/ / Diseases and pests of pine

Diseases and pests of pine

Вечнозеленые сосны радуют своей красотой круглый year and live usually longer than other representatives of conifers. But sometimes these trees are exposed to disease. Pests of pine can significantly shorten their life.

Common ailments

plant diseases

Самые часто встречающиеся болезни хвойных trees (photos are presented in the article) - fungal. Among them, the most common diseases are fusariosis of pine (hanging needles and its further reddening and drying out); ordinary shute (yellowing of needles); schutte brown (appearance of mycelium on needles); snow shute (gray-ashy plaque); schutte gray (mass deposition of needles); prethisthromosis of pine (red spots on needles); rust of pine needles; bubble rust of the trunk; necrosis of the cortex; ulcerous cancer.

Prophylaxis and treatment of diseases shute

Во избежание подобных проблем с особой carefully select the material for planting, timely and qualitatively thin out the plants that are already rooted. To treat these diseases it is recommended to spray coniferous trees with various fungicidal solutions (sulfuric or containing copper). Timely cut the affected branches and remove the fallen pine needles.

Treatment of rust diseases

For their prevention it is necessary to isolate the sicktrees from healthy. Affected plants will have to be completely cut out, otherwise infection is inevitable. Treatment is the same as in schutte diseases. It is recommended to fertilize the soil and use quality immunostimulants.

Pest pests

pests of pine

Pine pests do not just appeartheir sources of mass. They can come from a nearby park, where there are conifers, or from the forest, if there is one nearby. In addition, pests can be delivered with the soil or purchased with planting material. The wind, the birds, even the man himself can carry harmful insects to the pine.

What are pest of conifers

All pests of pine are divided into the following types:

- sucking (aphids, Hermas, coniferous chervets, pine shield, pine bark sub-root, spider mites);

- gnawing needles (red pine sawfly, pine silkworm, pine shoots, pine scoop, pine miner moth);

- damaging cones (cone-shaped fire, resin cone);

- living under the bark and in the trunk (large and small pine beetle, pine barbel, pine elephant, spotting).

coniferous tree disease photo

How to eliminate diseases of plants

This is not a complete list of pest pests,More than 130 species of these insects are known. To combat them apply spraying, stem injection, vaccination. The solutions of the actinic, carbofos, acarin, and foundation are good. Only comprehensive measures will help prevent diseases and the emergence of pests of pine. First, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for plant growth, use both chemical and biological methods for controlling insects, properly harvest seeds, store them at low temperatures, treat with potassium permanganate solution before planting, and disinfect the soil.

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