/ / Where does the cedar grow? Where does the cedar grow in Russia?

Where does the cedar grow? Where does the cedar grow in Russia?

It would seem that everyone has long known where the cedar grows.Seeds of this tree, known as cedar nuts are a very tasty and useful treat, loved by many. But in fact it turns out that the tree, which in Russia is considered cedar, scientifically called pine cedar. The seeds of the same representative of this kind of conifers are inedible. But there are common signs that this tree has become so called. Spruce, cedar, pine and some other representatives of conifers belong to the same family. All of them have useful properties and have long been used by man for different purposes. But the cedar tree stands out among the conifers. In the world now grows several of its species.

Real cedar

where the cedar grows

Photos of these trees show their differences from pine and spruce. But in botany, only four species, which grow in the south, are considered real cedar. They were known from antiquity and are mentioned in the Bible.

1. The cedar of Lebanon is a symbol of this country, and it was his valuable wood that was used to build temples and make icons.

2. Atlas cedar is common in North Africa. He is very unpretentious and grows in high-altitude areas, withstanding frost and drought.

3. There is also a Cyprian cedar.His photo shows that he differs from other relatives with small needles. Therefore it is also called short-spruce. This rare tree is found only in the mountains on the island of Cyprus.

4. Cedar Himalayan grows not only in the Himalayas, but also in the mountainous regions of India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This tree is very beautiful and unpretentious, because it is often used for gardening.

Features of cedar

It has many useful properties andancient times is widely used by man, like all conifers. Cedar is one of the most unpretentious and beautiful trees of this class. What features have made him so famous?

a cedar a photo

- This tree is very strong, beautifulWood, which also has antiseptic properties and is not exposed to rot and exposure to insects. It produces furniture, musical instruments, ships and much more.

- Needles of cedar are soft and give out phytoncides, which disinfect the air.

- All cedar trees are very beautiful. The needles are dyed in silver or light green, the branches are very fluffy, and the crown is often pyramidal.

- All parts of the cedar have a strong pleasant odor, which is considered beneficial to humans.

Where the cedar grows real

В природе деревья этого рода встречаются в южных mountain areas. Cedars are widespread in the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Middle East. They are rather unpretentious, but they do not withstand frost below 25 degrees. Cedars need well-moistened, lime-poor soils, best sandy loam or loamy. But they do not like stagnation of water and a severe drought.

cedar where grows in Russia
The best are cedars on mountain slopes,well illuminated by the sun, but also found in shady areas. In the last two hundred years, these trees have been used for landscaping in many countries. Especially often in the south, plant cedar. Where this tree grows in Russia, those who went to rest in Crimea or the Caucasus know. Beautiful, fluffy trees along with cypresses are now a symbol of many resorts of the Black Sea coast.

Description of cedar

It is an evergreen tree that grows to 50 meters.Has a dark gray smooth bark and a sprawling crown. The needles are triangular, prickly, collected in bundles up to 30-40 needles. Coloring them is different: light or dark green and even silvery-gray or blue. Cones ovoid or barrel-shaped, large. Fruit-bearing tree begins after 50 years. Seeds of real cedar are inedible. This tree is one of the oldest on Earth, its pollen was found in a layer that is 200 million years old. Cedar lives long, its Himalayan species can stand about 3000 years. But usually there are trees with an age of 250-300 years. Their wood is a pleasant yellow or reddish shade, very durable and durable.

Which trees are also called cedar trees

cedar tree

If you ask any resident of Russia, where it growscedar, then all will answer that in Siberia. But in a scientific way this tree is called pine cedar. Although in many books the Siberian cedar has already taken root. It is believed that the so-called pine, whose wood had a strong pleasant aroma. For a real cedar, she was also like her spreading fluffy crown, big cones and height. But the main difference between cedar pine is that its seeds, called nuts, are edible and very useful. And lovers of them are sure that it is their cedar that gives them. Where does this tree grow in Russia? Cedar pine is most common in Siberia, the Altai and Transbaikalia. But it is also found in the north of European Russia and even beyond the Arctic Circle. In the south of the Far East, in China and Japan, pine cedar Korean is widespread, differing in larger seeds. In these places, also grows a cedar stalk - a shrub with a height of no more than 5 meters. But its seeds are also edible and eaten. And in the mountainous regions of Europe there is a European cedar - a very ancient and rare species of pine cedar.

Useful properties of Siberian cedar

coniferous cedar

Its main advantage is nuts.They are nutritious, tasty and have long been used for the production of medicinal oil. The kernels of pine nuts contain a lot of vitamins, amino acids and human minerals. They improve blood composition, prevent tuberculosis and increase work capacity. Tincture of the shell of nuts used for hemorrhoids and diseases of the stomach. Healing properties also have pine needles. It contains phytoncides, a lot of ascorbic acid and carotene. Used for restorative baths and preparation of vitamin infusions. In the needle of cedar, there are five times more essential oils than in needles of pine. Therefore, it is widely used in the cosmetic and perfume industries. Cedar tar, also called gum, has long been used to heal wounds. Scientists have determined that it has antiseptic and anesthetic effects. Valuable qualities are also found in cedar wood. It is easily processed and for a long time it releases phytoncides and a pleasant aroma. Therefore, it is often used in the construction and manufacturing of furniture.

How to grow cedar

Already two hundred years ago this tree was brought to the territory of Russia. But this cedar can only grow in the southern regions.

Spruce cedar pine
More unpretentious is pine cedar.Her heavy seeds can not be carried by the wind, they are spread by their birdies of nutcracker, carrying nuts for long distances. Everyone knows where the cedar grows, but it is possible to grow this tree in any region of Russia. It requires sandy loamy or loamy soils with good drainage, moderate watering and weeding. Most often, the tree of cedar is grown from seeds, sowing in autumn and covering with lapnik. It will be important in the spring to protect the shoots from birds and rodents. This tree grows slowly and only after 10-15 years can please you with a fluffy crown, and the cones will appear even later.

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