/ / Abstract: "The head of Professor Dowell." Information that will help to understand what to expect from a book

Summary: "The head of Professor Dowell." Information that will help to understand what to expect from a book

The name of one of the most famous worksAlexander Belyaev looks rather vague and does not allow to fully understand what is being said in the novel. Yes, and a brief annotation does not dispel the "fog" over the content. To help those who doubt whether it is worth reading - a summary. "Head of Professor Dowell" - a book that leads to complex and useful reflections. Make sure of this!

First chapters, a brief summary: Professor Dowell's head meets Marie Laurent

Seriously young womanMarie Laurent settles in the laboratory of the famous scientist - Professor Kern. On the first day the girl expects a shock - her workplace "lives" ... a human head, devoid of trunk. It is her that she has to take care of. Despite her beauty and relative youth, Marie decides to understand the work, especially since she really needs money.

head of professor Dowell

How soon it turns out, the head of Professor Dowell(the summary will be incomplete without this fact) not only understands everything, but also thinks clearly, and yet, as Marie finds out at her own peril and risk, she can speak. From now on, Miss Laurent realizes how rich she is with her body! Strange as it may seem, but Marie and the professor's head were able to make friends.

book of the head of Professor Dowell

The girl learns that even in her presentDowell is working. And Kern gives all the results of his work for his work. Also Dowell shares with Marie suspicions that he deliberately did not help his colleague during an attack of asthma, which was supposedly the reason for the scientist's departure from life. Laurent begins to feel antipathy towards Kern.

Continuation, concise: Professor Dowell's head gets "friends"

Professor Kern decides to continue the successful experiencereviving the heads - in his laboratory "settles" the head of Tom's worker and actress Brigitte. Such a "resurrection" for them is something completely incomprehensible. They want to live again the way they used to. This pushes Kern to the idea that you can try to sew and body. At the same time, he learns that Marie has long been talking with Dowell's head. She owns information, which, in fact, makes Kern a criminal. The scientist blackmails Laurent in that he disconnects the devices that ensure the vital activity of the head, if the girl refuses to work further and tries to leave his house.

head of professor dowel content

Amazing successes, a brief summary: Professor Dowell's head is involved in reviving Bricke

With the help of his colossal experience in surgeryand the most valuable advice Dowell Professor Kern sews his head Brigitte to the body of the singer Angelica Guy, who died when the train crashed. The experiment is successful! But the active and restless Brieke escapes from Kern's house as soon as it is fully restored.

What happened next?

After the escape, Briquet and his friends leave Paris and accidentally get acquainted with Arman Lara, who was in love with the dead Angelica, and Arthur Dowell, the son of a professor who was thought to have died.

Under the pressure of Lara, the girl tells her friends the truth, and they decide to understand the situation. In the meantime, Briquet has a wound on his leg, which was in Angelica.

At this time, Marie Laurent is in a clinic for the mentally ill. There, on Kern's orders, she is methodically trying to drive her crazy. But Arthur Dowell comes to her aid.

"The head of Professor Dowell": the contents of the final chapters

Briquet and her friends can not heal the wound,the girl is getting worse. She goes to Kern, who is trying to help her, but it's too late! He must again deprive Bricke of the body. He depicts the living head in a special meeting, to which Marie Laurent comes. She angrily exposes the professor. Representatives of the law come to his laboratory.

There they find the head of Professor Dowell, who is almost impossible to learn due to injections of paraffin - Kern took care to hide the traces of his activities, but this he did not succeed.

In his last moments, Dowell sees a son who came to the house with the police, and tells the guards that Mary knows everything about Kern's business. Everything is clear! Kern commits suicide.

The book "The Head of Professor Dowell" is a masterpiece, suggestive

It would seem that people have long dreamed of conquering death. But at what cost is this possible? Only the full text of the novel allows us to understand the global nature of this problem!

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