/ / Ancient culture - grapes: diseases and plant pests

Ancient culture - grapes: plant diseases and pests

Grape is one of the oldest fruitcultures. It has always been grown and continues to do so in various countries around the world. Grapes varieties (photos are presented below) differ in the size of berries and clusters, taste, color, time of ripening and other properties. Today in the world there are 7,000 varieties of this crop. In the expanses of the former Soviet Union, there were about 2000 varieties, 2/3 of which were local. In addition to domestic, a large number of varieties were imported from countries such as Italy, Germany, France. Diseases and pests affect grapes depending on the variety and place of growth.

grapes diseases and pests
Залог здорового винограда – это правильная agricultural technology. The bush should be properly formed, well lit, watered, fed, timely prorezhen and so on. When choosing a culture, it is advisable to give preference not to the old classical varieties, but to the complex sustainable. Such grape diseases and pests are much less common. But if your plant is affected, then you can use both chemical and biological remedies. The latter include: "Actofit", "Gaupsin", "Lepidotsid", "Trichodermin", which quite adequately showed themselves. Just be aware that with such preparations it is necessary to process the grapes once a week (and after each rain). Diseases and pests are more effectively eliminated, unfortunately, by pesticides. They are used both to combat the existing disease and for prevention. Chemicals are classified according to the application. Fungicides are used against fungal diseases. Against bacterial diseases - bactericides. Insecticides fight against insects, and weeds - herbicides.
grape diseases and their treatment

Diseases of grapes and their treatment

Mildew is a fungal disease that is the mostcommon in regions where wet and warm summers. The spores of this fungus settle on the lower part of the leaves at a temperature of + 11ºC and even in the presence of morning dew. With a strong defeat, the bush loses the crop, the foliage falls, and the future harvest is not laid. The first signs of this disease are yellow spots on the upper side of the leaves, and on the lower side these leaves are covered with powdery white languishing. For the prevention of mildew, the plant must be treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid (namely, the lower part of the leaves). Of the chemicals used "Acrobat", "Ridomil", "Strobe", etc.

Mealy dew (oidium) is a disease thatmanifested in dry and hot weather. A white bloom appears on young shoots and unripe berries, leaves roll up in a boat, stop growing and crumble. Colloid sulfur and such drugs as Topaz, Scor and Strobe are used to combat this disease.

grape varieties photo

Phylloxera - the most common and dangerousa pest of grapes that can kill an entire plant. In large vineyards, those bushes that are affected by this pest must be uprooted and burned. New in their place for more than 10 years do not land. Phylloxera is a small greenish yellow aphid, barely visible to the naked eye. On the affected leaves from the lower side, tumors (swellings) are formed, in which the larvae of this pest develop. Hexachloran (2% solution), Karbofos, Kinmiks are used to fight, but effective drugs do not exist yet. And if you notice the first manifestations of the disease, then remove the affected leaves. Although the best tool would still remove the entire bush.

Grape-affecting diseases and pests betterto warn you what to do with them in the future. Apply the so-called tank mixtures - this is a working solution of several drugs at once. There are many tables from which you will learn about the compatibility of the tools used. This may include drugs for pests and diseases, stimulants of fruit formation, growth, as well as fertilizers. Keep track of the health of your garden as a whole, do all the work in a timely manner, and each year you will harvest good crops.

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