/ / Gopnik - subculture: description and causes

Gopnik - subculture: description and causes

Probably, any person living in the post-Sovietspace, at least once I heard the word "Gopnik". Subculture appeared in the twentieth century and became extremely common after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Gopniki subculture
More often than not, gopniks are called young people,However, noticeable features of this social group can be observed in more age categories. Because of the lack of a clear self-identification and the denial by the gopniks of belonging to a particular subculture, it is quite difficult to name the number of "gopas" in the CIS countries. Some Russian politicians have suggested that a quarter of Russia's youth are gopy.


As early as the beginning of the 20th century, expressionGopnik. Subculture was not yet clearly formed and this definition was applied only within St. Petersburg. In the 1920s, on the outskirts of the city (which was already called Leningrad), there was an area for homeless children and teenage bullies. The urban hostel of the proletariat among the inhabitants of the city was named by the abbreviation GOP. Hence the name, which gradually spread throughout the Soviet Union.


Already in the late 80's among the youth of largecities became clearly stand Gopnik. Subculture was the most common among the youth movements. However, the complexity of a detailed study of it is that the Gopnik themselves do not associate themselves with belonging to a particular social group. Moreover, this generalization causes aggression in them. The appearance of gopis is connected with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Along with the severe economic crisis, a radical change in the value system also took place. In the 1990s, the crime situation deteriorated sharply. Many people preferred to earn illegally. And most often they had to do with the criminal world, living according to the so-called Zonov concepts.

who are gopnik

The desire to assert itself was caused bypoorly educated and poor strata of the population, the desire to be like "authorities", that's exactly how Gopnik appeared. Subculture immediately acquired certain features. Most often, all youth movements have certain external signs that distinguish them from the background of other members of society. This is primarily a style of clothing, hair, slang, manners.

Who are gopniks: appearance

Gopnik have a certain style of clothing.Because of the mass character and lack of self-identification as a member of a certain social group, there are no special shops or brands for Gopnik (as in the situation with punks, rappers and other cultures). Clothing is a contradiction of neatness and "intelligence" - the accepted in the society canons of clothing. Any person dressed in unnecessarily, according to Gopnik, stylish clothes causes them aggression. Gops themselves are worn mostly by sporting things. These are trousers and an olympic (sometimes with a hood). As shoes - sneakers or sharp-nosed shoes (often just under a sports suit). Because of low financial position, they can not afford expensive clothes of famous brands. Therefore, most often wear counterfeit things from brands like Adidas, Nike, Reebok and others.

youth subculture gopnik

The symbol of "sharpness" is also classicalblack leather jacket worn over a sports suit. This style came from the criminal circles with which the gopis associate themselves. Youth subculture gopniki denies and despises any fashionable hairstyles. Therefore, as a hairstyle, they choose uncomplicated hairstyles. Most often it's "boxing" or just a haircut "nalyso". Girls, on the other hand, dress excessively contrastingly and provocatively to emphasize their gender.


Who such gopnik became known because of theirfeatures of behavior. Most often they are on the street within their area. In large cities, there were often fights between representatives of different regions on far-fetched occasions. Gopas are walking in groups of several people. Favorite places - this is a poorly lit area with the presence of shops or tables. As entertainment gopniki use alcoholic beverages and smoke cigarettes. A plastic bottle of cheap beer, packing sunflower seeds and a cigarette behind the ear are invariable attributes of a typical gopnik.


A special kind of pastime are fights andsmall looting. The gopas attack the group of so-called suckers (non-marital members of society) with the aim of appropriating their property - mobile phones, pocket money, precious jewelry. Most often, attacks are not for profit, but for self-assertion. Unstable emotional state in the environment of Gopnik often leads to conflicts within their own group. The main thing for gopis is an imaginary respect, which, in their judgments, can be achieved by demonstrating their physical superiority over other people.

jargon of gopnik

The way of life of Gopnik was reflected in mass culture. First of all, it is music, in which there is a jargon of Gopnik. Favorite genres - chanson, "patsan" rap, primitive pop.

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