/ / For hair "Liquid silk" from the company "Glies Chur"

For hair "Liquid silk" from the company "Glies Chur"

All women follow the health and beauty of theirhead of hear. To get the desired effect, you need to choose the right ingredients to care for the curls. In this article we will talk about the series for hair "Liquid silk" from the company "Glies Chur".

for hair liquid silk

The components of the series "Liquid silk"

First of all it is necessary to say that the composition of caring components includes several names. The company "Glies Chur" offers its buyer the following products:

  • Shampoo for washing ringlets "Liquid silk".
  • Balsam "Liquid silk".
  • Spray-balm, applied to clean curls.
  • Mask with courtship components of silk.
  • Oil "Liquid silk" for hair.

To get the most benefit from using these compounds, you need to combine them correctly. Consider each product separately and find out how to use them.

Shampoo for hair "Liquid silk"

Use this liquid to care for the curlscan all the representatives of the weaker sex. Shampoo does not overdry the scalp and does not feed excessively the hairline. Thanks to the ingredients in it, similar to real silk, the product gently cleanses the hair and envelops every thread with an invisible shroud. Thanks to this, your curls look smooth and shiny.

In addition, shampoo for hair "Liquid silk"has a very pleasant aroma, which is stored on the hair for several days. Use it by following the instructions. Apply a little shampoo to damp hair and massage the product into the roots. After that, rinse the curls thoroughly with clean water.

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Balsam from the company "Glis Kur"

Hair conditioner "Liquid silk" is necessaryuse after each washing of the head. Apply a small amount of the product to the wet clean ends of the curls and leave it for a few minutes. After that, rinse well with warm, clean water.

The balm gives softness and shine.It also removes static tension and prevents the hair from becoming electrified. In addition, the tool facilitates combing and fills the split ends, making them healthy and beautiful.

Spray for hair "Glis Chur" - "Liquid silk"

Reviews of this tool is only positive. Apply it on wet or dry clean strands. Thanks to the convenient packaging, you can always take a spray with you to work or travel.

The liquid perfectly moisturizes the hair structure andmakes them shiny and obedient. When applied to wet hair, the spray makes it easy to comb and gives softness to the curls. It also has a light, pleasant smell that will refresh your styling and give it a wonderful aroma.

Spray should be applied at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from the strands. Do a few taps and spray the liquid. After that, shake your fingers with your fingers.

oil liquid silk for hair

Glis Kur hair oil

This caring ingredient fights well withsplit ends. Apply it to wet curls. Remember that you can not use oil for the roots, otherwise your styling will look untidy. When applied to strands, hair becomes shiny and soft.

Thanks to the small packaging, you can always take it with you.

Mask, caring for curls

Use this care ingredient.It is necessary once a week after washing the hair. At its application it is possible to refuse use of balm. The mask perfectly nourishes dry curls and makes them soft and shiny.

Apply the product is necessary after use.shampoo Leave the mask for five minutes, after which you can rinse the shoal with clean water and begin laying using the additional ingredients from Glis Chur.

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