Rabbit breeding is not only an interesting occupation, butand in most cases profitable. Farm profitability will depend on several important factors. Of course, first of all you need to choose the right breed of rabbits. You will also have to spend money on the purchase of convenient cages for animals, feed and vitamins. Of course, you will need to familiarize yourself with the rules for raising the animals themselves.
Rabbit breeding for beginners may seemthe occupation is extremely simple. However, this is not quite true. Yes, these animals breed very quickly. Rapid increase in livestock is incorporated in these animals genetically. Nature has provided such a mechanism due to the large number of their natural enemies. However, this is not the only reason for high fertility. The fact is that males do not boast of their good health, unfortunately. They get sick much more often than other pets. And catching the infection, in most cases die. Simply put, multiplying rapidly, these animals die as quickly. Therefore, it is very important to provide them with good conditions. You should not spare money for a device of a practically sterile rabbit. Otherwise, at one point, all efforts to create your own farm will be reduced to zero. If such difficulties do not frighten you, read the article further.
It is possible to breed these animals in open-air cages or incages. Both of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Animals that are bred in aviaries are less likely to get sick and gain weight faster. The thing is that they have the opportunity to move more. And activity, as is known, is a characteristic feature of animals such as rabbits. Rabbit breeding using cells is a simpler task. In this case, you can more accurately control the amount of food consumed, it is easier to carry out mating, etc. And the cell rabbit farmer takes up much less space than the captive.
In the event that you are going to createrather a large farm that requires significant investment, you will most likely have to make a business plan. Rabbit breeding is usually a profitable business. But when granting a loan, the bank needs at least some guarantees that your company will generate income, and therefore you will return the money. Therefore, the business plan will need to provide its employees without fail. Since its development is a difficult task, it is usually entrusted to specialists. Usually a business plan includes the following items:
Rabbit for beginners is a tricky business, andabove all in terms of choosing the right manufacturers. A very important component of success will, of course, be the purchase of the “right” breed. You need to acquire only those animals that are adapted to the climatic conditions of your region. From meat breeds, farmers in central Russia usually choose Flandres, white or gray giants, Soviet chinchilla, riesen or rex.
For breeding rabbits on an industrial scale in the first place will have to build a large barn. The main requirements that should be met during its construction are as follows:
In the event that you are going to breedrabbits in large quantities, you will most likely need a separate room for slaughter. Some entrepreneurs also enter into contracts with companies that specialize in the slaughter of livestock.
Once you determine the breed, you can proceed to the selection of cells. There are several types of them:
Thus, the choice of successful "dwellings" -An important component of the success of such classes as rabbit in the home. The cages, or rather their area, are chosen, guided primarily by the characteristics of this particular breed. They cost quite expensive. Of course, if you organize an industrial farm, you still have to spend money on them. If you want to arrange only a small business, you can make them yourself. Schemes of such structures with dimensions can be easily found on the pages of information resources of the corresponding orientation.
The success of such an enterprise as fur farming (andrabbit breeding in particular) directly depends on the correct choice of producers. You need to acquire them only from proven breeders. It will be very unpleasant if your pets, for which you paid a lot of money, will die in a month or two just because they haven’t been vaccinated on time. In addition, guaranteed purebred animals can only be purchased from reputable breeders.
The number of manufacturers required depends on the size of the future farm. However, you need to take into account the fact that about 10-15 rabbits should fall on one rabbit.
The success of such an enterprise as industrialrabbit breeding also depends on how correctly males and females will be selected for brood in an already existing herd. Rabbits are subject to rejection:
The male is also unsuitable for reproduction in the event that 30% of the females covered by it turn out to be unfertilized.
Rabbit breeding for beginners is quite complicated in terms of carrying out the shells themselves. In order for this enterprise to succeed, you need to know a lot and be able to.
The timing of puberty in rabbitsdepend on this particular breed. Usually the larger it is, the later the animals begin to multiply. Most often, the first mating is carried out at the age of 5-8 months. It is necessary to sit down the rabbit to the male when she is in the stage of active sexual hunting. This period lasts about five days with intervals of 10-15 days. However, these figures are also not accurate. It all depends on this particular breed, as well as the age of the animal. To determine the willingness of the rabbit to mate can be primarily on her restless behavior. You should also examine the genitals of the animal. If they are swollen and reddened, it means that the female can be moved to the male (not vice versa). Before mating out of the cage, you need to remove the water bottle and the feeder.
Sometimes it happens that a male rabbit byfor whatever reasons do not like. In this case, she will not let him to her. If this happens, the manufacturer should simply be changed. After 3-7 days after pairing, they carry out the test cap. The rabbit is once again hooked to the male and watching her behavior. If she actively resists advances, growls and snaps, then everything is in order. Soon you can wait for the replenishment of livestock.
Rabbit breeding as a business will be successful only inin case of gestation and feeding of a sufficiently large number of calves by females. Animals waiting for kids, first of all, you need to ensure complete rest. You can not keep pregnant rabbits together. During this period they become very aggressive towards each other. During a fight, a stronger female can even kill a weak one. The cages with the bunnies are placed in a place where no sudden noise can scare them. Sudden horse racing can lead to miscarriage.
Among other things, the correct mode is important.power supply. Concentrated feed to females give dosed, hay - plenty. Neither exhaustion nor obesity of animals should be allowed. Of course, the cells must be dry and clean.
Female rabbits bear babies about 28-32days A week before the cell, the cell is disinfected and the mother liquor is placed in it with dry hay or straw. Female will make a nest of down itself. Moms these animals are very caring. As soon as you notice fluff in the cage, it means that okol will happen soon (usually the next night). During childbirth it is important to provide the rabbit with easy access to water. Otherwise, litter can be eaten. Water needs to be put more than usual. The number of baby rabbits in the litter depends on the breed of animals. The female can bring from 4 to 16 rabbits. At the first around, they are usually not too much.
Sometimes it happens that the female nibbles on newborn babies. There may be several reasons for this:
Get out of the nest and eat with the motherusually start in about 18 days. If this happens earlier, then the rabbit lacks milk. Mother liquors are removed from the cells for about the twentieth day. At the same time, it is necessary to disinfect the cell. The good quality of the feed during this period should be monitored as closely as possible. The digestive system of the little rabbits is not yet functioning well, and when they get spoiled products, they can simply die from diarrhea.
Young animals are taught to new types of food, gradually increasing the number of unfamiliar product (within two weeks). Otherwise, it may also end in diarrhea.
The diet of these animals is developed independing on the breed and age. In any case, rabbits should receive both concentrated (compound feed, cake, barley, oats) feed, and rough (hay, branches). Also, these animals are fed carrots, boiled potatoes, apples, etc. Beets should be given carefully. It is generally contraindicated for babies, as the intestines are very weak. In addition, the beginning rabbit breeder will need to get acquainted with the list of herbs that can not be given to animals. In addition to the clearly poisonous ones, it includes, for example, euphorbia, celandine and solanaceous. So feed the animals with potato tops or tomato leaves is impossible. Of course, in the cells should always be fresh clean water.
Main equipment for rabbit breeding (besides cages):
In addition to drawing up the correct diet, you needwill develop a cell disinfection schedule. Clean, as you know - the guarantee of health. And for weak rabbits in terms of resistance, it is doubly important.
As you can see, rabbit breeding for beginners is a rather complicated matter. However, if you follow the recommendations of specialists, you will definitely succeed.