/ / How to quickly remove the fleas at home: cosmetics, massage and exercise

How to quickly remove the fleas at home: cosmetics, massage and exercise

Female beauty is a phenomenon, unfortunately,passing, and therefore the beautiful sex is in constant work on yourself. In childhood, I want to be beautiful in an adult way, so girls will climb into my mother's make-up and try to walk on their heels. In the 18-20 years pink cheeks seem to be an attribute of childhood and are subjected to severe "repression", and already in the 25 appear the first wrinkles, which already have to be dealt with by means of chemicals and cosmetics.

how quickly to remove the flew in the home

Unfortunately, a rare young lady triestimely prevent age changes, since until the last moment does not believe in their appearance. A real shock can be the day when a woman discovers age changes. How quickly to remove the flew in the home, and is it possible? Let's try to understand the problem and choose the most optimal method of returning the elasticity to an oval face.

What it is?

The unpleasant word "laps" implies foldsskin, dangling from the sides of the lower jaw. Remember the shar pei or basset with their funny muzzles. So, in the human variant, the shots look not so touchingly, but, rather, sadly. In modern cosmetology, the term has acquired a somewhat different meaning. Now they are flailing - this is also the lower edge of the cheeks, which folds.

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For some people this defect is almost notis noticeable, and someone has a full analogue of dog folds. Why does this happen? It's unfortunate to find such an aesthetic drawback. And the complexes on this issue are completely justified. But is it possible to remove sagging cheeks?

Causes and consequences

It is not so difficult to trace the reasons for which unpleasant sacks have formed on your face. In fact, all problems usually lie on the surface and just wait to be discovered.

The first reason is, of course, age.Alas, but it is impossible to remain beautiful and impeccable until old age, especially if you do not watch yourself and get carried away with bad attachments. Do you abuse alcohol, cigarettes or make-up? Pay your face. With the passage of time, the production of collagen and elastin decreases significantly, and the skeleton of the skin noticeably weakens. As a result, the cell walls that contain subcutaneous fat are sagging.

Carol Majio

The second reason is also very logical.This is overweight, which treacherously conquers the territory. In his captivity are hips, waist and cheeks. These are two main reasons, but not the only ones. For example, unsuccessful plastic may well lead to the appearance of unpleasant puffiness in the cheeks. And what is flew on the face? These are folds of the skin that can hang because of the infinite edits of the exterior.

With what do they "eat"?

So, now it is clear, why can appearsuch defects, but the main question remains: how quickly to remove the flews at home and is it real? Maybe you should not even try and go to the beautician right away? After all, you can not cope with age and you will not turn it back. But it is possible to stop the aging process in the cells through various lifting procedures conducted in the salons and at home. When the flews appear from excess weight, the problem is greatly simplified, since everything can be corrected by losing weight.

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Obesity diets are not a panacea, butPhysical education, along with a properly selected diet will help in the rejuvenation of the face. If the obvious methods do not work to remove the fleeces on the face, how to get rid of them, will tell only the professional cosmetologist.

In the cabin

So, we go to the salon.But how will they help us there? A competent cosmetologist will carry out a number of necessary epidermal examinations, will outline the overall picture and will be able to suggest the optimal course for the client to get rid of aesthetic shortcomings. In each case, the algorithm can be special. To date, there is a wide choice of techniques, which are used for skin care after 40 years. The fact that this is the most problematic for the skin of the face of age, when all the bad hobbies make themselves felt, all the emotions, experiences, overeating or booze for the night are reflected on the face. In salons, three well-known techniques are offered: lymphatic drainage massage, thermolifting or injection cosmetology.

