/ Fly Bra: customer reviews and features

Bra Bra Invisible Bra: customer reviews and features

Bra Bra Invisible Bra - new to the marketunderwear, who came to the Russian customers straight from France. Such a product is a repeatedly improved bra, and it performs two tasks:

  • gives a very attractive look of the female breast, regardless of its size;
  • makes the process of wearing any open clothes as comfortable as possible.

fly bra reviews


Prices for bra Bra Bra are available to almost everyone. Therefore, such a product is a truly indispensable female assistant. After all, only with its help you can in a few seconds:

  • get a luxurious bust;
  • get emotional uplift;
  • to feel comfort;
  • enjoy the perfect balance of parameters such as price and quality.

That is, only with the appearance in the arsenal of womensuch an indispensable assistant, the fair sex representative can fearlessly choose the most open clothes, and it will look stunning in them.

How does it look?

If you believe a large number of women, the real Bra Bra Invisible Bra (reviews act as confirmation) has certain criteria:

  • laconism (simple form of cups);
  • thoughtfulness (no straps, bones, two colors, a wide dimensional mesh, lacing);
  • safety (does not cause irritation);
  • functionality (can be worn under any clothing).

And if at least one of these definitions does not fit the chosen product, then, most likely, it is an analog of the Fly Bra, and not the original.

bra invisible fly bra reviews


On the label of the original bra Bra Bra must be specified composition of the inner and outer layers.

Important! Outside, such a "proper" bra mainly consists of cotton with the addition of a small amount of synthetic (70% / 30%), the inner layer is made of medical silicone.

In addition, in the original Fly Bra, all reviews without exception are talking about this, there must be a lacing. After all, without it, it is impossible to achieve the desired push-up effect.

These are extremely important details, as today the Internet is filled with various analogs of the Fly Bra and even its counterfeits. They differ from the original not only in price, but also in quality.

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How to use?

Studying real reviews about Bra Fly Bra, you can easily remember the simple rules for using it:

  • Before fixing the bust on the chest, her skinshould be cleaned of dirt and sweat. In no case can not use for these purposes fatty cosmetics, because in this case, the sticky layer simply does not fix on the skin.
  • After this, you need to attach the bra to the chest andPress it for a few seconds. Thus, the area of ​​contact of the silicone layer with the skin will increase, which will ensure a reliable fixation of the bra.
  • Then use a lacing to give a breastthe desired form. In this case, the fair sex should be guided by the proverb: "Better than little, nothing." That is, ladies should avoid strong squashing of their breasts, as this will necessarily lead to a tangible discomfort, which, incidentally, is evidenced by many reviews about the Fly Bra.
  • At the end, press the bra again against the chest for better fixation.
  • After removing the bra, it should be rinsed with soap and water and put into the package until the next use.

Thus, one should act with an invisible helper each time his sticky silicone layer comes into contact with an object or part of the body.

Secrets of prolonging "life"

Correct feedback on the Fly Bra, which can be found on the Internet, give all the girls and women two wise advice:

  1. Do not under any circumstances violate the usage rules. Otherwise, the bra can present a very unpleasant surprise in the form of peeling off at the most inopportune moment.
  2. A brassiere should not be worn every day.

Firstly, because it is so quicker "zanashivaetsya"its sticky coating. And, secondly, its unique properties are trite to hide under ordinary T-shirts and dresses. After all, neither the raised breast, nor the lack of straps and fasteners under them is still not visible.

invisible bra fly bra

How to distinguish a fake from the original?

It's no secret that such products as Fly Brareviews collect conflicting. Some are categorically against the purchase of such an invisible bra, others unequivocally advocate its purchase.

And the thing is that girls and women who leave feedback initially use different products. How to distinguish a fake from the original? Here are a few criteria:

  • Manufacturer. Buying a bra of Chinese manufacturers-craftsmen, it is difficult to expect that it will be good.
  • Packing and instruction. Branded packaging must contain an image of the goods, as well as several inscriptions in different languages.
  • Appearance of the product. In this case we are talking about the undulating form of cups, about the presence of lacing and "breathing", that is, having microscopic holes, material.

invisible bra fly bra

Where it is better to get?

