/ / Duckling duckling: features of nursing and feeding

Duckling duckling: features of nursing and feeding

For domestic farmsteads or for sale breeding of ducks is a rather profitable business. They produce three types of main products: meat, eggs, fluff, as well as additional - litter.

In order to start a business, you need to purchase eggs or chicks. You can always buy the latter, but you can also take them out on your own backyard. A duckling duckling is called a duckling.

chick duckling
It has good viability, early maturity and unpretentiousness.

Popular breeds for breeding

  • musky;
  • Beijing;
  • black white-bearded;
  • clayey;
  • cayuga (coral);
  • mirror;
  • white alley;
  • gray Ukrainian.

If a farmer purchases eggs, he will needhen (incubation) or incubator. It is very convenient for those who plan to breed poultry for meat on medium or large scale. The best for incubation will be the eggs that have lain after being demolished no more than 10 days, even shape, medium size for this breed.

How to leave the chick from hatching to slaughter

chick duck is called
The duration of the incubation period is 27-28 days. The time interval approximately one day before hatching is called naklev. Duckling duckling в это время пытается пробить клювом скорлупу.It is very important to be near ducklings when they come into the world, as they hatch wet, and the slightest draft becomes destructive for them. Duck's children must be dried artificially or given to the hen.

Grow ducklings can be under an adult bird -poultry - or separately. Of course, the first method is better, but the incubator chick duck is no worse than the productive qualities. You just need to consider some of the subtleties:

  • The poultry room must have a constant temperature and humidity, although ducks and waterfowl, but there should not be dampness in the poultry house. Air temperature till the 6th day - 22-28aboutC, after that - 16-18. The bedding for ducklings should be dry and warm, use straw, peat, sawdust.
  • The chick duck, like any other poultry, is extremely sensitive to hypothermia. It is necessary to use special drinkers for ducklings so that they do not get wet.
  • Accustoming to water is produced later than for brood, which is grown under a brood: usually from 18-25 days.
  • It is necessary to calculate the size of the room and not to place a large number of chicks together: the ducks do not tolerate the tightness. The norm is 7-8 heads per square meter.

Slaughter for meat is produced in two months, the weight of the young is 2200-2500 g. After two months the moult begins to moult, the ducks grow thin, the weight at slaughter will be higher, but the yield of meat is less.

Feeding ducks

how to leave a chick
Duck babies are pretty voracious, podkladyvatI need food in the feeders after 3-4 hours. Their diet consists of cereal sticks, porridges (oatmeal, millet, barley) with the addition of milk, cottage cheese, vegetables, green grass. Mineral additive in the form of crushed shells, chalk, meat-and-bone meal, and from three weeks - salt - is mandatory. Ducklings of the first days of life are added finely chopped boiled egg.

Definition of sex ducklings

In order to find out what sex a duck chick is,you need to look into the cloaca, the drake in the lower part of her sees a small bump. Ducks can discern sex almost immediately after birth. In some breeds, females and males differ in color.

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