/ / Wax strip for depilation Veet: reviews, views, review and features

Veet Wax Strips: reviews, views, review and features

Veet depilation strips, reviews of whichthere are different, enjoy great popularity among women. Thanks to this tool, each representative of the fair sex can get the expected result and pleasantly surprise them not only themselves, but others.

depilation strips veet reviews

Depilation with Veet

Уникальные депиляционные полоски, сразу готовые к application, provide a qualitative and almost instantaneous removal of undesirable vegetation in absolutely any zone. They help to thin the hairs and slow down their growth rate, which has been proved several times by clinical trials. Reviews and prices of Veet strips for depilation can be found in the article.

Depilatory products are available to all people.They can be purchased at specialized stores or place an order via the Internet. In the assortment you can find strips with different flavors, extracts and oils in the composition. In addition, customers have the opportunity to choose a tool that will ideally match the skin type:

  • normal - with extracts of berries and Shea butter;
  • sensitive - with vitamin E and almond oil;
  • dry - with aloe vera and lotus milk;
  • dry and normal - with ethers and so on.

Products "Vit" is able to cope with hairs,whose length reaches two to five millimeters. The resulting effect is guaranteed to last about a month, but it directly depends on the individual characteristics of each person’s body and the hair growth rate.

intimate depilation strips veet reviews

Stripes for different zones

Products from the world famous brandis intended for specific areas. It can be used to remove hairs from the bikini area, hands, legs, face and so on. Each package indicates what exactly the strips are intended for, therefore no problems with the correct choice of goods arise.

Gel strips for depilation Veet, reviews aboutwhich exist only positive, are intended to remove excess facial hair. They gently affect the skin without causing irritation, and cope well with their task. The effect of perfectly smooth skin lasts up to a month from the date of the procedure.

For sensitive areas of bikini and underarms alsothere are special strips. Production of "Vit" creates them from essential oils that do not allow irritation or redness after depilation. Thanks to this, reviews of strips for Veet depilation simply cannot be negative. Like other products, this tool helps to maintain smooth skin for 4 weeks.

Especially for the rest of the bodythere are strips, which include various vitamins, aloe vera, and lotus milk. They quickly remove hairs up to 10 mm long. But it should be remembered that before the procedure it is necessary to thoroughly scratch the skin areas preparing for treatment. Irritations and other side effects do not cause strips, and the effect lasts more than half a month.

wax strips veet suprem essence reviews

Top Products

На сегодняшний день "Вит" выпускает в продажу several options for strips of depilation. They can be purchased in stores in any city, but sometimes it is difficult to make a choice. For those who have decided to use this product for the first time, below are a few of the best options that are of high quality, efficiency and a large number of positive comments. Among them are Veet strips for intimate depilation. Reviews of each of these products are both positive and negative. Therefore, when acquiring a particular tool, you must learn about all its pros and cons.

depilation strips veet reviews Price

Facial strips

Unique Shi wax based productsdesigned to remove unwanted facial hair. They can be safely used by owners of normal and dry skin, without fear for her health. Packing in 20 pcs. will cost customers 300 rubles.

The strips are great for depilation onsmall patches of skin. They qualitatively remove hairs from the chin, cheeks, and upper lip. The formula contains essential oils, which helps to soften and moisturize the skin.

The shape of the strips themselves makes it possible to eliminatevegetation with a quick movement of one hand. The manufacturer guarantees that with regular use of this tool the vegetation will become thinner and softer, and, therefore, the need for its removal will automatically disappear.

depilation strips veik bikini zone reviews


Положительные отзывы о полосках для депиляции Veet come quite often. Buyers are satisfied with the cost, quality, and efficiency. Adhesive rectangles, according to the girls themselves, do not cause irritation, small rashes and other side effects, which is often found in products from other manufacturers. After all, the face is a gentle area that requires a special approach.

A lot of good comments girls leave forabout the convenience and painlessness. These strips can be easily torn off without feeling strong pains. All these advantages cause only enthusiastic emotions among customers, so they don’t mention any negative points in their reviews, as they simply do not exist.

Means for delicate areas

Wax strips Veet Suprem Essence, reviews aboutwhich can be viewed below, are considered one of the most relevant products of this brand. They are known almost all over the world, as many modern girls prefer to use them. You can buy one package containing 14 pieces for only 250-300 rubles.

The shape of the strips is ideally designed by the manufacturer.taking into account all the anatomical features of the human body. They are created using instant hair grabbing technology, thanks to which you can get rid of all the excess vegetation in just a few movements.

wax strips for veet depilation reviews

Essential with waxoils. This allows the strips to gently treat the skin without injuring them. Complete with sticky rectangles are special wipes, well impregnated with oils. They are intended to eliminate wax residue and soothe the skin.


Veet stripes for depilation bikini area reviewsmost often receive in the summer. It is at the time when people are going on vacation that these funds are irreplaceable items on the baggage collection list.

Customers positively say thatproducts "Vit" allowed them to feel freely on the beach and while walking in different places. In addition, they indicate that one-time use was enough for them for the rest, therefore, during it they did not have to take care of their delicate zones.

For arms and legs

Hair of any length can be removed with stickyrectangles, which are characterized by the presence of Shea butter. The price of wax strips for Veet depilation, reviews of which are provided below, is not so high. It does not exceed 320 rubles for 10 things.

Cosmetic product intended forDepilation of arms and legs, provides comfort and care to any type of skin. Designed by a unique system, the form differs significantly from its competitors by the content of 100% natural components. Shea butter, which is part of the composition, provides derma nutrition, as well as adequate moisture. Thanks to the effects of beneficial components, the skin becomes softer and smoother.

Customer feedback

Amazing reviews of veet hair removal stripscan be observed on different Internet sites. In them, girls celebrate the quality of the product and its effectiveness. They claim that the high-level stripes cope with the task, removing hairs even longer than the manufacturer promises.

Many customers say that "Wit" can notlet down. And in this they are absolutely right. This manufacturer always creates products that attract more and more customers, and this means is no exception.

How to use strips

Wax strips require extremely careful handling. For this it will be enough to follow a simple step by step instructions:

  • rub the strips quickly with your palms;
  • divide the strip into two parts;
  • stick on the required area with an oval edge downwards;
  • several times smooth over the growth of hairs;
  • a sharp movement to tear in the opposite direction;
  • remove the wax residue from the treated area with a napkin.

depilatory gel strips veet reviews

One strip is allowed to use exactlyas many times as it will adhere well to the surface of the skin. For a couple of days after the procedure it is forbidden to sunbathe, wear synthetic clothing, bathe and sweat. The next day after depilation, in order to prevent hair ingrowth, it is necessary to make a classic peeling.


Negative reviews of wax strips forVeet depilations often come from people who have not taken into account contraindications to their use. The procedure is strictly prohibited to perform in such situations:

  • allergic to compound ingredients;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • skin lesions on the treated area;
  • pregnancy;
  • skin damage.

Experts strongly recommend abstaining.from using strips if there are such problems. Even though these products are highly effective, they can also be harmful.

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