About each little

If there is a face shield, how to get rid of themlittle blood? Let's start with a lymphatic drainage massage. It is performed by a specialist manually in the direction of the lymphatic vessels. Movements should be gentle, but intense. Painful sensations should not arise. If desired, the lymph flow should accelerate. Cells are disposed of in the process from decay products, toxins, enriched with nutrients and oxygen. Also during the procedure, excesses of intercellular fluid, fat and edemas are eliminated. After lymphatic drainage massage, there are no chances for survival.

how to remove the flews on face methods

Thermolift is also called RF-face lifting.It represents the thermal effect on the skin and the strengthening of microcirculation processes. At the same time, the metabolism is started, which leads to the rapid death of old cells and the regeneration of tissues. When injecting cosmetology, the drug "Aqualyx" is used, which selectively reduces the volume of fat deposits in the cheeks without damaging the muscles and skin of the face.

A few words need to be said about bio-reinforcement,or vector facelift. The procedure involves the introduction of a biostimulator based on hyaluronic acid into the skin. In the dermis a spiderweb is formed from the bioinites. This strengthens the skeleton and tightens the oval face. Bioniti dissipate in a month, and the effect remains for a year. If you remove the fleet without surgery, you need to carefully approach the choice of a doctor and salon. Qualitatively performed procedure will really please the result.

And at home

Home skin care can be at leasteffective than salon. But the time will have to spend much more, although the money will be more economical. First of all, you need to include in the daily routine a set of exercises against the fleas and a special massage. Before the massage, the face needs to be cleaned of make-up and excess sebum with a tonic. The index fingers should be brought to the groove under the jaw, so that one arm was in front of the other. Pointing fingers are pressed to the chin and we perform short intensive movements with both hands to the sides.

saggy cheeks

Further, the back of the palms easily patcheeks and chin from the bottom up. In the palms of the hands, massage the massage oil and rubbing the chin intensively, rubbing the cheeks and cheeks from the center of the chin to the lobules. For the next exercise, you need a wet towel, which you need to pat the lower jaw from all sides. Such simple movements can significantly improve the situation.

From Carol

In connection with exercises against fleas oftenthe name of Carol Maggio is mentioned. Her name is called an effective exercise against unpleasant skin pouches. For him, you need to spread your fingers "fan", fixing the ring finger on the nasolabial fold. The middle finger is left on the upper "bull's eye" cheeks, the index finger is held by the tragus of the ear. We open our mouth very widely, and we move our lips to our teeth. For 30 seconds, hold up one position and try to smile. Exercise Carol Maggio is difficult to perform the first time, but it is a very effective method to combat fleas. After this, it is recommended to perform the Reinhold Benz exercise. To do this, fix your fingers on the cheeks. They need to be pressed against the skin in the corners of the lips and try for a minute to smile tensely. This exercise warms up and tones the muscles well.

Home Masks

If you think about how to remove the lashes on your face,Methods with home modeling masks will seem most ephemeral and ineffective. However, it is not. Masks from the most familiar products will help to quickly get rid of saggy cheeks. For example, the egg mask is made from a chicken egg, a spoonful of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of olive oil.

facial skin care after 40

For a protein mask, two proteins in pureform. Without additional ingredients, they should be applied to the cleansed face. It is very fragrant lemon mask based on lemon peel, juice and a spoonful of liquid honey. The most pleasant milk composition is made from three spoons of sour cream of medium fat content and a tablespoon of warm milk. Two such masks a week return the elasticity of the skin and remove the fleeces.

To buy or to do?

Let's sum up how quickly to remove the blisters inhome conditions. Do not neglect the purchased masks, but they do not have to be expensive. For example, you can buy sea brown seaweed, blue or white clay. For masks, panthenol and allantoin are good. By the way, cheeks can be made more modest with several days of discharge on mineral water or apples. If you think how quickly to remove the fleeces at home, then do not neglect movements to develop facial expressions. Inflate the cheeks so that they are round. Drive the air inside the mouth and move it to the right and left. Widely opening your mouth, say the vowel letters. On a day off, treat yourself to honey masks. To do this, heat the liquid honey and rub it into the face without lifting your fingers. When the skin warms up, start slapping your fingers along the cheeks. Strive for redness of the skin. After the procedure, rinse the honey and apply a lifting cream.

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