/ How to check silver at home? All the ways

How to check silver at home? All the ways

Silver products are in demand forfor centuries. Not surprisingly, there are a lot of fakes in the market, because metal is quite expensive. In order not to fall for the bait of dishonest dealers, you need to know how to check silver for authenticity in accessible ways.

Nuggets of silver

Visual inspection

Of course, 100% guarantee that before youreal metal, gives a spectral analysis in the laboratory. But such a test is expensive. In addition, they are not held in every city. Therefore it is worth learning about how to check silver at home.

First, look at the product.A sure sign that you have real metal in front of you is the stigma of the state assay chamber. On products of the Soviet era there is an impression of a sickle with a hammer. On modern works of jewelers, there is a seal in the form of a woman's head in a kokoshnik. The impression itself should be clear, rectangular with rounded lower and upper sides.

Take a closer look at the metal sample.In Russia, the following values ​​are accepted: 800, 830, 875, 925, 960. On foreign products there is the letter S (silver). If you find SP (silver plated) on the metal, it means that you have a silvered object in front of you. On antique things there is a stamp with a figure of 84. This standard was used in Russia until the year 27 of the last century. This impression says that before you is silver of the 875th test.

If there is no brand on the subject,then carefully examine it. Do not purchase products that have scrapes of a different color. Do not forget to check the quality of manufacturing and processing of items. All the links of the chain or bracelet must be solid and well sealed.

Look closely at the stones if they are present on the product. Minerals are never glued to genuine jewelry works. This technology is used only for cheap jewelry.

Sample of silver

Sound, smell and taste

A similar method of how to check silver is notgives 100% guarantee. After all, some businessmen have learned to create special odorants with the smell of noble metal. Besides, to hear the fragrance of silver, you need a good sense of smell.

Check the product for "sound" a little easier.When striking about another metal, silver produces a ringing, similar to crystal. Therefore, throw a coin or a ring on a tray, and if the object "sings", then you have a jewelry, not a fake.

Silver is a fairly soft metal, and it is often checked "for a tooth". If you feel that the material is too strong, and you can not bite it, you have a fake of nickel or steel.


From school chemistry lessons we remember that silver -metal with high thermal conductivity. And if you take a ring or a spoon in your hands, then the products should quickly heat up by hand. To speed up the test, lower the product into hot water. It will become warm in a few seconds. Is the metal cool? You have a fake.

Testing of silver by ice

In addition, check the tray or a coin of silver can be as follows: put a piece of ice on the object. If it melts unnaturally, then there is noble metal in front of you.


If you purchased a product whose authenticity isyou are in doubt, then check it at home. One of the most accessible and effective ways to check silver is to drop a whitening agent on the subject, for example, "Whiteness". After 5-10 minutes, the noble metal will turn black. But other materials are unlikely to show a similar reaction. To remove traces, wipe the object with ammonia.

Sulfuric ointment

This method of how to check silver in your homeconditions, risky, but effective. If you do not have sulfuric ointment, then you can buy it at the nearest pharmacy. And this drug is sold without a prescription.

To check the silver product, smear itplace the ointment and leave for 10-15 minutes. If the metal is genuine, it will turn black from contact with the drug. To restore its original purity and brilliance, boil the product in water with the addition of soda and pieces of foil. In extreme cases, gently clean the spot with a nail file.


This way of how to check silver is worthuse only in extreme cases. After all, traces of iodine is difficult to remove from a noble metal. For the test, drip some reagent on the product. If a dark spot has formed at the place of contact, then do not worry, this is real metal. And the blacker the mark, the higher the sample of silver.

If the contact with iodine on the product appeared white plaque, then you are 100% fake.

Remove traces of reagent from the object will be difficult.The product should be boiled in water with soda. If this does not work, then clean the stain with a nail file or sandpaper, and then polish the surface.


a piece of chalk

This way of how to verify the authenticitysilver at home, no less effective than treatment with iodine or sulfuric ointment. But the chalk does not harm the metal. And after the test on the products there are no traces left.

For testing, pass a piece of rock over the metal. If the chalk from the contact with the product has darkened, then you can not be afraid. There is silver before you.


Another effective method of how to testsilver for authenticity at home, is to bring a magnet to the product. Noble metal does not react to such a "neighborhood". But if the product has an admixture of iron, then the magnet is sure to attract it.

Sharp object

Such a method will help to distinguish noblemetal from silvered brass. For the test, take the sewing needle or knife and gently scratch the product, preferably in an inconspicuous place. If the color of the material has not changed, then you have silver. A reddish strip appears on the surface of the counterfeit object.

verification of silver for authenticity

How to test silver with nitric acid

Such a verification method is effective. But getting nitric acid is not easy. If you managed to get this reagent, then conduct the test in this way:

  1. Select an inconspicuous place on the object and lightly scratch it with a needle or knife.
  2. Pour a little acid on the scratch.
  3. Wait for 5-10 seconds while the metal reacts with the acid.

Pure high-quality silver from contact with the reagent blacken. If the stain is green, then before you is silvered brass or nickel silver.

Check the metal for density

For this test, you need an accurate balance and a glass of clean water. How to test:

  1. Weigh the object and write down this value.
  2. Put a glass of water on the scales and reset them.
  3. Hang the object on a string and gently dip it into the water. Try not to touch the bottom or walls of the glass. Record the result of the "water" weighing.
  4. Divide the first result into the second.

If the metal is genuine, then the number obtained is 10 or more. A similar method of how to check silver is not suitable for products with inserted minerals or voids.

Silver coins

Numismatic references

Counterfeiting of coins is a profitable business, because the price forone rare specimen reaches serious amounts. Therefore, numismatists should be more careful. If you buy a coin from a private collector, then before buying, be sure to check the weight by reference. Even a small deviation should alert. Most likely, you sell a coin from another material, but not silver.

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