/ / Septic "Aspen": principle of operation, characteristics, installation and installation

Septic "Aspen": principle of operation, characteristics, installation and installation

If you are interested in the station deepbiological treatment, then as an alternative solution you can consider septic tank "Aspen", which is a patented structure. It is intended for the treatment of domestic waste water and is well suited for the climatic conditions of Russia, thanks to which the system has gained recognition and wide distribution.

Such equipment can be installed ingarden-dacha farms and suburban housing. This solution will be a way out of the situation when it is necessary to solve the problem of waste and waste disposal. "Aspen" is capable of clearing drains by 98%, which will provide the owners with the usual urban amenities and comfort. The system can be installed on 2 private houses, which will save space on the territory and reduce costs.

Principle of operation

aspen septic tank

Септик «Осина» работает по принципу, consisting in the combination of biological and mechanical wastewater treatment. The internal sewage system is connected to a pipe through which the drains enter the first chamber by gravity. Under the influence of gravitational force, heavy elements from polluted waters settle at the bottom of the installation, where they form active sludge.

All contained films, fats and light impuritiesemerge, and after a while a crust forms, which can be disposed of using a technical hatch. Activated sludge involves the presence of anaerobic bacteria that recycle solid waste.

The septic tank "Aspen" has a loading chamber, aftercleaning it drains clarified water enters the settling chamber through overflows, from where sewage is sent to a biological filter. Inside this chamber, the third in a row, are biofiltration films, where artificially grown bacteria begin their work. The term of their growth lasts 3 weeks, in just two days the water will be purified thanks to them by 98%.

The described processes proceed with the formation ofheat and gases that go through the prod. Behind the bio-cleaning chamber, the water is sent to the infiltrator, which is a well or drainage field. The purified liquid can be disposed of in the soil or used for technical needs on the site.


septic aspen work principle

Septic "Aspen" is non-volatilesystem, which consists of reinforced concrete hull. This ensures reliability. The design is very simple, its service life reaches 50 years. It can be installed on soils with high groundwater levels. Purification systems of this type have a low cost. You can use them all year round.

For “Osina” is very easy to care for.There is no need to control the cleaning process. The operation of the equipment is not accompanied by the release of unpleasant odors. The system is able to undergo significant overloads that can occur during the discharge of a huge amount of water.

The principle of operation of the septic tank "Aspen" was described above.However, this is not the only thing a consumer should know. It is important to familiarize yourself with the weaknesses. Among them should be allocated an impressive weight and size, which entails additional costs for installation, the inability to transport the system independently and the need to attract special equipment.

The principle of cleaning is based on the drip filter.and the digester. The design provides for the presence of two chambers, which are enclosed in a single reinforced concrete building. Installation is carried out on a pillow of sand and gravel. Backfilling is done with a dry cement-sand mixture. Sewage is discharged by force, they are pumped into the filter well.

Изучая характеристики септика «Осина», вы сможете understand that it involves the need for pumping once every three years. You can choose the system based on the volume of discharged effluent. The design for 1000 liters will cost 65,000 rubles. If the first value increases to 2000 liters, then the price becomes equal to 95,000 rubles. Buying a septic tank of 3000 l, you will have to pay 120,000 rubles.

Some technical characteristics of different models

septic aspen manual

Before choosing a septic tank "Aspen" to give, youmust understand the varieties of such equipment. The model “Aspen-1”, which is a universal sewage treatment plant, is presented for sale. It is intended for 6 tenants. Daily cleaning will be a cubic meter of wastewater.

"Aspen-2" is intended for installation in a house wherelive no more than 12 people. Productivity reaches 2000 liters per day. Osina-3 is a facility for the collection and mechanical-biological treatment of domestic waste water in buildings and houses where up to 18 people live. Every day the system will be able to recycle 3000 liters of waste. The body is made of reinforced concrete. This system is non-volatile, and its pumping should be done every 3 years.


septic aspen operation

Монтаж и установка септика «Осина» могут быть implemented by you yourself. Works must be carried out in accordance with sanitary norms and rules. Under the system itself and sewer pipes, the excavation pit and trenches are dug out, the latter should have a slope of 20 mm per meter. The walls of the pit should have a slope ranging from 20 to 30 °, the final value will depend on the type of soil.

