/ Chinese face mask: reviews. Face Skin Care Recipes

Chinese face mask: reviews. Recipes for skin care

The Chinese attach great importance not only to theirhealth, but also beauty. They invented unique cosmetics, which later became known to the whole world. Chinese face mask is a unique remedy created by cosmetologists from natural ingredients. They fit different types of skin, so any girl or woman will be able to choose for herself exactly what she needs.

The Benefits of Chinese Masks

After you apply 2-3 times thiscosmetic, skin begins to transform: acne, redness, blemishes, black spots. For each type of person you can choose the appropriate mask.

Китайцы применяют в косметологии много a variety of natural herbs that magically act on the skin. To date, any Chinese face mask is made with the latest technology. The result is worthy of praise.

Masks are:

  • Fabric - this tool moisturizes the skin and tightens it. If peeling and redness appear, then such a mask is not for you.
  • Collagen - anti-aging agent.With it, wrinkles can be smoothed out in just a few days. The mask is intended for single use. Usually these are two discs that are already saturated with the product. They are prepared for use.
  • Home remedy - whitening cosmetics and not only. It all depends on the components you used.

chinese face mask

Masks can be purchased at any cosmeticsalon or store, and also do it yourself. However, first you need to find exactly the tool that suits you. There is an opinion that a hand-made mask is more effective than a purchased one. You will know exactly what components are included.

Beauticians recommend

One of the best cosmetic care productsA variety of Chinese face masks are considered skin. The feedback from the women who tried them is positive. They claim that this cosmetics helps very quickly, literally after two or three days of use.

Before using the mask it is necessary to completelyget rid of makeup. Then you can apply the tool for half an hour or 20 minutes. When the time runs out, you need to remove the mask: wet the cotton pad with a special lotion and wipe the face.

chinese face masks reviews

Collagen remedy must not be used.more than two times a week. After 2-3 weeks, the result will be noticeable: wrinkles will be less, there will be no redness, and the skin will be beautiful and elastic. Collagen mask suitable for women from 30 years, but not younger.

The benefits of Chinese algae masks

This tool is very useful for the skin of the face.It contains trace elements and a large amount of vitamins. It tightens the skin and helps it recover from a long illness, moisturizes and nourishes with oxygen. Chinese algae facial mask enriches the skin with vitamins and microelements. After its application, wrinkles are smoothed and elasticity is restored.

Algae seeds are an indispensable product formore complicated cases. The skin will be revived even when other masks could not help. They contain vitamins: A, B, D, C, E. Also in the mask a lot of calcium, chromium, iodine, magnesium. These substances help relieve swelling and improve the condition of the face. The mask of algae contains a lot of protein, so that the skin becomes soft, stops peeling. The tool removes acne and pigmentation.

chinese algae face mask

The algae mask is popular not only in China,but all over the world. The skin becomes very beautiful, young, and most importantly - without wrinkles. The tool levels and whitens the face. The mask works wonders. It is designed for all skin types.

Before use, you must completely clean the skin.from makeup. Then put 15 gr. mix into a container and pour a small amount of water (warm). The tool should get the consistency of sour cream. Ingredients can not interfere with a spoon or any other object. Capacity better shake. You should have a viscous mixture that needs to be spread all over your face. Must hold for about 30 minutes. Use a mask up to three times a week.

Chinese face mask with starch

Cosmetics for whitening is necessary for manyfor women. For this fit a mask with starch. Thanks to her, you will get rid of age spots, freckles, moles that appeared with age. You can also remove unwanted tan. The price of masks can not be called low, so cosmetologists offer to do them at home.

A whitening mask is recommended to applybefore bedtime. For cooking, you will need 2 tablespoons of starch and the same amount of lemon juice. Overlay for 20 minutes. You can not affect the eyelids and lips. Now you need to wash, but not soap. It may be warm water or tonic. Regular use of the mask will help get rid of stains faster.

chinese face mask with starch

Literally after the first application, you will feel how your skin has changed. It will become soft and supple. The tool is desirable to impose a massaging motion.

Mask of honey, starch and salt

With this tool, you not only canwhiten your face, but also saturate with vitamins. Chinese mask of honey, starch and salt is designed for drier skin. These three ingredients must be mixed in 1 tablespoon. Apply, like the previous mask, with massaging movements and leave for 20-30 minutes, but not more.

Chinese mask of starch and salt honey

Honey, starch and salt are almost always there,therefore, this recipe is considered one of the cheapest. The effect of the mask is the same as that of an expensive tool. Therefore, many women think: why pay money if you can make the most whitening and vitaminized mixture?

Black Point Mask

Pores become heavily clogged with dirt, foundation and many other factors. In order to clean them, you must use a variety of masks that help remove contamination.

The Chinese mask from black points is suitable for almost everyone. Cosmetologists recommend using clay. Thanks to it, the black spots disappear, the skin stops to dry and peel off.

Chinese mask from black points

Clay is usually sold dry.It must be diluted with a small amount of water and applied to the skin. You can use clay up to three times a week. After use, the face should be wiped with tonic or ice. Then the pores close and the black dots disappear for a long time.

Herbal Mask

It also perfectly cleanses the pores.To do this, you need to buy a Chinese and Dahurian angelica, a striped blacktail, at the pharmacy. Pour these herbs into a container of 1 tsp. Add honey and almonds. Now pour a glass of boiling water, mix and cover with lid until cool. After that you can apply a mask for 25 minutes. It will clean your pores and remove dirt from them. The effect will come after the first application.

The recipes of Chinese masks are a great variety. Anyone will find for themselves exactly what is needed. Your skin will not only be beautiful, but also be filled with vitamins.

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