Buy invisible bra Fly Bra, reviews sothey assure us that today it is not difficult at all. After all, it's enough just to enter the appropriate query into the search bar of any search engine, as many different offers are immediately opened.

So, where do you end up making a purchase in order to get a really good and useful bra in your own use? Will help reviews about the Fly Bra.

On "AliExpress". Here you can not buy the originalinvisible bra. For the simple reason that the birthplace of Fly Bra - France. Accordingly, China's largest trading platform by definition can not offer customers an original product.

Yes, underwear bought on "AliExpress" can be externally beautiful, it is likely, it will also be convenient, but it will never have all the qualities of a true "invisibility".

Unjustified overpricing of the price of Fly Bra should scare rather than attract.

Strangely enough, but the real "invisible" brais sold at an average market price. And if some site offers such products, say, for 4 thousand rubles, this does not give the customer any guarantee that she becomes a happy owner of the original product.

Different names, but the essence is one?

In search of the best invisible bra, many girls and women spend a lot of time. And all because some sellers disguised as Fly Bra offer customers:

  • Unbra. It is a bra, consisting only of sticky silicone.
  • Inbra. A more serious model, if compared with the previous one. Consists of fabric and silicone.
  • Bobra. The bra closest to the original, giving the female breast a push-up effect, also has a silicone layer.

However, in more detailed analysis, it turns out that none of the proposed models are laced. Therefore, different names hide behind themselves and different functionality.

invisible bra fly bra reviews


Those happy young ladies, who at least oncewore a bra invisible, can literally without hesitation to list all of its pluses. By the way, and the Bra Fly bra Invisible Bra reviews often gets good. And all because the real "invisible" acts as a kind of wand-zashchalochki in those moments when you need to quickly fix a situation.

Wedding. It's no secret that preparation for the most important event in the life of every woman is usually done in advance. And very often because of pre-wedding hassles, the bride loses weight.

As a result, the wedding dress sits on it notso attractive, as with the purchase. And if this is a very open model, then it is extremely difficult to wear a regular bra under it. And only Fly Bra helps to fix this situation as comfortably and effectively as possible.

High school graduation. If you buy a prom dressyesterday's schoolgirls with their girlfriends, then not always purchased outfit meets all the requirements of strict parents. And it seems that the desire of an almost adult daughter to purchase an open dress is understandable to them. However, and make it a little more decent moms and dads want.

As in the previous case, to helpA worried adult can come Fly Bra (real reviews and prices described above). The bra not only helps the graduate look 100%, but also helps her parents feel a little calmer.

A party (beach, cocktail).To receive at any time an unexpected invitation to any interesting party can be any girl or woman. But to look brilliant at such an event on the forces of not everyone. And so that such pleasant surprises are not taken by surprise, it is enough to buy an invisible bra in advance, which will help to form any image and give it a spicy zest.

fly bra customer reviews


Of course, no one will argue that everythingcustomer reviews about Fly Bra are only positive. There are also rather negative comments about this product, which can be divided into two main groups:

  • The bra is unstuck.Why can this happen? One of the most likely versions is the misuse of a bra. Poor cleaning of the silicone layer after previous use or refusal of additional treatment of the skin of the breast invariably leads to such an unpleasant result. In addition, an increased level of sweating can also provoke a "runaway" bra. In this case, it is recommended to simply abandon such a model, since such embarrassments will occur constantly.
  • The bra did not change the shape of the breast.Such a comment can arise if the girl uses the analog Fly Bra or if it is a very large breast size. After all, the heavier the mammary glands, the harder it is to give them a sexual shape.

Thus, even in spite of the fact thatBra invisible is designed for different sizes of breasts (maximum - "C"), it should be taken with a small margin. For example, if the representative of the fair sex breast size "A", then it is still worth choosing "B". And if it is a breast size "D" or even "E", then such a luxury, unfortunately, such a bra just does not survive.


Find on the Internet real reviews about the braFly Bra is pretty easy. After all, almost all women want to buy such invisible bra. In this case, the number of positive and negative reviews on the sites varies.

For this reason, each of the fair sex, thinking about buying an invisible bra, will have to decide on her own whether she needs such a wardrobe or not.

However, like any novelty, this brait is necessary to test personally on yourself, as the organism of each woman is individual, and it can react in the most unexpected way to such an invisible helper.

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