If the walls are crumbling, you must installtimbering from wooden boards. If you decide to install a septic tank "Aspen", the installation instructions must be studied. Having familiarized with it, you will be able to understand that it is necessary to lay a leveling pad of sand up to 10 cm thick at the bottom of the excavation and trenches. This preparation is spilled with water, rammed and checked by level. From the house to the cleaning system is necessary to lay a pipeline with thermal insulation.

Crane in the next stage septic tankfalls into the pit. After that you should connect the pipeline to the inlet and outlet nozzles. The joints are sealed with a cement-sand mortar. The system must be supplemented with a ventilation pipe, which rises above the ground level by 1 m. Its diameter will be 100 mm. The design should be supplemented with a deflector, a cast-iron hatch and stacking rings.

Features of the installation

septic aspen characteristics

On the upper part of the septic tank fit insulation, as well as on the walls of the system. Installation of drainage and storage wells, as well as the filtration field is carried out before backfilling.

The choice of infiltrator will depend onpreferences of the owners, as well as the type of soil and the level of groundwater. Backfilling is carried out in layers, to use for this you need sand, which is spilled with water and rammed. This will prevent deformation of the insulation.

User's manual

septic aspen installation and installation

The operation of the septic tank "Aspen" providessystem maintenance once every three years. These works involve cleaning the bottom of the chambers from sludge. You can do it yourself using a modern drainage pump or a simple bucket. An alternative solution is the call of the nightman.

Self cleaning is enoughdangerous process, because the skin and respiratory system must be carefully protected. After each cleaning and interruption of the septic tank, it is necessary to add bioactivator preparations to it, which will allow you to resume the wastewater treatment process. The biofilter should also be periodically cleaned. The main part of the plaque is utilized, as are the existing bacteria.

How to maintain

septic aspen photo

Autonomy sewage treatmentOsin facilities are an order of magnitude higher than the autonomy of other septic tanks. Pumping the last should be carried out once every six months. The autonomy of Aspen is that it does not need to be cleaned so often. However, maintenance is still required. This is the comfort of equipment operation.

For proper maintenance is necessaryclear the ground from the technical hatch cover, open it and place the drainage hose of the faecal pump inside. He must reach the very bottom. You can replace it with a vacuum hose aspirating machine. This allows you to download the contents of the first two cameras.

Biofilter cleaning

After reviewing the photo of the septic tank "Aspen", you will see fromwhat is the biofilter. In the process of maintaining the system, it is necessary to replace the expanded clay in this part of the device. The fraction must comply with the limit from 20 to 40 mm. Part of the bacterial active sludge remains in the chambers, and all the same bacteria should be placed in the biofilter. This is necessary so that they can again form their colonies there and recycle sewage as effectively.

После замены частей биофильтра и откачки системы the lid is tightly closed and checked for leaks. Thermal insulation material returns to its place. If it is damaged, then this area should be replaced with a new cover of insulation. At the final stage, everything is covered with a layer of earth, which is slightly compacted.

Security measures

While pumping out the septic tank and replacing the biofiltermust follow safety rules. The master needs to work in gloves and protect the respiratory organs with a mask. These precautions are necessary to prevent harmful microorganisms, gases and vapors from entering the body and the skin. Clothing should cover the whole body. T-shirt and shorts are not recommended.


Septic, manufactured under the brand "Aspen"It is a robust, reliable and very simple installation that can be used on residential buildings that are not connected to a central sewage system. Problems during the operation of this equipment usually does not arise.

Installation can be carried out independently.However, it is necessary to use the services of heavy equipment, because the body of the unit is made of reinforced concrete, which has an impressive weight. But in some cases this is an advantage: the system will not be pushed out when heaving the ground.

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