/ / Dyatkovo Crystal Factory LLC: history, production, products

Dyatkovo Crystal Factory LLC: history, production, products

Dyatkovo Crystal Factory LLC - the famousglass enterprise with a rich history. Founded at the end of the 18th century by the Maltsov family, it became a trendsetter in the production and cutting of highly artistic crystal products. Vases, dishes, interior items of Dyatkovo masters can be found in many museums and collections, they are used at ceremonial receptions, including in the Kremlin.

Dyatkovo Crystal Factory


The plant is located in the city of Dyatkovo in the northparts of the Bryansk region. It is separated from the capital by 376 km. It is easily accessible by car or train. Today DKhZ is going through hard times. The old production was declared bankrupt, on its basis a new one was created - Dyatkovo Crystal Plant Plus LLC. The updated products are sold under the Maltsov brand, named after the dynasty of the company's founders.

Pre-revolutionary period

In 1790, a representative of the noble familyMaltsova Maria bought a plot of land and founded glass production on it. For many years products from stained glass and crystal decorated with patterns with fine, well-worked faces have become the company's signature feature.

В 1847 году Дятьковский хрустальный завод перешел to Sergey Maltsov. Possessing entrepreneurial acumen, he created the glass empire - the largest industrial cluster in Russia. An admirer of utopian ideas, Robert Owen tried to create a comfortable environment for workers, including serfs. Schools, hospitals, bakeries and sewing workshops were opened.

В 1849 году предприятие насчитывало 606 workers. There were 3 furnaces that allowed to produce 1.697.000 crystal products annually. In art workshops painted dishes (up to 47.000 units annually). Products were sent to the largest cities of the time: Moscow, Odessa, Warsaw, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Riga and others.

Later production was dramaticallymodernized: new equipment was brought from abroad, masters from other countries were invited to work. In 1877, the first Russian private railway was commissioned, which connected all the factories of the S. Maltsov industrial district. Later came its own mail and telegraph.

At the end of the XIX century DHZ became the center of originnational style in the field of art glass. The factory has formed a unique school of glassblowers. Especially appreciated the work created by the sketches of the artist Elizabeth Boehm.

photo Dyatkovo Crystal Factory

Soviet time

The new power carefully treated the royalheritage - the plant continued to work. In the USSR, the products of the Dyatkovo Crystal Factory under the brand name “Crystal from Dyatkovo” were widely known domestically and abroad. New life in the production breathed people's artist Shuvalov. His works, created in the early 50s of the 20th century, are desirable objects for collectors and are exhibited at the largest auctions in the world. Until now, sketches of Evgraf Sergeevich are used in the manufacture of crystal vases, dinner sets and other interior items.

Collective achievements were repeatedly encouraged.by the state. 07.23.1966, the DKhZ was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. In the 60-70s, the production lines were significantly updated. In 1972, a branch of the factory was built, where conveyor production of tableware was applied. In the 1980s, advanced technology was mastered - fire watering of crystal, when its edges slightly melted after cutting patterns, as a result of which a perfect mirror shine is formed.

New time

After the collapse of the USSR, the company constantlyhad sales difficulties. The fashion for crystal has passed, which radically reduced the company's revenues. The old production was declared bankrupt. Photo Dyatkovo crystal factory with empty workshops does not cause optimism. In 2012, with the arrival of new shareholders, an attempt was made to reorganize production. Today the Maltsov brand is positioned as a premium. A network of boutiques has been created in which highly artistic high-quality crystal products are offered to customers. Not forgotten and the mass segment of dishes.

Dyatkovo Crystal Plant Plus

Light magic

Since ancient times, crystal has been the measure of affluence andthe personification of luxury. Its manufacture and processing are quite complex technological process. In order for ordinary glass to become transparent and durable, to please with noble tints of light and melodious ringing, lead oxide is added to it during smelting.

Dyatkovo Crystal Factory manufactures products in which lead oxide contains up to 24%. Each of the glassblowers' creations is a handmade artwork.

Production technology

Crystal production begins withpreparation of raw mixes. All components are thoroughly dried, sieved and crushed to fine fractions. Then the raw material is sent to the dosage - this is the most important stage. You must accurately select the percentage of each component for melting glass. Further in mixers the non-uniform weight turns into charge.

The composition of the mixture includes 7-10 components. Required substances are:

  • nitrate (potassium nitrate) is used as an oxidizing agent;
  • red lead (lead oxide) brightens the glass melt and gives the necessary optical properties;
  • potash (potassium carbonate) improves glass quality;
  • quartz sand - the most important component of the mixture.

Dyatkovo Crystal Factory keeps a secretthe exact composition of the mixture and the percentage of raw materials. After the mixers, the finished mixture enters the furnace. The process of melting glass takes place around the clock. Crystal products are blown out of the molten mass of glassblowers.

Dyatkovo Crystal Factory


Dyatkovo Crystal Plant Plus LLC today offers the widest range:

  • flower vases;
  • table vases;
  • sets;
  • sets of dishes;
  • decanters;
  • glasses;
  • ashtrays;
  • fruktovnitsa;
  • dishes;
  • baskets.

Perform master and individual orders.

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