/ How to apply liquid concealer correctly?

How to apply a liquid concealer correctly?

Не все женщины могут похвастаться идеальной кожей face. If young girls often have acne, acne and other eruptions associated with hormonal changes in the body, then women after thirty complain of the appearance of the first signs of aging. Hide inflammation, wrinkles and age spots allows a special cosmetic product - concealer. In this article, the rules for the use of a liquid concealer are disclosed and the features of its choice are described.

What is liquid concealer?

All concealers are divided into liquid, creamy andconcealer-pencils. The most popular among make-up artists are liquid concealers. Masking agents of this type are designed for toning problem areas on the face. Liquid concealer for the face in the best way masks bruises under the eyes and any redness. It is easily applied and evenly distributed over the treated area.

The concealer will hide the small onesflaws and align the tone. Modern make-up can not do without this remedy. It perfectly sculpts the face, even if the woman before that was nervous, did not sleep well, or sat on a tight diet.

Due to the unique consistency of liquid concealerdensely and evenly falls on the face. With a variety of lighting, the skin looks perfectly even. Therefore, the tool is always used by stars and photomodels for photo sessions and video shoots.

Conslora can be applied after the treatment of the skin with basic cosmetics for make-up.

liquid concealer

Advantages of using liquid concealer

  1. Instantly hides bruises under the eyes and any kind of redness on the face.
  2. Easy and quick application.
  3. The product is almost invisible to the skin.
  4. Concealers of famous brands have a curative and caring effect, thanks to which the skin receives care and nutrition.
  5. В состав жидкого консилера могут входить reflective particles, from which the face acquires a beautiful shine and radiance. In addition, the cosmetic product well hides fine wrinkles and brightens the skin.
  6. Disinfectant effect. The concealer may contain zinc or other disinfectants.
  7. Skin nutrition. Almost all modern concealer contain vitamins and antioxidants, improving the condition and tone of the skin.

liquid concealer

Which is better: liquid concealer or dry?

Многие женщины при выборе консилера не могут Determine what type of this tool suits them. The fact is that each of the existing forms concealer has its own characteristics and purpose. Thus, the liquid concealer has the rarest texture and is usually applied on the skin around the eyes, near the lips and on the wings of the nose. To conceal pronounced bruises, acne, acne and unevenness, a concealer with a dry texture in the form of a pencil is usually used.

Dry means are produced on the basis of mineralpowder, so they are often called mineral. Due to the high hardness, the concealer-pencil fills any irregularities well and hides even very noticeable acne. Often the composition of such products includes medicinal components that favorably affect the skin.

Какой консилер лучше – жидкий или сухой?An unequivocal answer to this question can not even be given by the best make-up artists. Each of the described means has its own purpose and is suitable for solving certain problems. Almost all women can use liquid concealer. The use of a pencil takes place only to mask highly pronounced skin irritations.

liquid concealers

How to apply concealer correctly?

How to use liquid concealer, all women should know. The correctness of the use of the product depends on the quality of the makeup.

The main rule of applying a liquid concealer is to observe the measure. To tint the necessary zone, a small amount of money is enough.

You can apply the liquid concealer usingspecial sponge or just fingertips. The last option is the most convenient. The tool is applied in small dots and gently shaded with light movements.

To make it better concealer, you can use a moisturizer. If one layer of concealer is not enough, the tool can be re-applied.

After that, you should wait until the applied concealer dries and how it should be fixed on the skin. Then you can start applying foundation.

In some cases, a liquid concealer is used.after skin treatment with tonal basis. Basically, this technique is used to hide bulk defects: acne, blackheads, small scars. It is important that both products have the same tone.

In any case, the result should be fixed with powder. It will fix the tone and will not allow it to quickly erase.

best liquid concealer

Helpful Tips

  1. The most even lines of the concealer are obtained by using a brush.
  2. If concealer is poorly shaded and its borders are noticeable, you can walk on them with a tonal means.
  3. Face sculpturing with concealer takes place when creating evening makeup. For normal daytime make-up, it is better to limit to contour powder.
  4. Before applying the liquid concealer, the skin can be processed with a nourishing cream. This technique is suitable when using concealers that are poorly shaded.

how to use liquid concealer

How to choose concealer

When choosing concealer, first of allTake into account your skin type and existing problems. For women with oily skin, a liquid concealer with a matte finish is suitable. If the tool is chosen specifically for toning bruises under the eyes or severe pigmentation, the best option would be concealer with a medium coating. It can also be used to hide small marks from acne.

When choosing a concealer for eyes, it is important to applya small amount of the product on the eyelid or upper cheek. It is considered ideal if the concealer shade is one or two tones lighter than the natural color of the skin. When selecting concealer for other areas of the face should be guided by the shade of tonalnole cream. These two products should be the same color. Concealers of neutral beige tones are considered universal.

If an agent is selected for face correction, it should have a brighter color. For this purpose it is better to use peach, pink and ginger concealers.

how to apply liquid concealer

Top Liquid Concealer Ratings

  1. Armani High Precision Retouch - consideredthe highest quality concealer with a liquid texture. It perfectly tones irregularities and makes the skin perfectly smooth. Means keeps all the day and at all does not roll down. According to buyers, the Armani highlighter is the best liquid concealer.
  2. Clinique Air Brush Concealer - highlighter with a high content of reflective particles. Concealer does not roll in the corners and has a light texture.
  3. YSL Touche Eclat Radiant Touch. Concealer is available in a large range of colors, which simplifies the selection of a suitable tone. Means well masks only minor irregularities.
  4. Concealer from the brand MAC - has a high density and even hides even serious flaws.

which concealer is better liquid or dry


Many women use liquid makeup.concealers. Reviews of this cosmetic product are extremely positive. According to women, concealer is a wonderful tool that allows you to instantly refresh and rejuvenate your face.

According to the reviews, the majority of customers chose concealer to mask dark circles under their eyes. Liquid highlighters best solve this problem.

As for cosmetic brands, women's opinionswere divided. Some customers have opted for expensive products from well-known manufacturers. Such cosmetics has excellent quality and provides lasting results. Such products include Dior, Estee Lauder, Lancome, Armani products.

Немало женщин постоянно пользуются более дешевой products and put her high marks. Good reviews were concealers from Avon, Oriflame, Bremani. Means of these brands are of good quality and affordable. Many of them are not inferior to expensive counterparts in basic parameters.

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