/ / Burbot - cold water fish

Burbot - cold water fish

Burbot - fish is unusual and original.If only because it is the only fish of the cod family, which chose river water for habitation. After all, other representatives of this family are distributed exclusively in the marine environment.

burbot fish
The unusual behavior of burbot manifests itself inthe time of his hibernation. Anabiosis of the fish occurs during summer time, when other of its relatives get themselves provisions, which at this time are many: beetles, dragonflies, midges and others. Our hero prefers to lead an active life in winter. Burbot is a predatory fish, so the hibernation of other fish is quite satisfactory, because he does not need to exert any effort to extract food, it is enough to sneak up to the carnivorous fish and ... to have supper.

Filling fat, the fish moves to productionoffspring. Somewhere in January-February "river cod" spawning occurs. While the main part of the fish is asleep, the fry of the fry can fully develop without fear of being eaten.

burbot fish
Thus, burbot - the fish is cold-loving.The range of its habitat extends to the northern and Siberian rivers. It is there that live worthy specimens, the weight of which reaches 20 kg, and the length - up to a meter! The more south, the members of the cod family are smaller. In the southern reservoirs of burbot not found at all. The optimum temperature of the aquatic environment for this fish is about 120C. In warmer conditions, the burbot feels worse, preferring to wait out the temperature rise, hiding under the snag, into the roots of the trees, in general, wherever there is a shadow.

For hunting this big original chooses the nighttime, and in the afternoon prefers to zanoritsya and sleep off. Inveterate fishermen will be interested to know where dwells and what feeds on burbot. Fish prefers quiet and secluded places. To find a river in which you can catch burbot, you need to choose a quiet place, far from homes and people. The water in the river should be clean, with a rapid current and a stony bottom. Burbot - fish fastidious and will not tolerate stagnation of water.

"Cod Hunter" earns food nearfrom the place of permanent habitation. And he prefers to settle under the cliffs of the shore, in the pits, especially if there are cold keys in them. Catch it under the piers and bridges. Burbot particularly likes to go hunting on a cool, cloudy day, but rather rainy.

Hunt "river cod" prefers near the bottom.Burbot is a predator, therefore it feeds mainly on fish. The main bottom dwellers making up the ration of our hunter are minnows, bullheads, ruffs. But with the onset of autumn, the "menu" of burbot significantly expands. Young individuals eat mainly eggs of fish, crayfish, frogs.

than fed burbot fish
The best time to harvest burbot is late autumn and winter. You can go fishing and in the spring - in April-May, only the weather is better to choose the cool and rainy.

It is worth talking about the appearance of burbot.It has an oblong serpent-like body with a flat and broad head. On the chin is one mustache - a distinctive feature of burbot. Color of fish skin is from dark green to black. The younger the individual, the skin is blacker.

Burbot meat is not in vain considered a delicacy: it is juicy and fatty, especially tasty liver. Be sure to try the ear from this fish.

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