/ How to check bonuses on the "Sportmaster" card. How to find out how many bonuses are on the card

How to check bonuses on the "Sportmaster" card. How to find out how many bonuses are on the card

Sports, of course, require certaincash investments. If it is a question of running in the morning, working out on horizontal bars, parallel bars, pushing up from the ground, not to mention visiting the gym, you will have to buy sports uniforms and shoes.

Considering that the cost of both is todaycan hardly be called affordable, sports retail chains offer their customers additional favorable conditions that allow them to save a little money on future purchases. Not an exception and "Sportmaster".

In this article, we will tell you about what these stores are, as well as what the club program of this network is, how to check bonuses on the Sportmaster card.

Accessible sport for everyone

Shopping centers under the same sign ismany shops that operate not only in Russia, but also in the territory of neighboring states. To date, you can count hundreds of points in the Sportmaster network that implement sports equipment.

how to check the bonuses on the card

This store, firstly, attracts peoplecreating their interest in sports equipment; and secondly, the network popularizes sport. Even the accumulative club cards in Sportmaster, bonuses from which allow paying for a third of the next purchase, play a significant role. We will talk about them in this article.

Network discount program

Generally, the program of discounts in "Sportmaster"quite interesting. The store offers its customers discounts that are credited as bonuses for each purchase. Thus, the user has the opportunity to pay with their help for the purchased goods. The only limitation is 30% of the total value of the item - just as much can be redeemed at the expense of these bonuses (which, in general, are equivalent to the ruble of the value of the goods).

At the expense of such a program, as indicated on thethe site "Sportmaster", the company has helped customers save about 67 billion rubles. Agree, the figure looks just awesome! How the Sportmaster club card is arranged, to check the bonuses how you can and what you need to get it, we will tell further.

Club Card: Description and Views

club card

In essence, the club card simply replacesdiscount The only difference is that it implies charging not some virtual points or percent of discount, but quite real rubles, for which the price of the next product can be reduced.

Thus, the buyer does not need to go deep intomath, he just sees how many rubles-bonuses he has, and he knows how much he can reduce the cost of goods in the future. Again, this encourages shopping only in the Sportmaster network. The discount program provides for three types of cards: "Blue", "Silver" and "Golden". The differences between them lie in how much the store pays the customer bonuses for each thousand rubles spent. Thus, the amounts that will be paid are 50, 75 and 100 bonuses from each thousand spent, respectively. As you can see, it is more profitable to have a “Golden” card, since it will be more profitable to buy new sports things with it. You can verify this if you know how to check bonuses on the Sportmaster card.

Who can get a card?

 Sportmaster check card balance

For now we will be defined with whom to give a club card.Obviously, only a buyer who has already purchased some product online and who is an adult at the time of purchase can receive it. In this case, the type of card (and there are only three of them, as you remember) that the user will receive will depend on the total amount of funds in his virtual account (that is, on the card account). That is, one or another type of card can be obtained with the following turn: for the “Blue” card - amounts up to 15 thousand rubles of the Russian Federation; for "Silver" - from 15 to 150 thousand rubles of the Russian Federation; and the owner of the "Golden" card can become a member who has made purchases more than 150 thousand rubles of the Russian Federation.

Thus, again, we see the network policy aimed at increasing user interest in shopping at Sportmaster.

How does the map work?

The scheme of the card is very simple. In fact, it is not much different from how discount cards work in many other stores (not just sports).

how to find out how many bonuses on the Sportmaster card

A club card is used every timemake a purchase in any of the shops "Sportmaster". The client can check the card balance at any time by calling the contact number within the network (telephone 777-777-1), visiting the personal page on the company's website, and simply looking at the information on the check issued after the purchase. Thus, a person, seeing how many rubles-bonuses are left on his account, can plan his next purchases.

At the same time, as noted above, a simple rule applies: bonuses can be used only within 30% of the amount of goods.

Club Card Bonuses

Рассмотрим простые примеры, чтобы понять, как passes the write-off and accrual of bonuses in the Sportmaster network. The bonus card (you can check bonuses by phone, online and in the check after purchase - do not forget about it) is provided by the owner every time he purchases goods.

