/ / Septic DKS: review and features

Septic DKS: Overview and Features

If you own a dacha, then you shouldbe aware of the issue of the device of autonomous sewerage. Quite often, consumers face the problem of choosing a model. Buyers read reviews, from which they manage to understand that among the large assortment of ready-made containers, which are represented in the modern market, the septic tank is particularly distinguished. As practice shows, the company "Dachny Sewerage Systems" produces quality designs that have many positive features and affordable value.

Overview of the septic tank

septic dx

Manufacture of the above-described structuresis made of polypropylene sheet, its thickness can be equal to the limit of 5 to 8 mm. Such structures are divided into three components (the first camera, the second camera and the third camera). The first compartment is the primary settler, the second serves as a secondary settler. But in the third chamber there are biofilters.

Sewage through the pipe enters the primaryThe settler is divided into light and heavy fractions. The overflow, which connects the second and first settling tanks, is located at the level of a third of the height of the tank. This significantly reduces the content of impurities in the second chamber, which is especially true in comparison with the first.

The process of settling and clarifying sewagecontinues in the second compartment. Septic DKS uses in its work not only the mechanical separation of impurities, but also the technology of anaerobic digestion. The presence of oxygen is not required. During the course of the reaction, methane is released, so such structures are called methane-tanks. Bacteria that are present in feces take part in the decomposition of impurities in metabolism. Water closures prevent the spread of an unpleasant odor that comes from the septic tank.

Movement of clarified sewage in the futureoccurs on the overflow pipe, water is in the biofilter, so mixing is completely eliminated. A drip sprayer on the overflow pipe ensures the distribution of water over the ruff load. Not so long ago, manufacturers used instead of ruff load on the basis of expanded clay. On the surface of the first water is saturated with oxygen, which contributes to the formation of aerobic bioflora, which develops under favorable conditions.

Biofilter will work fine ifthe pipe with the head is properly arranged. It is necessary for the entry of air, which participates in the vital activity of aerobic microorganisms. The effluents that pass through the biofilter are in the drainage system, they pass the settler and the outlet branch pipe.

Дренажом в этой схеме выступает перфорированная pipe, through its openings the clarified effluents penetrate into the soil, where infiltration is infiltrated. Through the neck, the precipitate is periodically removed, previously it accumulates at the bottom of the first and second compartments. Maintenance and revision of the system is carried out through the second neck. In winter, to prevent the tanks from freezing, it is recommended that the structure be buried, using the neck extension kit. It is bought by the consumer separately.

Features of different models

septic dx 15m

Septic DKS is presented for sale in severalmodels, each of which is designed for a certain number of people living in the country. If you plan to operate the house all year round, this should affect the choice of construction. For example, for the device of the independent sewerage which is established at the country house of the day off, the mini-septic tank perfectly will approach. Its volume is designed for servicing 4 people maximum. The device will recycle 120 liters of sewage per day.

Septic "DKS Optimum" and models DKS-15, DKS-25differ in processing capacity per day and weight of structures. The basis is polypropylene, which is a lightweight material, so the installation of the tank does not provide for the use of special equipment and human effort. The design is established on the prepared place. The housing allows you to place the building next to the house.

Septic "DKS 15m" and "DKS-25 M" suggeststhe presence of the drive for the installation of a drainage pump. These options can be used in areas where the level of groundwater is high. These solutions can be used in winter with a kit that is buried in the soil. Its elements are classified by height and performance.

Additional features of septic tanks. Consumer reviews

septic dx reviews

Septic DKS, reviews of which you can readbelow is made of polypropylene. Due to this, according to consumers, the designs have little weight and are implemented at affordable cost. This allows for easy transportation of the system to its destination.

Today, the manufacturer mentioned aboveoffers for sale a variety of models of wastewater treatment plants. All of them differ in performance, parameters, weight and approximate cost. For example, the septic tank "DKS 15" can be purchased for 35,000 rubles. The width, length and height of the device are 1100 x 1500 x 1100 mm. Weight reaches 52 kg, and the performance per day is 450 liters.

