/ / Intimate haircuts - a good experiment.

Intimate haircuts are a good experiment.

Intimate haircuts.How much controversy and talk they cause in society. More recently, it was not customary to mention it aloud. But now everyone is talking about this: from the media to individual women. Beauty salons with might and main offer their services, various types of intimate haircuts and so on.

Women have a desire to look attractiveand be well-groomed for one hundred percent. Therefore, in pursuit of beauty, they do not stop on hair, cosmetic procedures for face and body, fashionable clothes and shoes. Now, to excite and seduce a man, you can still make yourself an intimate haircut. In general, it is proved that the lush vegetation on the pubis testifies to the violent sexual temperament of the woman. Perhaps that is why, according to the results of surveys of many men, they prefer women who leave their hair in this intimate place.

Despite this, intimate haircuts acquiredan unprecedented popularity among modern women of fashion and beauty. But this hobby has appeared long ago. Even in ancient times the Egyptians shaved all the vegetation in an intimate place. And in the 20th century, the legendary Merlin Monroe bleached her hair in the bikini zone to be blond from head to toe. Most likely, the desire of women to shave intimate places goes back to ancient cultures. Such procedures are typical for a number of Asian and Arab countries.

Bikini design is currently not limited toonly by cutting in intimate places. It implies the partial or complete removal of hair, their coloring, the decoration of this area by piercing, body art, temporary and permanent tattoos.

Despite the love of men to thickvegetation, shaved pubic area, too, becomes the object of sexual arousal. Not many people know that Freud's followers claim - this is how the unconscious inclination of men towards young girls manifests. Although some men want to see an experienced partner in bed, that's why they often react negatively to the partner's shaved pubic area.

A variety of intimate haircuts are almost alwayscause in men interest and desire. But it's hard for women to shave a heart, a butterfly or any other drawing. Therefore, there is a need to go to a beauty salon. Now this line of services has become very popular and brings good dividends. After all, haircuts in intimate places - this is not usually a shave, but a whole art. The professional will select a special style for his client, perform cosmetic cleaning, perform a haircut, and also give valuable recommendations for the care of her. But it should be a master who passed special depilation courses. The main problem is that such professionals can be counted on the fingers. That's why they are extremely in demand, especially in big cities. Arsenal hairdresser on intimate haircuts contains a special shaving mini-machine, tweezers and scissors.

A variety of styles of haircuts enablechoose something for themselves. Especially popular are "flower", "flashlight", "snake", "butterfly", "pussy", "tulip", "zebra" and so on. Intimate haircut is a piece of jewelry that is well paid. Therefore, the prices for such services are quite high. In addition, the haircut must be adjusted every 2-3 weeks.

According to psychologists, intimate haircuts domostly women who have many complexes, they suffer from neglect of the partner or others and want to emphasize their individuality. These ladies are usually distinguished by an outrageous, extravagant behavior, while in bed they are looking for experiments. However, if you just want to bring something new into your sex life, try to make yourself an intimate haircut. The effect will surpass all your expectations.

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