/ / How to remove stretch marks on the pope and other parts of the body?

How to remove stretch marks on the pope and other parts of the body?

Stretch marks bother most women.They are embarrassed by their unsightly whitish stripes. Stretch marks appear for three reasons: first pregnancy from 18 to 20 years, some disorders of hormones, a sharp decrease or weight gain. You can make stretch marks on the pope and other parts of the body less noticeable, and the skin becomes well-groomed, healthy, beautiful. More often stretch marks on the abdomen and stretch marks on the priest happen after childbirth.

It is necessary to engage in prevention in advance.

Watch your food. Eat food that is rich in vitamins and minerals (fish, dairy products, olive oil, meat, bananas, tomatoes).

Take a contrast shower, it perfectly strengthens and tones up the skin. And you will have a high and taut chest, buttocks elastic and no stretch marks.

Do regular massage in the beauty salon orat home. A good effect has a "plucked" massage. Every day for a few minutes, pinch the problem areas until they turn a little red. Massage perfectly helps with stretch marks. After it is good to make a compress. Cover yourself with a warm blanket and lie down for the necessary amount of time.

If you have old and deep stretch marks,to struggle with them at home is useless. Beauty salons that offer laser therapy can help here. This is an effective skin resurfacing, after which the skin is tender and smooth, and your, for example, stretch marks on the pope will be barely noticeable or they will not be at all.

Engage in dancing, sports.

Apply skin care cream containing collagen, elastin, vitamins A, C, E.

Watch your health and if you see anxious symptoms immediately contact your doctor.

Apply compresses with essential oils (neroli, roses, etc.), make decoctions of medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile).

Before applying a compress, make a massage, where stretch marks, to enhance blood flow.

For example, a compress with chamomile: 200 gr.Chamomile flowers boil in one glass of milk. Soak the fabric with the resulting infusion and wrap the damaged areas with it, cover with a blanket. After 15 minutes, rinse with contrasting water, smear with a special cream for stretch marks.

Useful bathing with sea salt for 15 minutes. Salt bath requires 1 kg of sea salt without dyes. The water temperature is about 37 degrees.

During pregnancy, wear bandages or special bras, make a cool compress and use a cream to strengthen.

Treatment for stretch marks can take 2 months.

Now from the stretch is a huge selection of medical and cosmetic products.

Cream against stretch marks is now the mostcommon remedy. These creams are divided into those that are intended to prevent their occurrence, and those that treat existing stretch marks. They have a different composition.

Creams preventing the appearance of stretch marks improve the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. They contain vitamins A and E, essential oils of plants, seaweed, panthenol, minerals.

Creams that are intended to treatstretch marks include minerals, vegetable oils, vitamin complexes, as well as collagen and natural acids that are able to restore the structure of the skin. These creams enhance skin nutrition.

Creams do not completely relieve stretch marks, they only significantly reduce the possibility of their appearance, reduce the depth, thickness, level the texture and skin color.

A pregnant or nursing woman against stretch marks cream is better to choose with the content of only natural ingredients.

Before choosing a cream is best to consult with a dermatologist. He will recommend a suitable cream according to your skin type.

Using all the above recommendations, you can reduce stretch marks on the bottom, on the abdomen, or even prevent them from appearing at all.

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