For a long time, glycerol has been used as aone of the most effective means for moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the hands. Creams containing this substance save women from drying out the skin, allowing you to keep the handles gentle and velvety. However, very few people know that glycerin is also used for hair.
This substance has unique propertiesThe attraction of moisture, which gives the effect of natural hydration. Moreover, glycerin for hair simultaneously moisturizes dry hair and protects the skin from external factors, including high temperatures with regular drying with a hairdryer or a curd.
When using glycerol, do not worry aboutsuch a problem as clogging pores, since this substance helps exfoliate dead cells. Some experts believe that glycerin refers to drugs that have a curative effect. They argue that with the addition of this component in cosmetic products for hair can prevent or get rid of skin diseases. However, until now no convincing evidence has been provided for the therapeutic effect on the scalp of a substance such as glycerin. Its chemical properties are rather ambiguous, because, depending on the form of application, it can protect the skin or, conversely, aggravate the situation.
So, moistening hair can be done by differentmethods. For example, to resort to the help of special salon procedures. Typically, the cost of such services is greatly overstated, which means that many women simply can not afford such expensive care. Therefore, we will consider in detail the ways of restoring the structure of the hair at home. If we talk about simple methods that do not require additional time and effort, then glycerin can be added to the shampoo. It is easy to purchase at any pharmacy or store in your city.
In order to get a good result fora short time. will have several times a week to arrange their hair SPA procedures. The most useful and qualitative are masks and wraps, made with own hand from natural products.
So, the dry type of hair will help mask on the basis ofegg yolk with the addition of a teaspoon of glycerin, vinegar (necessarily apple) and two tablespoons of base oil (for example, castor or burdock). Ingredients should be mixed thoroughly and apply mass over the entire length of the hair. You can wash your head in half an hour. This mask perfectly nourishes the hair, and also protects colored and damaged hair from brittleness and drying.
In addition, glycerin for hair is used whenthe presence of such a problem as excessive fat content. In this case, you should make a mask consisting of a teaspoon of glycerin and vodka, one egg yolk. The resulting mixture must first massage the scalp, and then distribute the entire length. You can wash off after twenty minutes, do this procedure is not more than three times a week. To achieve a positive result, it is enough to complete a course of up to 10 procedures.
Thus, glycerin for hair can be safely used for their recovery, and you absolutely do not have to spend money on the expensive services of beauty salons specialists.