/ / What to go to the club: tips experienced

What to go to the club: tips experienced

Preparing for their first appearance "in the light," manythe girls ask themselves: in what way should they go to the club? Each of us wants to make an impression, to show ourselves in all its glory, to become a star of the party. Unfortunately, not everyone can do it.

First of all, remember that the preparation fora party is not a job. Do not waste incredible efforts to just go and have fun. Many pseudomodern sites convince young ladies that to go to a nightclub you need to take responsibility, make up, hairdo, pick up an excellent outfit. This is not entirely correct, because if you do not feel comfortable with extended eyelashes, a hairpin of 20 centimeters and a mini skirt, then it is unlikely that you will be able to rest this night. Choosing an outfit, think about the dress code of the club and do not forget about your own style. If you keep your natural image, slightly embellishing it - this night will be yours.

About how to dress in a club or on any otherthe event has written a lot of articles, a few dozen TV shows have been shot, but nevertheless, the girls are lost, opening their wardrobe with clothes. Let's try to systematize these tips into several rules.

Правило 1:If you do not know what to go to the club, and until the party is only half an hour, take a small black dress in the styles of Coco Chanel (it should be in every girl's wardrobe). Black color hides shortcomings and emphasizes virtues. Dress - a universal outfit for all occasions, if you do not go to the hip-hop party, of course. To your image fit accessories in any style. Classics - gold or silver jewelry on the neck, hands or ears, clutch and shoes on the hairpin. If you want to make your outfit more modern, add colors. It can be pink shoes and an orange clutch or purse with sequins and shiny sandals. Do not be afraid to be bright and bright, any crazy ideas are welcome.

Правило 2:If you go to a youth club, where there is a strict face control, choose a classic blue jeans and a white T-shirt-alcoholic. Like the black dress, the base image should be diluted with a few bright accents, such as clutch fuchsia or neon platform shoes. Makeup in this case should be bright. Choose, or you will emphasize lips, or eyes. Eye makeup - only black universal Smoky Eyes, lips it is better to paint or bright scarlet or pink lipstick. Hair will be enough to wash and straighten. Believe me, young people are attracted by natural beauty, and not by a ton of "plaster".

Rule 3:Reasoning with friends on the topic - what to go to the club, choose outfits in one style, but unlike each other. If you agreed on this night to be feminine, then let it be short cocktail dresses of different bright colors. In that case, everyone will be talking about your birthday party at this party.

Правило 4:Do not add yourself a year, creating a new image. Many young ladies who are not yet 18, going for the first time to a night party, want to seem older, and therefore make incredible headaches, choose clothes not in size, visually increasing the volumes, make a terrible bright makeup. Do not make other people's mistakes.

Rule 5:If you go to a club where everything depends on face control at the entrance, then you should take your image very carefully. As a rule, in elite Moscow clubs they look at the appearance in general, on the grooming of the guest, his clothes and his surroundings. What to go to a club for a girl who does not have the means to buy brand clothes? There is a way out - the masses of the market! Sometimes it's hard to hide the true price of a thing, but if you know how to submit and sell yourself, you know how to combine incongruous and look like 100%, then you will certainly succeed! Unfortunately, taste and ability to this is not at all, but you need to try and learn from your own mistakes. Leaf through magazines, repeat the images of Hollywood stars, go shopping more, be brave in your decisions. Having learned how to show yourself on weekdays, you will understand how to defeat everyone in your way and at night, and no longer will you think about what to go to the club next time!

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