/ / Tiger fish Goliath is a predator of the Congo River

Tiger fish Goliath is a predator of the Congo River

Congo - the deepest river on the planet, the second inthe world (after the Amazon) by its fullness and length, which is about 4700 km. The only water channel that crosses the equator twice, in its rich basin has a large number of diverse representatives of African flora and fauna: more than 20 species of small fishes and about 875 large varieties. Giant lizards, large crocodiles, small turtles and snakes are far from complete list of the inhabitants of such a chic reserve. About 250 species of them are rare, and most are simply unknown to science.

Congo - the river that sheltered the monster

Due to the strong current, the Congo River isa sort of evolutionary cauldron, contributing to the isolation of fish in certain of its sectors. This is due to the impotence of the latter before the power of the current. This forced isolation contributes to the emergence of a large number of unusual representatives of the animal world. The only individual who feels comfortable in a frenzied game of the current is the tiger fish Goliath, a water monster that inspires fear and trembling.

tiger fish goliath
The river stream itself carries it to the jaws of potential victims who are unable to resist the force of the water element.

His nickname for the fish was a giantthe size by which the great warrior Goliath was famous, who had a height of 2 m 89 cm. A "tiger" is called for the horizontally located dark stripes on the sides of the trunk. For the first time a large tiger fish Goliath was described in 1861. The African inhabitant is most often found in Lake Tanganyik and in the rivers Congo, Nile, Senegal, Omo. Large rivers and large lakes are the most comfortable environment for a river giant. Can lead a gregarious lifestyle with individuals of their species or predators similar to themselves. Males are much larger than females.

Goliath: Description of the Predator

Tiger fish Goliath with strong oblongThe body, covered with large silvery scales, and small pointed fins (red or bright orange) possesses all the qualities peculiar to the predator:

  • The length is up to 2 meters.
  • Weight - 50 kg and more.
  • Lifespan: 12 to 15 years.
  • Very large head with a large mouth.
  • 32 teeth, sharpened like a razor, with their tiger fish the Goliath grabs and tears the victim, without even chewing on it. During a life on a place of dropping out teeth new grow.
  • Excellent hearing, as well as the ability to feel the prey by low-frequency vibrations.
  • Ability to move easily in rough waters.

Tiger fish Goliath: what feeds on

In the natural environment, fish is omnivorous, its mainfood is fish and small mammals, although plant foods and detritus are also part of the ration of the river monster, which, by its bloodthirstiness, can compete with the Amazonian piranha.

tiger fish Goliath is the most terrible of freshwater fish in the world
During periods of hunger attacks, the Goliath is able to attack a person, and sometimes does not disdain and crocodiles, in nature, these cases were recorded.

In nature, female tiger fish Goliath spawnedonly a few days, during the rainy season (December - January). Migrating from small rivers to small tributaries, females lay large quantities of eggs among dense vegetation in shallow places. For frying fry, the initial period of life is more than comfortable, it is shoal, warm water and plenty of forages. Over time, adults grow into large rivers.

Hunting for a monster is a matter of honor

Tiger fish Goliath - one of the most terriblefreshwater fish in the world, therefore in Africa fishing for it is extremely popular among the local population, it can be compared with a successful hunt in the taiga for a bear.

tiger fish Goliath is one of the most terrible freshwater fish in the world
For each angler such fishing is presentan adventure that turns a dangerous predator into an unfortunate victim and a desired prey, after which fishermen from all over the world come to hunt on the banks of the Congo River.

Tiger fish Goliath - the most terrible of themfreshwater fish in the world, so catching this giant is quite difficult, because with his sharp teeth he is able to bite a fishing line of any thickness. Knowledgeable anglers use special leashes, which are made of very strong steel. Only in this way can you take the giant out of his habitat and get to know him on land.

Catch such a giant specimen managed by JeremyWade is an expert on freshwater fish and a leading program "River Monsters", engaged in fishing from an early age. For his 52 years, having visited many different places on the globe, he always brought from there unusual representatives of the river fauna.

More than a week the hunter plodded the hard-to-reach places of the river, for which he was rewarded with the long-awaited catch. The giant weighing 70 kg and a length of 1.5 meters did fall into his hands.

photos of tigli fish goliath
Photo of the tiger fish Goliath, on which it is in the hands of Jeremy, is admired by the experience and courage of this brave man.

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