/ / Rape as a siderat - the basis for high yield

Rape as a siderat is the basis for high yield

Canola is a widely used crop in agriculture. It is curious that the plant is not found anywhere in the wild, although it has been known to people for a very long time.

Rapeseed as a siderat

In the scientific world, there is an assumption that canolaoriginated from the crossing of winter rape and garden cabbage. Where it happened - it is unknown, disputes among nerds about the alleged place of origin of rape continues.

This plant from the Cabbage family is usedin three main areas: feed, food and technical. Rapeseed has a developed root system and has the ability to improve the quality and structure of the soil, to increase its fertility. Therefore, in the fields and in private households, rapeseed is often used as a siderat.

Sideral properties of rapeseed

Высоко ценится способность рапса быстрыми темпами build up a huge amount of green mass in cold spring and autumn periods. Rapeseed biomass, easily decomposing, becomes a valuable easily digestible fertilizer, enriching the soil with phosphorus, sulfur, organic matter, humus. It is inferior to leguminous siderats only in nitrogen content.

Rape, as siderat, in its nutritionalabilities can compete even with manure. Due to the high content of essential oils, it heals the soil and protects various crops from pests and pathogens. In addition, rape - as siderat - successfully inhibits the growth of weeds, so it is often planted between the rows of perennial fruit and berry crops, in particular strawberries. Solid crops contribute to the binding of nitrates and reduce their leaching into groundwater.

There are spring and winter forms of plants, which sometimes can move from one to another. Winter rape is more productive than spring rape, therefore it is more profitable to cultivate it.

Winter rapeseed

How green mans siderat ispredecessor for vegetable transplants, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, and others, with the exception of cabbage and other cruciferous, as well as clover. Note that rapeseed can not be sown after these plants.

Winter rape as a siderat
This is due to the fact that they have common diseases andsubject to the same pest attacks. In addition, rape as a siderat can not be used in areas where beet is planted, since it is a distributor of nematodes that affect this root crop. But the potato and grain crops, it gives a tangible increase in yield.

Growing winter rape is recommended inareas where medium and heavy soils contain sufficient humus for this crop. The most suitable are black soil or fertilized sandy and loamy soils with a neutral reaction.

Sowing of winter rapeseed is produced near the end.August after the harvest of the main crops, but not later, otherwise part of the seedlings may freeze. Before winter, the plant should reach 25 cm in height and have at least 6-8 leaves. Shoots appear after 4-5 days. Rape is cold-proof enough, light-requiring and poorly tolerant to darkening, loves moisture, but is afraid of overmoistening.

Spring rapeseed

To the technology of growing winter rapeThere are quite a few requirements that must be fulfilled in order to fully realize the potential of crop productivity. In this sense, spring rape is less demanding.

Spring canola siderarat
Siderat sown starting from the end of March.However, the sowing period in the spring should be chosen so that the shoots do not freeze during the cold snap. If there is a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil, rape can be sown several times during the summer, this contributes to the rational use of green mass and lengthening the length of the green conveyor.

Within a month and a half, rapeseed grows to 30see and bloom, after which it is mown, and the land is cultivated. After which the seeding is repeated. Using rape as a siderat, it is necessary to observe crop rotation - alternate seeding with other green manure plants. It can be returned to its former place not earlier than in 4 years.

The area under rapeseed increases from year to year. This is due to the high profitability and economic profitability of the culture.

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