/ / Kia Rio - reviews say ...

Kia Rio - reviews say ...

Manufacturers of Kia Rio car once againproved that the brilliant designer is able to turn around even at the very minimum patch and make something new and unusual out of the car on the old platform. Renowned worldwide designer Peter Schreyer, who previously created an image for some models of Audi, Volkswagen, became the creator of a new look for Kia Rio. Reviews about this designer talk about one thing - he's a genius. He was able to make the new Kia Rio look more expensive, more representative. This is surprising, because in fact this car is a "budget", which claims to be the best-selling car.

The new Kia is technologically similar to the Hyundai Accent.The same engines, the same gearbox, the same suspension and suspension. But the design decisions of Peter Schreier simply pulled the car to a new level, made it original.

The new style of Kia is more like a sporty,although, again, do not forget that we have a budget car. The Korean company has proved to everyone that "budget" does not mean that the car is ugly. On the contrary, he pleases everyone with his charming appearance. Reviews about the Kia Rio has already left a huge number of people, and very rarely among them you can find any negative words about the car.

The developers were embarrassedposition, because it was necessary to create a car that would not take away customers from Hyundai Accent, because this car also turned out quite interesting. According to the same developers, they coped with their task and were able to interest another audience. So, in their opinion, the main buyers of their car should be young people who are not more than 35 years old, mostly single, not having their own car or preferring previously supported foreign cars. Running ahead, it is worth noting that they have not lost with this clientele. And now many people from this category ride the Kia Rio. Feedback from such owners, to date, only positive.

As for the interior, it is also completelyupdated. If the Hyundai Accent contains a large number of cosmic notes in the design elements, then the interior elements of the Kia Rio are quieter. Materials trim the salon at a height, nothing knocks, does not drum, everything is very nice to the touch. The fact that the manufacturers decided to move away from the "budget" image, says the leather trim of the visor Kia Rio devices. The drivers' comments indicate that comfort is enough even when driving for long distances. When you stay inside, you feel that you are inside an expensive car, all the details are well thought out, strict, concise and rational. For the convenience of the driver there is a convenient USB-input, as well as control buttons located on the handlebars. In addition to the buttons for controlling the audio system, there are also buttons on the steering wheel through which the on-board computer is controlled. Atypichno for a budget car somehow, is not it? Do not the creators of Kia Rio? Comments on this speak eloquently, noting the numerous advantages of this model.

The car is fitted with a gasolineengine, the volume of which is 1.4 liters, and the power is 107 horsepower. In the kit can go either a 5-speed manual transmission, or a 4-speed automatic. The 1.6-liter version of the engine is designed for those who would like to ride with a breeze on the Kia Rio. Reviews eloquently say that 123 horsepower is enough to do it.

In general, many more flattering words will be said aboutKia Rio. Reviews (for today) reflect the reality of things. After all, if the producer sets a goal to like, and will go to this, then it will be possible for him. Design, excellent characteristics on the road, a pleasant feeling during the ride and even just inside the cabin - all this is very pleasing to the buyer!

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