/ / European culture and the early Middle Ages

European culture and the early Middle Ages

"Middle Ages" in the development of European culturethinkers of the Renaissance called the time of general decline, which fell on the period between the brilliant Antiquity and the talented Renaissance. In fact, the culture of the early Middle Ages (V-IX centuries) was a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. It has become a new stage in the development of European consciousness and spiritual life.

The transition to the Middle Ages from Antiquity wasdue to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and the collapse of ancient culture, as well as the Great Migration of Nations. The emergence of a new culture took place in a dramatic clash of two completely different cultures - ancient (Roman) and barbarian (Germanic). No less important factor than the two mentioned above was the growing influence of Christianity, which became the integrating principle of a single holistic culture of a new level.

The culture of Western Europe in the early Middle Ages -This is a unique blending of different cultures, resulting from a very inconsistent synthesis of the ancient heritage with young barbaric ideas that occurred under the influence of Christianity. It became the dominant culture of this period, the backbone of a new world outlook, attitude and perception of people.

Spiritual life is always based on the material. In the early Middle Ages, the social basis of culture consisted of the following features:

  • alienation of the peasant from the land;
  • conventionality of the rights of feudal lords to landed property (vassal system);
  • feudal hierarchy, which excludes the existence of complete private property.

In such conditions, twosociocultural poles - feudal lords and peasants dependent on them. This led to the emergence of an intellectual and spiritual elite, which differed diametrically from the "silent majority" of the illiterate common people. Features of economic life, which had the early Middle Ages, significantly influenced the formation of culture.

This period for Europe is special.It was at this time that the tasks that determined the future of European civilization were solved. In ancient times, "Europe" did not exist as a cultural and historical community. Form it began only at this time.

The early Middle Ages did not give the world great achievements, but it was this period that initiated the culture of the European proper. Therefore, its value can be compared with the heights of the ancient culture.

The most striking phenomena in the cultural life of the 5-7 centuriesare associated with the assimilation of the ancient heritage, which was particularly lively in Italy and Spain. Theology and rhetorical culture are developing rapidly. But already in the second half of the 7th century, Western European culture is declining. She huddled in monasteries, guarded only by monks.

Early Middle Ages - the time of the creation of the firstwritten "Histories" of the barbarians. Abolition of slavery contributed to the faster development of technical inventions. Already in the 6th century, the use of water energy begins.

Recreate the cultural life of barbarian tribespractically it is not possible. It is universally recognized that by the time of the Great Migration, a heroic epic has already begun to take shape. The barbarians brought a new perspective on the perception of the world, based on primitive power, tribal ties, warlike energy, unity with nature and the inseparability of people from the gods.

Early Middle Ages was the beginning of the growth of the self-consciousness of barbarian peoples. The philosophy of this time tends to universalism. Spirit prevails over matter, God over world.

Oral poetry is developing, especially in Scandinavia and England.

Litany was a special phenomenon of culture. Glory was enjoyed by troubadours - poets who performed their own poems for musical accompaniment.

The regulator of the social rhythm of society advocatesThe peasantry, which, despite ignoring the ruling class, in a sense dominated the spiritual life of society. The church was not hostile to the peasants, considering poverty an ideal state. Schools in Europe were in the hands of the church, the level of education was minimal.

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