/ / How to make your heels soft at home: advice to girls

How to make the heels soft at home: advice to girls

You need to take care not only for the skin of the hands and face, butand behind the heels. Our feet also require special attention, because they are all the load for any movement. The feet are constantly in the shoes and keep our weight. Not surprisingly, the skin often becomes rough and cracked. So that you do not overtake these problems, start caring for your feet right now, and we'll tell you how to make your heels soft at home. Of course, you can address this problem to specialized beauty salons, but you will have to spend a lot of money for such a pleasure, and not every girl can afford it.

how to make your heels soft at home
How to make soft heels without resorting to helpspecialists? It is enough to follow simple recommendations, and the effect will be much longer. With what to begin? Of course, with the removal of coarse skin! For these purposes, you need to prepare the infusion (St. John's wort, nettle, mother-and-stepmother) and steam out the legs in it for ten minutes. Next, you can begin to trim the coarsened areas. Use a safety razor, but you must be extremely careful! In no case can not affect the living tissue. When this stage is completed, you can start processing with grinding brushes or pumice stones. In the end, it is necessary to lubricate the heels with a moisturizing cream for feet.

how to make the skin of the heels soft
Foot care includes baths, masksand even compresses. Traditional medicine will tell you how to make your heels soft. At home, you can do this with the help of various herbs that can be bought at the pharmacy. The main thing to remember is that all procedures need to be carried out 4 times a month - this is the minimum.

How to make the skin of the heels as soft as a baby's, using herbal baths?

Herbs have not only antibacterialproperties, but also healing and softening. Keep your feet twenty to thirty minutes a week in the bath, and the effect will appear. After this procedure, you need to wipe your feet very carefully and apply cream or olive oil.

The recipe for the bath:

  • chamomile, St. John's wort, sage - 1 tea, water - 1000 ml;
  • pour the herbs with boiling water, cool to forty degrees and put your feet in the broth for half an hour.

The use of scrubs will help remove or soften the coarsened skin areas. But they also need to be applied according to the rules. Apply a scrub to the pumice stone and sand the heels. Repeat should be once a week.

How to make the heels soft at home using masks? Sour cream, honey, cottage cheese - 2 tbsp.

how to make soft heels
All the ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin onhalf an hour. Then rinse and apply cream (nutritious). You can also use scalded onions. Cut the bulb in half and secure with food film. In the morning, brush your heels with pumice stone and rub the cream. The result will appear after several (two to three) procedures.

Now you know how to make the heels soft at home, but we will give you some more tips to fix the result:

1) Shoes should not be tight and too closed.

2) Keep your feet clean and dry.

3) Conduct moisturizing procedures even if the problem with rough skin is no longer present.

4) At home wear soft slippers.

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