/ / Honorable deeds: some fascinating stories

Honorable deeds: some fascinating stories

In our pragmatic and mercantile time infrequentlyYou can meet people capable of noble deeds. However, oddly enough, even among the homeless there are people who are able to come to the rescue in difficult moments, despite the fact that they themselves are far from in a better position. And even athletes, whose life is held in constant struggle with rivals, sometimes do actions worthy of respect for their opponents and people who have nothing to do with the sport.

Homeless sponsor

A man named Kimjibhai Prajapati wasthe owner of a tea shop, but due to circumstances he went bankrupt and became homeless, forced to beg for food from passersby. However, this did not prevent him from accumulating the necessary amount to buy eleven Indian girls studying at a school for the poor, new clothes. The sad fate of the former businessman could not change him, and he continues to do actions worthy of respect, helping the needy as much as possible. It is noteworthy that the clothes for girls came from an unknown sponsor, since Kimjibhai did not advertise his involvement in this, the name of the sender was found out later.

actions worthy of respect

Rescue the baby in the parking lot

Equally impressive is the story of homeless Gary.Wilson, who was at the right moment in the right place. His decisive actions and disinterested kind heart prove that people's actions worthy of respect are not only material assistance to those in need, but also the ability to take responsibility at the right moment and do what they have never done in their lives, and thereby save someone then life

The story took place in 2012 in Oklahoma onparking pickups. A young man and a woman drove up there and began to desperately ask for help. The woman gave birth on the road, but not quite successfully: the umbilical cord choked the child, wrapped around the neck. There was no need to count on the timely arrival of the ambulance: the road was every second. The vagabond Gary, who came to the rescue, with the help of a briefing from the ambulance inspector, did everything perfectly, so that the doctors who had arrived could only thank the savior. Such actions, worthy of respect, not everyone can do.

Olympian with a capital letter

At the Sochi 2014 Olympics too, there was enough space.nobility. A true gentleman turned out to be a Canadians coach, Justin Wadsworth, who, without thinking at all, rushed to the rescue when he saw an athlete in need of help. It was Russian skier Anton Gafarov, who broke a ski in a sprint race, but continued to participate in the competition. However, fate put him another footboard - on the descent athlete fell great. But this did not stop Anton: he again stubbornly moved to the finish line.

people's deeds worthy of respect

Hobbling exhausted, almost on the same ski,He was noticed by Justin Wadsworth, who, not knowing who was in trouble, immediately arrived with a spare. Kneeling, he unfastened the broken one and installed a new ski. In the process of replacing both did not say a word. Such deeds of athletes, worthy of respect to the highest degree, show the true nature of the Olympians.

Saving drowning people - the work of ... sailing regatta leaders

Yana Stokolesova and Anastasia Guseva, yachtsmenRussian national team, were leading in sailing regatta, when suddenly they heard a cry for help. The girls immediately changed course and moved to the voice, soon seeing a drowning person. The abandoned lifebuoy did not help: the weakened poor fellow could not catch hold of him. It seemed a moment more - and the irreparable would happen. And then the athletes, having made a desperate maneuver, approached the drowning man and pulled him aboard the whole team. Immediately rescued was taken to a hospital near the beach, the benefit is that the coastal line was familiar to the sailors by heart. Not everyone could have quit the race, being leaders, and rushing to the aid of an outsider, but for these girls, someone else’s life turned out to be more valuable than fame and medals, so this is truly an act worthy of respect.

deeds of athletes worthy of respect

Naturally, the athletes lost the regatta, but they were not up to her then. The survivor was a Moscow coach who went out on his own yacht to the sea, where he was thrown overboard.

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