/ / Fashionable haircuts for a round face for long hair. We study the nuances

Trendy haircuts for round face for long hair. We study the nuances

The ideal form of the female face is consideredcorrect oval. However, not every woman can boast such a good option. As a rule, we all have different kinds of "flaws". Therefore, the hairstyle should be chosen strictly individually, to take into account all the subtleties and features of the face shape. AT

haircuts for round face for long hair
In this case, all the disadvantages can be easilycorrect with a current haircut. On the round face for long hair there is a mass of a wide variety of hairstyles. However, there are a few key points that should be followed anyway.

Adjust the face

Let's separate out the main drawback.such a form. Such a person is clearly not enough elongation. To eliminate this defect, use vertical lines in the haircut. Curls must cover the cheekbones and cheeks. In this case, the shape of the face will be slightly adjusted.

A good option is considered to be the top.This is a great haircut for a full round face. It is necessary to cover the sides even more. Therefore, in this case, curls are strictly contraindicated, combed back.

Asymmetry is what you need.Oblique partitions and bangs perfectly adjust the shape of the face in the right direction. In addition, these models are very popular at the moment. Such haircuts for round face with long hair are youth and very stylish options. With their help, you will be able to dilute even the most strict image with easy playfulness and coquetry.

Learning to make the right curls

If you really want to create a hairstyle with wavy curls, then do it with

Haircut long hair round face
caution.Too cool curls are completely unsuitable for a round face. They only emphasize the shortcomings and the slightest flaws. This type of haircut on a round face for long hair should be carefully thought out. Let the waves begin not from the roots, but approximately at the level of the chin or slightly lower. In this case, the shape of the face will be correctly adjusted.

You do not have to givepreference only the simplest models of hairstyles. The line of the cheekbones will be perfectly emphasized by a multi-layered and complex haircut. Long hair round face visually a little narrow. The original form of hairstyle will allow to focus solely on the merits.

Options that are not suitable for a round face

In no case do not add hairextra pomp. Whatever attractive and popular such models, for the face of a round shape, they definitely do not fit. But what do women who have hair from

Haircut for a full round face
nature is very lush? In this case, use special cosmetics and appliances. All haircuts on a round face for long hair should certainly be as smooth as possible.

Discard any horizontal lines. They will visually expand the face. Also direct classical partings are completely inappropriate. Make your choice in favor of the asymmetry already voiced above.

If your chosen haircut providesthe presence of bangs, it must be laid in a special way. In a hairstyle designed for a round face, there should be no pomp anywhere. And bangs it concerns first of all. Make it smooth. Be sure to pay attention to this small, but extremely important nuance when considering all kinds of haircuts on a round face for long hair.

Curl your hair from the middle or just the tips. Discard the small and large curls near the face. And prefer monochrome coloring more interesting option.

A successful haircut for a woman with a round face isthe ability to correct weaknesses and draw attention to the merits. Approach the choice with special responsibility, consult with stylists and professional hairdressers. They will certainly help you find the perfect hairstyle model.

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