Septic "DKS 25" is a system withperformance, which reaches 800 liters per day. It weighs 72 kg, and costs 47,000 rubles. Its dimensions are larger and equal to 1300 x 1500 x 1500 mm. The septic tank "DKS MBO" is offered in several variations, which differ in the performance. For example, the “IBO 0.75” model is capable of cleaning 750 liters of impurities per day. You can buy this version of the device for 68 rubles. In this line, this price is the most affordable. If before you the model "MBO 1.0", then this suggests that its capacity is 1000 liters per day, and the system weighs 92 kg. You can buy it for 73 000 rubles.

Installation procedure: choice of place

septic dx 15

To install the described system for cleaningdrains in the first stage must pick a place. It should be near the house, but it is important to ensure the possibility of the entrance of an ashenizator machine for pumping sludge. At this stage it is necessary to analyze the soil where the purification system will be located.

It will be necessary to know how deepgroundwater are located. The correct location condition is the proximity of the septic tank to the sewage corrugated pipe from the house. When installing DKS septic tanks, it is important to ensure their remoteness from engineering networks and sources of electricity. You should not choose a place near the tree, which has a powerful root system.

Tank installation

septic dks 25

The next step will be digging a rectangularpits for mounting working capacity. Next to it will be a trench for pipe placement. The bottom is filled with an even layer of sand, the thickness of which is 10 cm. A septic tank “DKS 15m” is installed in the pit, the reviews of which you could read above.

From all sides the system should fall asleep clean.by sand. It is better if it is wet. During installation, water is continuously poured into the tank to keep the structure in a horizontal position. From all sides, the septic tank is lined with foam or other thermal insulation.

Pipe installation

septic dx 15m reviews

As soon as the septic tank is in its place, and youyou can sprinkle it with sand for stability, you can proceed to the installation of sewer pipes, they need to give a slope for the flow of wastewater into the tank. The optimal distance from the septic tank to the house - the limit is from 3 to 6 m.

Pipes from the drain should be directed straight totank. If, however, turns cannot be avoided, then a rubber tube should be used at the point of bending. The tank is leveled with a level, in the process the sand around it periodically compresses. Pipes are also filled with soil.

Installation of ventilation and drainage pipes

septic dx mbo

In order to ensure the discharge of purified intowater septic tank, you should use a drain well or corrugated drainage pipes. The latter option is more profitable than a well, but you must make your own decision about choosing this or that system. For the installation of pipes, additional underground space is required above the groundwater level.

Drainage pipes should be placed in a trenchThey are corrugated rubber pipes that have holes at the ends. To do this, prepare a trench, the depth and width of which is 0.5 m. Its length will be 10 m, if space allows. The pipes are laid with a slope of 1 cm per meter.

The bottom of the pit should be laid out with polypropylene, and afterlay the pipes and fill them with expanded clay. The surface is filled with soil. Ventilation is required to ensure proper decomposition of organic matter. Pipe for this is installed in the tank, but its location must be considered individually.

Features of maintenance septic tank

Лучше располагать очистную систему в доступе к from time to time to carry out maintenance and routine inspection. During installation, you must follow the instructions and consult with experts. Proper installation will simplify use and will not bring additional trouble.

For reference

Heavy Material Septic Tank Designsprovide for the use of the installation of special equipment. This cannot be said about the wastewater treatment plant, based on polypropylene. Its low weight allows for easy transportation and installation without special equipment.


The range of the company includes the most simplemodels and complex systems, the latter of which are intended for operation in problem areas. All this expands the possibilities of choice. Before starting work, it is important to take into account that the seasonality will not affect the functioning of the system, so installation can be done in the winter, without additional manipulation of the insulation, which is very convenient and reduces labor costs.

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