/ / How to tie a scarf on your head in different ways?

How to tie a scarf on your head in different ways?

To look attractive and stylish, womenspend a lot of time and effort trying to find the right combination of things in the kit. But when choosing accessories to the image, many people forget about such details as a scarf, the use of which can be very multifunctional. With it, you can add a zest, tied around the neck, using as a belt on the dress, but to make the image unusual, the girls tied it on his head. You can decorate a haircut with a scarf or a scarf or weave it into your hair, and it can also replace a headdress. Beautifully tie a scarf is a whole art, having mastered that, any girl will be able to create hats of incredible beauty. We'll talk about how to tie a scarf on the head below.

beautiful tie a scarf on his head

Accessory selection

Before moving on to how to create headheadwear, you need to understand what kind is best for this purpose. These can be scarves, shawls, kerchiefs, stoles or bandanas, the material and density of which depend on the occasion and the time of year. For example, light and light products will be suitable for the summer heat, they do not absorb and let the air through.

The shade of the accessory must be chosen in such a wayso that it blends in well with the color of the skin, and also suits the rest of the clothes. It is also very important to pay attention to the material, it should not be slippery.

Для создания головных уборов можно использовать Any quality accessories, including scarves, which are tied around the neck. But stylists are advised to have a few original products that you will use only for this purpose.

Ways of tying

How to tie a scarf on your head in different ways? To begin with, it should be noted that this accessory can be used for different purposes, it can be:

  1. Functional load.
  2. As a decoration.
  3. For spiritual or religious reasons.
  4. Following fashion trends.

Each of these goals is in itself.good, but they all suggest different ways to tie a scarf on your head. The functional role is to protect the product from weather conditions or precipitation. In cold weather, the shawl should be quite warm, for example, from thin wool material. A functional accessory in the summer can be in the form of a bandage, protecting against wind and so on.

ways to tie a scarf on your head

If you plan to use an accessory for decorative purposes or according to fashion trends, you can tie it in any way, as long as it matches the color and texture of the set.

For spiritual reasons, religious girls wear the headdress, but it is necessary to tie it in different ways: Muslim women do it in a certain way, and Christians simply tie a kerchief.

A simple way

You do not know how to tie a scarf on his head? Do this in the form of a bandage. But even in this case, you can turn on the fantasy and use different methods.

Option one. Take a rectangular scarf of soft material and fold it in half. Wind the head with the strip and then tie the ends under the hair.

Option two.Fold the scarf or scarf along the length and put it behind the head. Straighten the fabric and lift the tips to the forehead, crossing them two times between them. After that, lower the ends down and cross them behind your head. Take the ends of the product to the forehead and tie a knot.

Option third or popular "eight".This method will require a decorative buckle to help shape the scarf. Place the product on the neck and lift it so that the middle part remains under the hair. Thread the ends of the scarf into the buckle, tighten them and put them back under the hair.

Tying a headscarf in these ways will give the girl bold charm, as well as help hold her hair and become the basis of her hairstyle.

how to tie a scarf on his head

Sea style

To conquer the sea coast is optionalgrab it on a huge ship, it’s enough for a girl to outshine everyone with her charm and know how beautiful it is to tie a scarf on your head! It is very simple to make it - take a light handkerchief in the shape of a rectangle and fold it in half to form a triangle. Put it on the head with the wide side to the forehead and tie the ends at the back. And in order to attract even more attention, a knot (small or large, if desired) can be made from the side. This headdress is perfect for a beach holiday or a costume party.

Girl from the East

You do not know how to tie a scarf on your head?Lovers of eastern images can choose a method of tying a scarf on the head in the form of a turban. Preferences should be given to bright, saturated products. It is easy to make a turban on the head, for this there are several methods.

The first way is to attachscarf to the forehead, the head should be covered completely. The ends of the product are turned back, crossed, and then sent forward again. A double knot is tied on the forehead. To make the image more playful, you can move the scarf to the side and tie the ends into a bow.

how beautiful to tie a scarf on your head in winter

The next way how to tie a scarfon the head, suitable for owners of thick hair. It is necessary to make a side parting and divide the hair, then you need to wind the left part of the hair on one side of the scarf, and the right part on the other. Then pick up both sides of the hair, stretch it out and cross the ends of the scarf to the forehead.

And, finally, the last way to tie a turban.First you should collect the hair in a bun and fix it well. Then take the product of medium length, fold it in half and place on the back of the head. At the end, lift the tips of the scarf and tie a cute knot. The similarity of a turban is ready!

Tying a handkerchief in the listed ways, each girl will be able to feel like an eastern princess.

Ageless classic

Of course, not all girls recognizemodern trends in tying scarves, for them there are time-tested variations. It is possible to tie a scarf on the head beautifully in several ways, for example, to make a strip from a scarf. To do this, flatten the handkerchief, take its opposite ends and fold it in the direction from the center so that the desired shape is 4-6 cm wide. After that you should put a handkerchief on your head so that the middle is above your forehead along the hairline. The ends of the product to connect under the hair in a tight knot. The final step will be to throw the ends of the scarf to the front over the shoulder.

Still do not know how to tie a scarf on your head?This method is known to many, because we were so tied to a scarf in our mother’s childhood, however, now this method is called “Hollywood chic”. You need to fold the product diagonally and put it on your head so that the tips hang down on your chest. You can tie them either under the chin or under the hair from behind, choose what is more convenient for you.

how beautiful to tie a scarf on your head

And the last way is a bandana, familiar to us.all since childhood. Fold the handkerchief so that one end is longer than the other, and lay on the head (the fold should be at the same level as the eyebrows). Tie a knot at the back of the head.

Old variations of tying scarves will always be more popular, since they are much more practical and just more familiar.

Tying stole

This product is intended for the cold season, most often used as a scarf, imitation of a hood on the head and capes on the shoulders.

To cover your head in cool weather, you need to throw a tippet on top of it, and wrap your neck around the ends. One of the ends can be thrown on the shoulder and secured with a brooch that matches the image.

To tie a stole in the form of a hood, you need to casually throw it over your head so that between the remaining free space. Pull the long end around the waist and secure with a strap.

how to tie a scarf on his head in winter

Scarf on the head in winter looks

Thinking about tying a scarf on your headin the winter? The easiest way - a free headscarf. Take a thin wool product, fold it diagonally and slip it over your head. Today there is a knot in a trend, tied not under the very chin, but much lower, for example, at the clavicle level. For this variation of the "headdress" you can use stoles, shawls, as well as Pavloposad shawls.

Как еще можно повязать павлопосадский платок?Fold it with a triangle and throw it on your head (if you are the owner of long hair, then release a few strands from your face, it is better to remove the short ones under the handkerchief). Cross the free ends of the product under the chin, circling around the neck, tying a lush knot at the back. Those who prefer to make small knots, it is recommended to pre-twist the ends into bundles - this method of tying looks much more attractive. Against the background of winter and autumn clothes, fur coats or coats, a pavloposadky kerchief, casually thrown over the head or shoulders, looks incredibly stylish.

how to tie a scarf on your head in different ways

But do not forget that no matter how beautiful it looks, and no matter how warm the scarf or shawl, in the winter cold it will not be able to replace a full-fledged hat.


Now you know how beautifully to tie a scarfhead on in winter and summer, but when choosing a method, never forget about your external data. It is not recommended for owners of rounded facial features to cover the entire head with a scarf, just throw it carelessly or frame your face with several curls. Girls with red hair should not pick up products of red and pink colors, because the color of hair and scarf will simply merge, but the dark shades will fit perfectly.

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