/ / Henna Lush - the beauty and health of your hair

Henna Lush - the beauty and health of your hair

Женщин нередко посещает желание что-то в себе change - often the choice stops on the hair. Today, there are a lot of ways with which you can relatively safely change their color, but the leader among the sparing funds was and remains henna.

If you want to change the image and at the same timekeep the health of the hair and even increase it - choose henna. Now with the help of her hair, you can give any shade: from bright red to muffled coffee. To achieve this very simply - you just need the desire, time and some improvised means.

What is necessary for staining with henna?

Since it is very popular,Many hairdressing companies produce it in various color solutions. For example, henna Lush reviews among those who used it, has the best. For dyeing hair with this company's product, you will need the following:

· Actually, the hair.It is best if the original color is dark, not black: on the light hair, the hue can be too bright, and on the dark it may not be visible. In addition, it is important that the hair before it was not subjected to chemical treatment - dyeing or waving. In this case, the result will be maximum. But, if your hair does not meet these conditions, do not get upset - you will end up with the desired shade, but spend a little more time on this.

· Henna Lush.This product exists a great variety: dry shredded in bags, diluted in small bottles, in the tile - pressed. However, it is difficult to predict what the result will be from the cheap henna bought in the transition, and, for example, coffee: in theory, the color should be muffled coffee, but it can successfully turn into dirty-rusty. Pressed Henna Lush - a quality product, although it costs more than usual. The products of this company are represented by four shades - black, red, brown and chestnut. Brown and chestnut are the closest to natural shades.

Tile Lush henna consists of six cubes:you have enough of two of them and adding coffee, if you have your hair up to your shoulders. Thus, one tile is enough for about three months (three stains). Henna Lush contains cocoa butter - to fix the color on the hair, clove oil - for a pleasant aroma.

· Coffee.You can use any natural ground product - the thinner the grinding, the better. It will be enough 50-100 grams, depending on the length of the hair. It not only allows you to dye your hair in a more intense color, but also adds a pleasant fragrance.

· Также вам понадобятся:hair clip, rubber gloves, a broad brush for applying the product, a comb, a dark towel (so that it does not stain), ceramic utensils and newspapers to protect the floor from getting henna.

How to paint?

Henna must be grated on a fine grater andplace in prepared dishes, add coffee there, pour boiling water and mix thoroughly. The consistency should be creamy, that is not very thick, but not particularly liquid. After making the mixture, place the dishes in a wider bowl with water and put it on the fire, warm it up. Than the mixture will be hotter, the brighter the final color will be. But be careful - do not burn your head. Do not try to heat henna in a microwave oven!

Then put on gloves and spread the mixture overclean dry hair. Apply the remedy, starting from the roots, and - until the very tips, carefully staining each strand. After wrapping the head with a film and a towel to create a greenhouse effect. You can keep henna on your hair at different times: it usually takes from half an hour to an hour and a half, but some believe that to achieve maximum color intensity, you must keep the mixture for at least six hours. To wash off henna it is necessary without application of shampoo, and then it is necessary to sustain three days without washing that color has gained force.

Following these instructions, you will get a wonderful shade and healthy hair!

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