/ / Cedar Septic: Features and Benefits

Cedar Septic: Features and Benefits

Most of the owners of dachaoften reflect not only on their own comfort, but also about the cleanliness of the environment. To clean domestic waste water from a small country house, in which there are no more than five people, the septic "Cedar" approaches as best as possible.

cedar septic tank

Dimensions and technical parameters

To date, only onemodification of this device. It is designed for operation in small residential buildings or in suburban areas. "Cedar" - sewerage weighing 150 kg, which is capable of cleaning 1000 liters of domestic sewage per day. The diameter of the three-meter body is 1.4 m. The kit includes special pipes intended for combining the drainage ways.

septic cedar

The device and the principle of operation

"Cedar" - a septic tank, which is a hugeThe plastic cylinder, equipped with polypropylene nozzles for the supply and disposal of sewage. The container consists of four functional chambers, separated by special baffles, connected to each other by passage pipes.

Due to the inclined location of sewageoutlet pipe, drains from it by gravity flow into the first chamber. There, in the process of drainage, a part of the waste settles to the bottom, and the part in the form of a solid crust rises to the surface. Removal of accumulating sludge is recommended to be carried out no more than once every two years. Sedimented effluents are fed to the second chamber with anaerobic bacteria, where deeper clarification occurs. After that, water flows into the third compartment, made in the form of a removable biofilter. It is equipped with a special container in which aerobic-anaerobic microorganisms are loaded. The last, fourth chamber serves as the point of discharge of the treated sewage. An additional drainage pump can be installed at this point for draining water.

septic cedar reviews

Installation Advantages

"Cedar" - septic tank, made of materials,resistant to corrosion. The term of its operation is more than 30 years. One of the main advantages of this compact installation can be considered energy independence. In addition, a completely sealed and waterproof septic tank "Kedr" can be purchased at an affordable price. The installation provides several stages of wastewater treatment, as a result of which a rather high level of filtration can be achieved. In case of special need, special biologics can be added to the system, activating the processes taking place in the chambers.

"Cedar" - septic tank, which has relatively compactdimensions and therefore allows you to save on renting heavy equipment. The installation of the system is relatively simple, so if you want and certain skills, you can do it yourself. In addition, the model does not take up much free space. The only thing it requires is a deep pit, thanks to which the need for warming the tank disappears.


Methods of washing the plant

Virtually all such installations in the processexploitation are clogged with sediment, including "Cedar". The septic tank must be periodically cleaned. Producers recommend buying and using exclusively biological products that promote the fastest possible splitting of accumulated waste. Especially for these purposes, Russian scientists have developed a special group of microorganisms designed to purify such systems. This biological product is a liquid containing microscopic granules, the size of which does not exceed 0.1 mm. Inside there are valuable bacteria necessary for cleaning the sewage system. Getting into the system, they begin to multiply actively, along the way changing the waste. A part of microorganisms perishes, giving in to destruction, therefore their stocks need to be replenished periodically. If necessary, this liquid can safely be preserved. If the effluents contain a large number of chemicals, then for a high-quality purification it is recommended to increase the concentration of bacteria.

Septic "Cedar": reviews

This device is quitea simple non-volatile station intended for cleaning domestic sewage. Consumers who have time to evaluate an autonomous drainage installation say that its activity and resources are sufficient to provide full service to an entire family of five people. Unfortunately, reviews about it are not so unambiguous, because, despite all the above advantages of this system, it can not function fully in the terrain with a high level of groundwater. One of the mandatory conditions necessary to ensure the normal operation of the septic tank is the presence of a filter bed. The tank itself clears the drains by no more than 50%. Due to the vertical location of the vessel, the main volume of waste water is much lower than the depth of freezing of the soil. This eliminates the need to insulate the system, but at the same time significantly complicates the process of self-pumping the accumulated sediment. To extend the life of pipes, it is recommended that they be periodically filtered.

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