/ / Gia Mari Karanji: biography, photo

Gia Mari Karanji: biography, photo

Among the many models of Gia Mari Karanjiis considered one of the best. What caused such a huge popularity of the usual, it would seem, girls? Undoubtedly, beauty played a big role in its success. However, the fame came to her after she was one of the first to risk taking off without clothes. Details of the history of climbing the Olympus fashion forever young and beautiful model, as well as the unexpected collapse of her career, read on.

Philadelphia Childhood

Gia Mari Karandji, whose biography is coveredin this article, was born on January 29, 1960. She was the daughter of the Italian American Joe Karandji and the Irishman with the Welsh roots of Caitlin Karanji. The temperament of both parents was inherited by the daughter to the full, so the girl from her early teens differed from her contemporaries in a disobedient explosive temperament. Lamina and started, Gia Mari Karanji at the age of 11 survived the divorce of her parents. A little later, they again married, but the girl, having eaten free from the parental attention of life, was seriously carried away by the work of David Bowie and began to follow his world view.

jia mari karanji biography

At the age of 14, the future model of Gia Mari Karanjirealized that she was not quite close relationship with the opposite sex. She falls in love with the girls, sends them bouquets and touching verses, which she composed herself. Karen Karaz's friend was always struck by the openness and straightforwardness with which Gia told her about her inclinations. Mother tried to help her daughter and took her to receptions for psychologists and psychotherapists.

The beginning of a long way

Easily and unexpectedly joined the model businessGia Mari Karanji. Her biography, meanwhile, did not previously contain information about the enthusiasm for such activities. At 18, after being fired from the DCA club in California, where the future model danced, she moved to New York, where fate brought her with the managing modeling agency Wilhelmina Cooper.

After working for about 3 months on small andmodest orders, suddenly the world-famous model was Gia Mari Karanji. The girl's biography might be different if she did not meet with Arthur Elgort, who helped her to establish links in the magazines Vogue and Cosmo. Impressive photographers were struck by this bright brunette, which in some pictures looked like innocence itself, and on others - like a lady vamp.

jia mari karanji

Peak of popularity

What caused such a great popularitya girl named Gia Mari Karanji? Biography of her as a supermodel began in late 1978, when she first agreed to withdraw naked. Scandalous photos at that time stirred up the minds of the public, but no one was going to condemn the girl, because her body was really beautiful. After only a few months, the photo models appeared in almost all fashion magazines. By the way, at that time, blondes were very popular, and Gia, being a bright brunette, favorably differed from them.

The girl first began to receive several thousanddollars for shooting. In 1979, she was recognized as the owner of the most beautiful "model" breasts, and her photo on the cover of Cosmopolitan was recognized as the best in her career. Sensuality of the model nicely contrasted with the modesty of other girls. It was then that Gia Mari Karandzhi, whose photo was already well recognized, stopped taking up all orders. Choosing the most interesting and unusual photos, the model got used to the image and not only showed a beautiful face and body, but pursued the goal of exposing the soul. It was this amazing ability that allowed her to be capricious on the set, without fear of scandal or refusal to work with her.

jia mari karanji photo

A predilection that broke all hopes

Becoming popular and the most highly paidmodel, Gia did not find peace of mind, because she constantly felt lonely. More than once she asked her brother to move in with her. In the beginning of 1980 the model survived a great deal of stress, burying her friend and mentor. Trying to escape from an acute sense of loneliness, Gia Mari Karanji started taking drugs: first cocaine, and later heroin.

Hysterics and moods on setbecame more frequent, but at first it was forgiven to her, because she was a real star. In November 1980, the photos of the model had to be strongly retouched, since her hands were strewn with traces of injections. At the same time, Gia left the modeling agency, but she did not last long on the new job and in February 1981 left the model business altogether.

jia mari karanji model

Life after ...

The awkward attempts to quit drugs and passThe rehabilitation of Gia Mari Karanji was undertaken until 1983. But the former model experienced a constant need for a regular dose. Gia first sold jeans in a provincial shop, and then began to work as a prostitute on lack of funds. In early 1986, she was hospitalized with severe pneumonia. During the examination, doctors diagnosed her with AIDS. Almost a year, Gia spent in the clinic of Philadelphia under the care of her mother. Her body was disfigured, she could hardly speak in the last months of her life.

In November 1986, the first in the history of the supermodel was gone. The funeral passed quietly and unnoticed. Many representatives of the fashion world did not even know after several years that it was no longer there.

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