/ / Chromoenergetic complex Estel: how to use, features, efficiency and feedback

Estel's Chromoenergetic Complex: how to use, features, efficiency and feedback

"Estelle" - a brand of cosmetics, underwhich presents products for hair care and restoration, as well as for decorative staining. Consider the innovative chromium-energy complex Estel, how to use it at home.

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Overview of innovative means

Estel Professional - ХЭК (хромоэнергетический complex), created for hair restoration. It gives them health, smoothness and shine, so it is often confused with the means for laminating hair, but it is based on a completely different principle. The product combines hair care components that strengthen the structure, give radiance, elasticity, promote the gluing of the sites visited. The product is saturated with polyvitamins in combination with an extract of fruits of chestnut and chitosan.

The drug is sold online and is staffedin 10 ampoules of 5 ml each. The inscription on the package reads: "For professional use". Ampoules are made of plastic and packed in a box. Please note: they do not contain any inscriptions and stickers, but between them they must be sealed with a factory strip of the same material. All basic information on the use of the drug is indicated on the package. The liquid inside the ampoules is colorless, has a turbid structure and easily escapes from the container.

Application area

Initially, the tool was developed forprofessional salons, but later it was also used for independent use. Estel Professional - HEC (chromoenergetic complex) for rapid resuscitation of severely damaged hair structure. It is used together with other drugs: paint, balm, mask. The product is also effective and simple when applied to curls.

В салонах красоты применяется в комплексе с paint. To achieve the effect of glazing hair, that is, strengthening inside and outside, apply from one to several ampoules with the active substance, depending on the condition of the curls and their length. To do this, the content is added directly to the paint and applied to the hair. Active components reduce the risk of section curls, while improving their structure. The exposure time depends only on the application of the paint. The most effective for this process is the chromo-energetic complex Estel Professional Luxury.

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Whom suits the procedure

The procedure suits the owners of weak and proneto hair loss. The main task of the complex is to restore the curls from the inside and protect their outer layer. This is a powerful tool for resuscitation of hair after chemical procedures: curling, straightening, staining of any type (full or fine). The drug heavier curls, reduces their chemical and mechanical damage in the future. Suitable for people who permanently electrified hair, eliminates this problem in the bud. Another feature - giving the hair a smooth and elasticity. The hair is leveled, resists natural waving under high humidity and high air temperature.

Если ваша прическа регулярно подвергается heat treatment, whether it is a curling iron, hair dryer or something like that - you are approached by Estel's chromo-energetic complex. Reviews of the drug regularly leave as professional masters, and people who tried it at home.

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Effect of the use of the drug

The preparation improves a condition of hair as atapplication in pure form, and in a mixture with balm or paint. The effect depends on the choice of one of these tools. In both cases the curls will become visually healthy, and in structure - strong. This procedure is confused with lamination, but, in contrast to it, the hair is not only covered with a protective layer from the outside, but also strengthened inside with the help of a complex of multivitamins. There is a simultaneous feeding and moistening of the curls. Restoration is due to the saturation of the hair from the inside with moisture, and the ceramides that make up the product penetrate deep into the structure, reanimating the damaged areas. Feature: the effect is more pronounced on weak and fragile ringlets.

Поврежденные волосы склонны к преждевременному loss due to dryness, fragility and the tips of the tips. All these problems are eliminated by the Ester chromoenergetic complex. How to use it correctly at home, so that the effect is manifested at 100%, read below.

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Hair staining with the addition of the drug

If you use the contents of ampoules asan additional ingredient in the coloring, you can change the color of the curls, while maintaining and returning to them health. This is a safe variant of hair shading, which is used by professional hairdressers.

The results of the procedure will be visible immediately, and the tonewill last about a month. The color change is possible in a small range from your natural shade, with the hair completely restored, will become elastic and obedient.

If you simply add the complex to the color mixture,then this will protect the process of color change, preserve the health and "life" of the curls. This is a mandatory measure with strong lightening of hair or staining of strands, previously repeatedly susceptible to chemical procedures. Therefore, the complex is recommended for non-natural blondes.

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Terms of Use

The drug is most often used in combination withother cosmetic products for hair: balm or paint. But you can use the product in its pure form, it's enough just to apply the contents of the ampoules to the curls.

For simple hair restoration you will need:

  • Chromoenergeticheskiy complex Estel (how to use for your length, look at the package).
  • Hair balm, preferably the same manufacturer, but you can choose any.

For safe staining:

  • HEK Estel Professional (chromo-energetic complex), the instruction will tell you the necessary number of ampoules.
  • Any hair dye, preferably the same manufacturer, or a special color corrector for glazing.
  • Shampoo for deep cleansing.

In both cases, for medium length hairYou will need to pour in 50 ml of solution, ie, all 10 ampoules from the package. For short hair, you need to divide the proportions in half. In the case of hair dye, enough to withstand the time specified in the instructions. If you add the restoring remedy to the balm, stick to the average time, but do not exceed the 30-minute mark.

reviews about chrome-energetic complex estel

How often and where to conduct the procedure

The effect is fixed on the hair for up to one month,after which it is worth a second session. The drug has a cumulative effect, that is, a set of 2-3 procedures will maximize the restoration of curls. At the same time it is possible to use the Ester chromoenergetic complex with a balm or mask, and add it to the paint, adjusting to the regular color correction of the hairstyle.

The product is specially designed for salonprocedures, only a professional master will be able to determine the degree of damage to your hair and the optimum number of ampoules for their length. At home use it is necessary to change with care the dosage. Recommended interval between sessions - every 30 days. Also, it is worthwhile to limit the intake of additional vitaminized preparations at this time to prevent the overabundance of certain substances in the body.

Reviews about the complex

Reviews about the chrome energy complex Estelare reduced to one: the more damaged the hair, the stronger the effect will be after the first application. The drug is suitable for all types of hair, it can be combined with any means of care, it is noted by all women. So, equal effectiveness shows its application in combination with balm and direct application to curls. When used in conjunction with hair dye, the drug acts as a powerful tool for protecting curls, while simultaneously saturating them with useful vitamins.

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How to apply most effectively?

A unique tool to restore stainedand damaged hair - Estel chromo-energy complex. How to use it at home, read on the package. The optimal solution is to order the procedure in the salon, where you will correctly select the dosage of the drug. After all, professionals understand these things much better. This unique tool is specifically designed for quick hair restoration, it nourishes it from the inside and creates protection from the outside. The main thing is to use the complex no more than once a month.

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