/ / Thrush baby: feeding and feeding recommendations

Baby thrush nestling: feeding and feeding recommendations

Thrushes are insectivorous birds.Nests are settled mainly in a non-aged mixed or coniferous sparse forest with dense underbrush near the water and fields. "Dwelling" their bowl-shaped, collected from grass stalks, small branches, moss, fastened with saliva. It is located on a tree, and not high from the ground.

how to feed a thrush chick
Laying hatch both parents.Birds feed mainly on the ground, looking for insects in the forest floor. They are warmed to plumage together. Thrushes bring chicks several insects on average 4 times per hour. Food is collected near the nest, at a distance of no more than 200 m.

About peace for some time will have to forget ifin some way (picked up, specially taken to grow singing bird, someone threw up) the thrush nestling hit you. The photo shows a nice baby. It is necessary to immediately decide what you will do with it: leave it to live in a house or set free. It should be taken into account that if the nestling is quite small (there is fluff on his head) and you take it in hand, then the adult bird will be completely tame.

The main difficulty in growing a baby is to provide him with warmth. Thrush should be kept in captivity at about 40aboutС. Для этого нужно сделать простой термостат.You can use a plywood box, and the bottom is preferably a small wall, and the opposite will be a cover. At the bottom of the sidewall should be strengthened cartridge and screw the light bulb. Cover it with sand 5 cm and install the nest. It can be built from rags or found natural. It is unacceptable to use cotton wool, as the thrush chick will get confused in it.

baby bird thrush photo
To be sure that the overheating from the bulb is nothappens, you have to install a glow plug or a thermometer on the surface of the sand. In the first embodiment, the light bulb can not be turned off, and in the second one will have to periodically look after the readings and when heated to 41aboutWith turn off. An unresponsive thrush chick will not suffer overheating, and, like hypothermia, will die. Fledgling birds do not need heating, they can live in a basket with a lid.

If the chick was taken from the nest, then the first feedingin the house should be hours after 5, because he will need time to adapt. It is better to feed the children found outside the natural housing immediately, because it is not known how long they go hungry. Relatively large calves have to force to eat, they voluntarily do not open their mouths. The food must be pushed away into the throat, otherwise it will be spat out. Before forced feeding, you can resort to tricks - knock on the basket or move it. This will improvise the arrival of the mother, and perhaps the thrush nestling will open its mouth. Usually hungry, he makes sounds, demanding food. It is necessary to give it as soon as possible. Babies get used to people quickly, after the 3rd feeding, they themselves open their mouths wide.

The question arises about how to feed a thrush chick. If we consider that these birds are insectivorous, the answer suggests itself: flies, moth, zofobasami, etc.

baby thrush
Insectivorous feeds can be used withlow in iron and vitamin C because they accumulate in the liver and adversely affect development. It is recommended to give him egg white, boiled potatoes and corn, apples, melons, berries, banana, pear, yogurt. Raisins, grapes, kiwi, strawberries, citrus fruits, green vegetables, tomatoes, egg yolk, red meat, liver are contraindicated.

Птенец дрозда прожорлив, кормить его необходимо every hour, at most - two. Tweezers with blunt ends can be used. At bedtime, it is advisable to place a basket with the chick near the bed in order to hear a squeak, indicating the need for feeding. We'll have to get up, otherwise the baby will die of hunger.

In hot weather, chicks need to pour water frompipette In crushed eggshell, which is necessary for bones, you can roll the food pieces before feeding. Even chicks need sand, without it, food stagnates in the stomach, and death may occur.

When a thrush chick grows up, it needs to be taught.pecking food on their own. Each time, food must be given from a lower position. Then hold her, not putting in his mouth until he grabs. A little later, the food is placed in front of him, the chick is left with nothing, how to pick up, i.e. he will bite her. It is good to give moving food - a fly with wings torn off, a wriggling worm (but not a rainwater, which is the source of helminths).

A lot of hassle. If there is any doubt that you can handle it, it is better not to take up the nestling. If they are not there, success and patience!

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