - what to choose?

Knowing all the advantages and disadvantages of each of thetechniques, it's easy to choose the best way to get rid of unwanted vegetation. This is affected by the cost of the procedure, since a complete hair removal with a laser foot will cost 4,000 rubles (and this is only for 1 session), and a jar of wax costs 200-600 rubles.

When selecting, you need to focus on the following parameters:

  • Term and quality of procedures.
  • Level of pain.
  • Indications and contraindications.
  • Available zones for this or that technique.
  • Duration of the result.

You can often get confused as to how to call this or thatprocedure for hair removal. Now you know how to do it right. Epilation or depilation is up to you. But take one tip: it is not necessary to study each technique in detail, it is enough to consult a cosmetician who, given many parameters and health status, will advise a procedure that is ideal for a certain person and that meets his requirements.

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