If a person buys a thing for 1000 rubles, beingthe owner of the "Blue" card, he is charged 50 rubles-bonuses; this amount changes to 75 and 100 rubles for the Silver and Gold cards. These amounts are credited to the account, after which time is stored there (we will write about this a little further).

When a customer decides he wants to buy goodsfor 1000 rubles, he can pay up to 333 rubles with his bonuses. Thus, in cash he will need to "cover" the amount of 667 rubles. Such is the discount, if we talk about practical examples.

How can I spend bonuses?

Of course, to keep the flow under controlyour "bonus" rubles, you need to understand how to find out how many bonuses on the Sportmaster card. We already told about it. But we must also not forget about the conditions for using these bonuses.

In particular, we are talking about a ban on paying them for goods in the following cases: at a discount, in the “discount” stores of the chain, and also in conjunction with cashless payments.

The first limitation is buying goods at a discount -exists in "Sportmaster" for obvious reasons. If the item is marked as one that is offered at a substantial discount, the network does not allow the buyer to pay a third of its value with a bonus card.

The second limitation is similar to the first one, only it concerns the shops of Sportmaster-DISCONT, which sell goods, 100% of which is offered at a reduced price. You cannot use the club card here.

The third restriction means that the userhas the right to apply bonuses only if he pays a purchase in cash or with a card. When the buyer applies cashless payments (and this happens, for example, if the purchase is made by an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity), the use of bonuses is prohibited.

Additional charges

The Club Sportmaster card, which you can check bonuses with at any time convenient for you, also offers various additional bonus rubles for some special events.

For example, each customer after registration receives 200 rubles to his card. After that, on the birthday, the user is given another 300 rubles as a gift.

how to see how many bonuses on the Sportmaster card

Sportmaster holds various promotions duringwhich for some goods a different amount of bonuses is charged, which allows you to gain even more rubles of discounts. If you have information on how to find out how many bonuses are on the Sportmaster card, you can check the balance yourself after the birthday: it must be replenished by the above amount!

Other terms of use of bonuses

In addition to certain restrictions concerningpayment of certain goods, it should be mentioned also the time period in which the owner of the club card should “invest”. This is March 11th each year. It is on this day that all bonuses received by the user for the previous year (from March 12 to January 1) will burn.

As for the period from January 1 to March 10, the “bonus rubles” accumulated during this period, in case of their non-use, will disappear from the card as early as next year.

Вот вам еще один аргумент в пользу того, почему You need to know how to check the bonuses on the Sportmaster card: this way you will have information about the status of your account, and if the date of burning of the bonus funds approaches, you can quickly spend them.

What bonuses give you

In fact, the value of the discount program in"Sportmaster" is difficult to overestimate. This is a complete solution that allows you to decide on a regular store where you will buy sports clothing, shoes and equipment at affordable prices.

If you take the network as a whole, then, of course, you cannotice a slightly inflated cost of certain categories of goods. It can be explained by the popularity of shops, the high level of service in each of them.

But if you take into account the mentioned bonusprograms with them online shopping can be even more profitable. You do not just buy, receive discounts on future products, but you know how to see how many bonuses on the Sportmaster card, and thus you can manage your discount! It's very convenient, because you can plan your purchases in advance. This is especially true in the field of sporting goods, which can be purchased for the future (for the next season, for example).

Double benefit comes out:you get the opportunity to save money, plan your purchases, as well as purchase high-quality sports items that allow you to start a healthy lifestyle, improve your health, and reach sports peaks.

Card security

Не стоит забывать об элементарном правиле security of your card. Agree, you do not need to have any special knowledge or permits to come to the Sportmaster, check the card balance and start making purchases with it. Consequently, any lost card can be used by those who found it. Of course, this endangers the bonus rubles accumulated by the real owner of the discount.

If you notice the loss of your card, you needcall the call center of the company and declare its loss. Having passed the authorization procedure (with the help of SMS or with the help of identity documents), you can block the lost card and get a new one. At the same time, if you remember how to check the bonuses on the Sportmaster card, and do this, you will see that all the “bonus rubles” remained in place, just transferred to the new account. We think it is not necessary to clarify that it is better to do it as soon as possible after the discovery of the loss.

If you don't have a Sportmaster card yet,we recommend to issue it. The club program "Sportmaster", under which it is provided, can make goods for sports more accessible, and shopping itself is more pleasant! Therefore, we recommend!

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