/ / "Profrezerv": employee feedback. Profrezerv company: main type of activity

"Profrezerv": employee feedback. Profrezerv company: main type of activity

Now we have to find out what are left of"Profrezerv" employee feedback. This moment is extremely important for those who plan to apply here for job search. In truth, opinions about the organization have developed ambiguous. And to understand, it is necessary to come here or not, sometimes, it is extremely difficult. Nevertheless, do not reject the application if you are embarrassed by several negative reviews. All employers can say something bad, and something good. So let's try to figure out which "Profrezerv" employee reviews earn in reality. They will help you make the right decision.

profrezerv staff reviews


The main type of activity "Profrezerv" isleasing and outsourcing. In other words, this company is the most common agency for the search and selection of personnel. Everyone can apply here to get a job. It is exactly what the population needs so much during the crisis in Russia.

No specificity of the main type of activitycompany does not carry. Perhaps, in every city there are agencies in which you can earn extra money as a wage worker. Only now most of these organizations are notorious. Especially when it's time to pay. But what "Profrezerv" reviews employees earn for their activities? It is important to know this before employment.

What offer

Divide all opinions into several categories.This kind of technique will help to systematize the information received and find the truth. LLC "Profrezerv" pretty good opinions from job seekers earn for the proposed range of work. Here you can find what you want.

main activity

It is true that one hopes for leadership positionsnot worth it. After all, the company "Profrezerv" often looks for "ordinary" cadres in a variety of companies. By the way, it's very good. After all, this recruitment agency is used, as a rule, for part-time work. So, you can stay an ordinary worker. If only you paid well for work.

Find yourself an "occupation" is capable of anyone who has alreadythere are 16 years. "Profrezerv" Ltd. is a recruitment agency that can provide work even for people without education. Such a scenario is extremely pleasing to the population. But is it so well with this company?

Social package

In truth, "Profrezerv" staff reviewsgets pretty good already for the fact that it is one of the few companies that offers applicants a full social package. These services are not available from competitors. More precisely, they are available, but only on "paper". Practice shows that "Profrezerv" really respects the terms of contracts.

What can you get by turning tocorporations? For example, leave or sick leave. All this is paid based on your earnings. On large amounts can not be counted, but it's better than nothing at all.


In addition, Profrezerv (Moscow and other cities)provides housing for some employees on certain vacancies. Also a wonderful feature that pleases applicants. For this many leave only positive opinions about the firm's activities. If you are sent to watch, you will not have to think about the housing issue.

If you are a student, then you will also be released to the sessionno problem. True, it is necessary to document this event. But pregnant or planning to start children in the near future, children should not be treated here. After all, the "Profrezerv" decree is an extremely rare phenomenon. And you are unlikely to be willingly taken for employment. It is extremely difficult to find a pregnant woman or planning a given event for a woman. It is necessary to take into account many features. And this "Profrezerv" can not guarantee in any way. But in the face of failure you will not hear. You just will not be called back when promised.


For the proposed work schedule "Profrezerv"reviews of employees earns are also quite good. To be honest, many noted that you can independently agree on shifts, watches and the duration of the working day. Of course, all this will affect your earnings. But if you work hard and have the right time, everything will be in order.

Individual work schedule - this is whatmany recruitment agencies can not offer. A "Profrezerv" specializes in this kind of services. Of course, this feature is perfectly reflected in the rating of the employer. True, there is one small drawback here.

Which one specifically?Some employees report that the "Profrezerv" sometimes cancels your shifts at the very last moment. This practice is not observed very often, but it has a place to be. Be prepared for this. Especially if you were told that the flow of cadres to one or another post is huge. However, if your shift is canceled, then you will definitely pick up a day in which you can earn extra money if you want.

profrezerv Moscow


Salary is another point thatmakes you think again, but whether you need to find employment in this or that place. And as practice shows, "Profrezerv" reviews employees in this sense is also good. True, there are both positive and negative opinions.

The downside to which you need to pay attention isthat wages are based on the work performed. That is, no one will pay you beyond what you deserve. And wages often in the company hourly. In principle, if you were originally determined to work qualitatively, then this will not be a problem for you.

In the rest our today's employerreally good. All payments come to the plastic card on time, no delays or deceptions. This is what makes us take a closer look at the corporation.

Is it difficult

Many are interested, but in general, it is difficult to workon the vacancies offered by Profrezervom. There is no unequivocal answer. After all, all jobs are different in their tasks. But, as practice shows, most workers say that it is rather difficult to work. Especially if you have chosen the shift work method.

company of professional reserves

Merchandisers and managers, in principle,it is not necessary to strain. But on more responsible posts, as a rule, it is really hard sometimes. In general, there is no difference between the work on Profrezerv and any specific firm. So, you can contact our today's recruitment agency to get additional income.

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