Many mistakenly believe that the best care isone that can offer in the cabin. To all popular recipes and miracle cures, such people are skeptical. However, it is impossible always and everywhere to rely only on the help of a professional. Life is unpredictable. Every day, any woman can face brittle nails, skin strained on her hands, split ends. If you postpone their decision to go to the salon, it is still unknown how much will have to go so. If, however, in each case, go to the procedure, you may have to just settle there. But the way out of the situation can be found closer to home, or rather, without even leaving it. Whatever anyone thinks, home care is possible. It is only necessary to correctly select the operating components.
All of these tools are used in variouscosmetic procedures, excellent soften, but due to the huge amount of useful properties, and even strengthened. Therefore, some women manage with their help not only to keep themselves at the proper level, but also to cure the existing problems. For example, strengthening nails with castor oil would be an excellent alternative to using hand cream. In addition, its regular use contributes to the rapid growth of nail plates, preventing delamination and can even get rid of fungal infections, if any.
However, this product can bring harm.Especially if instead of using high-quality oil, something dubious is used, it is not bought from a pharmacy. The second danger lies in not overstating castor oil. 10-15 or 20 minutes will be more than enough.
We can not say what benefits brings castor oil for nails and cuticles.
There is no problem that would not helphandle castor oil for nails. The method of application is quite simple. It is best to perform the procedure in the evening, when there is enough time to massage your hands. Before applying the castor oil, you can heat it up a little in a water bath, so it will have a greater effect. Heating should not be too strong. It is enough to bring the tool to 40 degrees Celsius. This is the optimum temperature. Using castor oil for nails, you just need to apply it on the skin of the hands. Massage is carried out for 10 minutes.
Касторку можно использовать как отдельно, так и mix it with other ingredients. Prepare the mixture is very simple. For example, you will need 7 drops of castor oil, 3 - soybean oil, and another drop of bergamot. All this is rubbed into the nail and cuticle, and not as in the previous version, when the oil was applied to the whole hand. You can go the other way by mixing castor, olive and sunflower oils. Only 100 milliliters of each ingredient will suffice. Then another 5 drops of iodine are added to the three ingredients. Then everything is heated in a water bath. And when the desired temperature of 40 degrees is reached, you can put your fingers in the mixture and hold for about 15 minutes. After such a bath, your skin will become incredibly tender, your nails will get the substances they need, and the cuticle will soften perfectly.
If there is no time for the procedures, butusing castor oil for nails seems like a great idea, you can add a couple of drops of it to your hand cream. Although such a "lazy" care can not be called complete, but even such a simple step will help to achieve good results.
But! All this will only work if a good castorca is originally taken.
Besides the fact that the oil should not beexpired, it is important to choose a cold-pressed tool. And it is also better to store it in a dark and cool place. Observing all these points, it is easy to understand that there is nothing more useful and better than simple castor oil for nails. Reviews - the best confirmation of this. Women who have taken treatments with castor oil in their arsenal of daily care, note that the skin has become softer, the problem with overgrown cuticle has faded into the background. We also noticed that there is not a trace of grooves and cracks on the nails, as well as numerous bundles. Instead, there is a healthy nail plate, which grows quickly and is resistant to all adverse environmental factors.
So it makes no sense to assume that only trips to the salon can save your nails from damage. Castor oil for nails is an excellent budget tool that can cope with any task.