/ / What if the heels crack? Basic principles of treatment

What if the heels crack? Basic principles of treatment

Dry skin and cracks on the heels - unpleasant, buta common problem that women and men alike often face. In some cases, this condition is caused by improper skin care, but sometimes it is a signal about the failure of some organ systems. In any case, many are interested in information about what to do if the heels crack. After all, these skin injuries bring a lot of discomfort and even pain to a person's life.

Why do the heels dry and crack?

flaky and cracked heels

It is generally believed that chapped dry skinis the result of inadequate care. Of course, heels need cleansing and softening no less than any other part of the body. But, unfortunately, sometimes the reasons for the appearance of cracks lie in another:

  • For example, wearing uncomfortable shoes affectsfirst of all on the condition of the skin. After all, if a person spends his days on his feet, and even in narrow shoes, normal blood circulation is disrupted. Skin tissues do not receive a sufficient amount of substances necessary for normal functioning and recovery, which leads to cracking. The reason can be regular use of tights or socks made of synthetic materials.
  • If the heels are highly flaky and cracked, thenIt is worth considering about the likelihood of a fungal or bacterial disease. Quite often, such diseases are accompanied by inflammation, itching and burning.
  • The cause may be malnutrition and a lack of vitamins in the body.
  • In some cases, the presence of cracks indicates problems with the metabolism or the violation of the hormonal background. By the way, people with diabetes have a common problem with this problem.
    why the heels dry and crack

And before we consider the question of whatif the heels crack, another important fact should be taken into account: an excess of caring procedures can lead to the same unfortunate consequences. For example, if the skin is peeled too often on the feet, the tissues gradually become thinner, and are therefore more prone to various injuries and injuries.

What if the heels crack?

Of course, with the help of proper care, you canrectify the situation. First of all, it is worth to choose shoes more carefully, since it should not only be comfortable, but made of natural materials (the same applies to socks). Very important is proper nutrition - make sure that, along with food, the body gets enough vitamins, minerals and nutrients. And, of course, in no case should not neglect the rules of hygiene.

Cracked skin on the heels requires specialcare. For example, you need to regularly make warm foot baths by adding a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or sage into the water - this will help soften the upper hard layers of the epidermis and eliminate inflammation. After the procedure, it is recommended to gently rub the skin with pumice stone to remove dead tissue. During treatment for cleansing it is desirable to use ordinary household soap.

what to do if the heels crack

Every evening, the skin needs to be treated with fatcream or petroleum jelly - this will help make it more elastic and prevent the appearance of new cracks. Contrasting baths are also considered useful, as they stimulate subcutaneous circulation.

If you are sure that your problem is notis associated with a lack of care, it is worth to see a doctor. The expert will determine the cause and tell you what to do if the heels crack. For example, when fungal infections require the use of special medicinal ointments.

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