/ / Reviews of employees "Profrezerv" about work and employers

References of employees "Profrezerv" about work and employers

Now we will find out with you what reviewsemployees "Profrezerv" gets the most. After all, it is always important to know this before you contact a recruitment agency. Maybe they are deceiving potential applicants? Then there is no point in wasting time and energy. And maybe it is here that you will be able to find employment for a long time. Numerous reviews of the company's employees will help determine this. Let's try to figure out what's here for what.

feedback from employees of the trade unions


Let's start by studying the main directionactivities of the corporation. After all, the feedback from employees of Profrezerv, as a rule, says that this company is nothing more than the most ordinary recruitment agency. Such organizations select people for work and regular work, according to the requirements. You can say that this is something like an intermediary between a real employer and a subordinate.

In principle, the organization is quite doubtful.Is modern man himself unable to choose his place of work? Sometimes you can not do it. And you have to apply to the personnel management. Most of them, as practice has shown, is a deception. But not "Profrezerv". Working with him in Moscow and other cities is no longer a problem for you.


Well, regarding the proposed vacancies in ourToday's corporation can only hear positive opinions. According to the applicants, you will find in the "Profrezerve" any vacancy that may be required. With all this, remember that you can not count on leadership positions. But as an ordinary worker to find a job here is not a problem.

job in Moscow

Office "Profrezerv" in your city isis a really good alternative for part-time work, as well as constant income generation. In the opinion of the majority of applicants, loaders, drivers, managers, teachers and furniture makers usually find work here. The rest of the profession, too, do not go unheeded, but their representatives, as a rule, longer "sit without work." Nevertheless, it is not yet clear whether it is worth contacting this recruitment agency. Maybe it's easier to find a part-time job yourself?


In some cases, this is indeed the case.Only the feedback from Profrezerv employees, who have been cooperating with the company for a long time, say that it was this corporation that helped to find a suitable variant of the work quickly. Plus, you can make your own work plan independently. And coordinate it with the employer firm. Such a possibility is a huge rarity. That's why many employees appreciate it.

What work options can offer"Profrezerv"? Watch, shift schedule, part-time, day and night shifts. In general, any alternative. Even part-time work. And all this, of course, pleases applicants.

trade-in address

But one important point should be borne in mind - whenjob placement, you must build a work schedule in such a way that you can get as much money as possible. So you have to really work to earn money.


Work in Moscow and other cities oftenbegins with the interview. And this moment is extremely important for applicants. In this regard, the "Profrezerv", you can say, everything is in order. Potential employees remain satisfied with the first meeting with the employer.

The whole process takes place in a friendly, nottension situation. All that is required of you is to fill out the application form and attach your resume. If it is not available, this will not cause complications in the selection of a vacancy. The recruiter for personal dialogue learns all the interesting information that may be useful. This fact pleases.

True, in some regions "Profrezerv" (St. Petersburg, toexample) is notoriously far from the best interviews. Occasionally there are notes of arrogance and injustice towards applicants. But these events are quickly revealed and suppressed. So do not worry about it. Most likely, in your city "Profrezerv", whose address can be found on the official website of the company, will not leave negative impressions.

professional reserve watch


In terms of cooperation with other corporationsour today's organization, according to many potential employees, is very good. Yes, Profrezerv does not have any connections with world famous companies like Lukoil. But with the same "Victoria" or "Maximus" - easily. So many people say that they will really help you find a good corporation. From the smallest to the largest retail chains. The main thing is to decide for yourself what exactly you need.

By the way, the client's desire foremployment in this or that firm "Profrezerv" takes into account. That is, if you want to work in some "M-Video", then you will try to find a suitable place. All this is extremely pleasing to applicants.

About work

Reviews of employees "Prof." oftenThey mention how difficult or easy it is to work on selected vacancies. In truth, opinions differ. Some say that you will choose a "dirty" job, and even "plow" will have almost round the clock. And the payment is scanty compared to the tasks performed. True, these opinions are not very many.

office of professional reserves

Often employees say that they will pick you upwork so that you can deal with it. Yes, sometimes it's difficult at first, but then you get used to everything. And even what previously seemed impossible, will now be subject to execution. Work really will have to result. But this does not mean that of you will rope. And do not be afraid of it. Better tune yourself to the fact that everything will be in order.


Earnings - perhaps, one of the few moments,which can motivate people to work. What can we say about Profrezerv in this sense? In most cases, honestly, applicants are satisfied. All payments come on the card exactly on time, and even in certain quantities. Those that you should have paid. Often you can find opinions that say that it is "Profrezerv" is a recruiting agency that will not deceive its customers.

trade reserve SPb

But there is also discontent on the part of someemployees. For example, the calculation of wages may not be all to taste. Often "Profrezerv" offers work with hourly pay. And so it is very difficult to calculate whether you are making a living or not. Also in some cities, salaries are sometimes delayed and they take penalties for you from the slightest fault. But all this is a huge rarity. So do not be afraid of "Profrezerv". If you urgently need work, but you can not find it on your own, it's time to turn to this firm. It is not just another fraud or fraudulent move. This recruitment agency can really be trusted.

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