/ / Business meeting - stages of preparation and conduct.

Business meeting - the stages of preparation and conduct.

Business meeting is one of the forms of business communication, the purpose of which is collective discussion, comprehension of problems and issues of the enterprise (organization) and the adoption of an appropriate decision.

Types of business meetings are allocated for the main goal or tasks that need to be addressed: planning, motivation, internal routine of activities, monitoring of employees' activities and others.

Holding and preparing a business meeting has a certain technology, adhering to which you can easily master this form of business communication.

Step 1. Determination of the purpose of the meeting and agenda.

Business meeting is not just a meetingemployees. Its goal should look like a goal-result, that is, the adoption of a concrete decision. Therefore, this result must be formulated in advance. The more specific the formulation of the decision, the more effectively the meeting will be held and the result will be achieved. In the process of determining the goal, the organizer must answer the question: Can this issue be solved by a specific employee in the current working order? Is it possible to replace the meeting with another form of solution?

The agenda is prepared in advance.The participants of the meeting should be acquainted with the upcoming discussion, with the necessary materials, in order to be able to consider the solution. Moreover, each item on the agenda must have its own goal-result. In addition to the items on the agenda, the participants of the meeting are informed of the time allotted for discussion of each issue.

Step 2. Determination of the time and number of participants.

Traditionally, business meetings (except foremergency) are held on a specific day of the week in the afternoon. Identify the circle of participants in such a way as to manage the minimum number of employees. The best option is 6-7 people. Constructive solution of issues and problems depends on the presence of only interested persons. It is better to entrust the meeting to those employees who are most competent in this topic.

Step 3. Organization of the venue.

Organizers should anticipatepossibly, compatibility of the meeting participants. This will allow you to arrange the chairs and seat the people in order to increase the effectiveness of communication. Information is perceived better and faster, if you can clearly see the person, eyes, gestures of the speaker.

Step 4. Conducting the meeting: duration and schedule.

The business meeting has some components,which directly affect the effectiveness of decision making. The duration should not exceed 40-45 minutes. Psychologically, the collective mind can not work productively above this time. If it is necessary to continue the discussion, it is recommended to take a break for at least 30 minutes, which increases the state of health, mindfulness.

The business meeting should have rulesspeeches. To monitor compliance with the regulations is the responsibility of the chairman. However, respect for the regulations of all participants in the meeting shows the competence of the staff.

Step 5. Minutes of the meeting.

Drawing up an official document fixingthe main stages of the meeting, names and speakers, proposals and decisions, an essential component of the business meeting. On the basis of the protocol, the manager has the right to demand the implementation of decisions taken.

Step 6. Analysis of the preparation and conduct of the meeting.

A business meeting is considered successful, if possiblepositively answer the questions: How correctly is the circle of participants in the meeting? Did the location of participants contribute to the effectiveness of communication? How interested were the participants in the discussion? What served as spontaneous decision strategies? What contradictions between personal and collective goals were manifested? What was the reason for the conflicts (if they occurred)? Was the meeting time efficient?

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