The sea is loved by all. Some people associate it with brave captains. Some of them have incredible travel and distant countries. For some, the main association is a sea cap.
Such an acquisition allows a person to imagineyourself right on the beach under the hot sun on warm sand with the splash of the coastal caressing waves. In general, it is extremely difficult to find such a person whom the sea cap would not have attracted. This is a wonderful reminder of the restless waves and the salty wind. People who have at least once seen the sea, always try to surround themselves with things of this kind. This headpiece is one of them.
So, more in detail.A sea cap is an ideal option for those men who, from their earliest childhood, dreamed of becoming captains of large ships. If suddenly such a hat could be tried on, fortunately there was literally no limit.
And the cap changed sea, since timesPeter the Great, not once. In the pre-revolutionary fleet, this accessory appeared in 1812. The headpiece was dark green, equipped with a black lacquered visor and three white cusps. Seventy years later, the cap changed its color to black. After the February Revolution, the attribute was transformed into a soft cap of the French model with a straight visor and a golden cord. Thanks to Pavel the First in the Russian Tsarist army.
The sea form, of course, presupposesobligatory presence of this headdress. It, first of all, is a serious attribute of the authority over the elements, the control of the ship, the authority among subordinate captains.
Sea form withstands a wide variety of weather conditions. And the cap, of course, also becomes a faithful fellow traveler of the ship's owner.
Its main elements include a cockade,band, tuja, kant, welt and visor. Also, the attribute must have a special insert made of a steel hoop. During wearing, it allows you to maintain and maintain the shape of the headdress.
Marine cap (white) - a favorite attributemembers of a variety of yacht clubs and owners of small vessels. In port cities, such a "captain" has long been turned into a traditional tourist souvenir. Many manufacturers apply these headgear and their own insignia. Manufactured caps, as a rule, made of cotton and equipped with strips with embroideries made on automatic machines. The cockade is decorated with a gold cord and buttons with anchors. Of course, you only need to erase such things manually.
The accessory is also popular among organizers and participants of the sea parties. Sometimes they are decorated with additional metal fittings.
Whether it's a sea cap, or other variationsheadgear for those people who are somehow connected with the fleet, these things do not cease to be in great demand. Let's consider the basic models.