/ / Basic recommendations and advice. When is it better to cut hair in accordance with the Lunar calendar?

Basic recommendations and advice. When is it better to cut hair in accordance with the Lunar calendar?

Everything in our world is interconnected.Especially distinguished is the direct dependence of all living things on the planet from the night luminary, which is sometimes attributed to just mystical abilities. Many people live (or try to live) on the lunar calendar. For different cases of life there are recommendations in it - it's planting plants, and buying, and the device to work, and the beginning of important cases, and cosmetic procedures, and much, much more. Of course, such an important question is not ignored: "When is it better to cut hair?".

It's no secret that, depending on thethe chosen day for the performance of this action, you can radically change the fate, well, or at least try to improve the quality of life. In fact, it is not for nothing that there is a lunar calendar, that if it really turns out, maybe it's worth waiting for a favorable day? In any case, this article is designed specifically for the category of people who are worried about the question "when is it better to cut hair?" And they give it value.

Adhering to the opinion of astrologers about a certainmysterious connection with the other world, according to which our hair is supposedly a connecting link between light and dark forces, we can try to achieve significant improvements in this or that business or, in extreme cases, get a charge of vivacity and a good mood. It is enough to choose the right day for a lunar haircut. It is not necessary to go deep into all the intricacies of these or those statements, so you can even stay without a haircut! However, it is necessary to know the general rules. So, we should refrain from any manipulation of hair in the so-called "satanic" days, and they correspond to the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th lunar days in each month without exception. Adhering to this simple rule, we will rid ourselves of all kinds of trouble.

When to cut hair on the lunar calendar?

To achieve the best cutting quality anda good mood should pay attention to the fact in which sign of the zodiac will be the moon in the day chosen for the implementation of the planned. The most suitable signs are the constellation of the Virgin and the Lion. The hair will be healthy and dense, and the haircut will keep the shape for a long time. On the contrary, the constellations of Cancer and Pisces (watermarks) are not suitable for visiting a hairdresser. There is a common opinion that haircuts do not work these days, hair can not be laid, do not hold the prescribed shape at all. Moreover, maybe even the appearance of such trouble as dandruff. Astrologers do not recommend on such days, not to cut their hair - to wash their hair, to make masks, in general, to refrain altogether from caring for hair. When is it better to get a haircut? The best day is the full moon. A pleasant feeling of lightness after a haircut is due to the fact that on this day it is easiest to relieve negative energy. Many use such cunning, monthly, cutting hair tips, it is believed that from this they grow better. Good for the hair and hair on the growing moon, which can not be said about the waning moon. Generalize when it is better to cut hair and take care of them.

  1. The growing moon has a favorable effect on nutrition and hair cutting. Hair will grow faster, their roots will strengthen, the quality of hair will improve.
  2. The waning moon helps to strengthen the hair roots and slow their growth - an excellent solution for those wishing to visit the hairdresser less often.
  3. It is necessary to refrain from a hairstyle:
  • in the new moon, as the most critical day for the body as a whole;
  • in the 9th lunar day;
  • in the 15th lunar day;
  • in the 23-lunar day;
  • in the 29th lunar day;
  • in the days of eclipses (moon and sun).

Adhering to the Lunar calendar, and having determined for myself, when it is better to cut hair, you can achievedesired in any endeavor, to protect oneself from ills and diseases, to become more attractive to the opposite sex, to develop insight and intuition, to obtain prosperity in material terms, etc., since every lunar day promises something special.

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