/ / Dresses with leather inserts - black, red and even multi-colored versions. With what and how best to wear?

Dresses with leather inserts - black, red and even multi-colored versions. With what and how best to wear?

Leather dress almost never goes out and fashion,But not every girl dares to wear it, considering such a dress excessively aggressive and vulgar. Dresses with leather inserts are much more loved by girls and women of all ages. This image is more universal, and it is easier to supplement it with various details and accessories.

Advantages of a combined dress

As for the leather dress, it israther extravagant and does not leave a chance to be unnoticed by others. If you do not want this effect, but you still want to acquire a fashionable thing, then a knitted dress with leather inserts will be an excellent alternative. In addition, it has a number of advantages in comparison with a leather dress.

dress with leather inserts
In it, a woman will feel comfortable andin winter, and in summer, while in a leather dress the body does not breathe (it is not recommended to be a whole day). And in winter it cools and becomes tougher. And many questions arise when it comes to caring for a leather product: wash, wipe or just dry-cleaning? The female figure has many nuances and features that sometimes want to hide properly picked up clothes, but here the leather outfits are not helpers, unlike the dress with leather inserts. A fact: if they are located on each side, then the owner of this outfit looks a little slimmer in a couple of sizes. This dress does not constrain movements, sits well on the figure, looks less aggressive and therefore suits both young girls and women of mature age.

The possibility of various combinations plus a limitless imagination of designers give the girls a large selection of models for everyday wear, and for special occasions.

Black dress with leather inserts

The command of Coco Chanel is known to every girl withof children's age: "Every self-respecting woman of fashion must have a small black dress in her wardrobe." This is a fairly concise outfit, and if you do not supplement it with accentuating accessories, even a bit boring. But what if the office dress code prohibits catchy, and sometimes any, decorations, but you really want to look impressive against the backdrop of gray everyday life? Here are black dresses with leather inserts and will prove to be the best solution to the problem. Fragments of soft velvet leather perfectly match any fabric, be it wool, cashmere or knitwear, bringing a variety and freshness to the classic image.

Black dress with leather inserts

If the outfit is sleeveless, then it can be combined withshort jacket or bolero, made from the same fabric as the dress, but with the color you can experiment and choose some contrasting bright shade. If the dress is evening, then in case of a night cool, you can take with you a boa or fur cape.

Red combined dress

Bright color creates a strong and complex image.The dress should have one accent, and in this case it will be the color. If you want a dress to fit different life situations, rather than waiting for the moment when his mistress will go to him on a fetish party, then make a choice in the direction of a simple cut (without rivets, laces, perforations).

knitted dress with leather inserts
In addition, the color should not be bright red.It can be wine, burgundy, cherry, coral, dark pink. To create an evening image, dresses with leather inserts of contrasting black color will suit.

Other variants of colors

With the skin look great blue, pink, yellowand green dresses. Fresh, bright, memorable images are created. Inserts on the dress can slightly adjust the shape depending on where they are. If the sides - slim, if under the chest - add a couple of centimeters of growth and chest volume.

It is impossible not to note the trendy combination - thislong dress with leather inserts. The girl in this dress looks extremely feminine, sexy and mysterious. Trying on a dress, you can safely go to any festive event and shine.

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