/ / Russian wooden architecture: a museum in Suzdal

Russian wooden architecture: a museum in Suzdal

Want to visit the past?There is nothing easier - pack your bags and go to Suzdal. This is a unique city in which there are more historical monuments of architecture than modern buildings. If you are most interested in Russian wooden architecture, the museum of the same name under the open sky is a must-see.

History of creation

Wooden architecture museum
On the picturesque bank of the river Kamenka (outskirtsSuzdal) before the revolution, there were two churches: St. George and Dmitrov. Both buildings are not preserved, and in 1960 in their place was abandoned wasteland. The decision to create an open-air exposition was taken in 1968. The authors of the idea wanted not only to build a “tourist” town in Russian traditions, but to recreate as accurately as possible the traditional village of our country, using original buildings. In search of exhibits took some time. In total, more than 60 settlements in the region were visited and as many as 38 buildings suitable for the museum were found. Of these, 11 buildings were selected and subsequently transported to the prepared area. Very soon, on the outskirts of Suzdal, unique houses began to appear, felled without a single nail, and the museum of wooden architecture began to receive guests.

Russian village as it is

Museum of Wooden Architecture
In order to get to the territory, touristsIt is proposed to go through the hut with a high porch - this is a ticket office. “Wooden architecture” is a museum occupying 4.2 hectares, in which you can see as many as 18 architectural monuments of the XVIII-XIX centuries. different types and purposes. Two churches, windmills and houses of representatives of different social classes, as well as farm buildings and much more. The creators of the museum wanted to show visitors not only architectural forms, but also to acquaint themselves with the village life of the past centuries. In many buildings the interior is recreated, you can see the characteristic furniture and household items.

Religious sites

Museum of wooden architecture in Suzdal
On the territory of the museum there are two temples and onechapel. The Resurrection Church with a bell tower dates from the 18th century. It was built in 1776 in the village of Patakino at the expense of parishioners. The temple was a cemetery, before the beginning of 1930 it held festive services, as well as funerals for the dead. Later, the church was closed, in 1970, transported to the museum. After major restoration and interior decoration, the altar was consecrated in 2008. The Transfiguration Church was brought to the Suzdal Museum of Wooden Architecture from the village of Kozlyat'evo, Pokrovsky District. The construction was carried out at the expense of landowner Theodosia Nikitichna Polivanova. The temple has three tiers, two side chapels and a refined porch. The building dates back to 1756, transported to the museum in 1965. Interesting fact: on June 21, 2011, lightning struck the cross of the church twice; restoration work returned the temple to its original appearance by December 2011. A small chapel was transferred to the museum from the village of Bedrino, this is a typical example of buildings of this type for its period.

Where did our ancestors live?

Social separation was common to all.settlements of our country. And this is clearly demonstrated by the “Wooden Architecture” - a museum that allows you to look at the interiors of our ancestors. The exposition has houses of middle-class peasants, well-to-do and merchants. The wealth of the family can be determined by the presence in the interior of "urban" household items - a sewing machine, a kerosene lamp, chairs and a bed instead of the usual shops and conic. Often, prosperous peasants organized workshops on the first floor of their homes. The museum of wooden architecture in Suzdal clearly shows with the example of the house of a wealthy merchant from the village of Log, how it was possible to organize a weaving light. The life of middle-class peasants is much easier organized. It is chopped together with the hut furniture and the minimum amount of movable, simple ceramics and a small amount of products purchased: a mirror and a samovar.

Windmills, wheel well and other buildings

Open-air wooden architecture museums
On the outskirts of the "village" are two windmills.Originally they were erected in the village Moshok. Inside the windmills recreated the traditional interior according to the stories of old-timers and artistic works. The museum’s exposition includes a wooden scale model of the mill in section, looking at it, it is not at all difficult to understand the principle of operation of these facilities. Another interesting building is the “stopping” well. And this is also not a reconstruction, but an original brought from the village of Koltsovo. In order to raise the water, a man would go inside the big wheel and walk on special steps, spinning the mechanism. Water was drawn in two large containers. “Wooden architecture” is a museum reflecting the life and culture of our ancestors. There is also a sauna, a carpenter's workshop, barns on its territory. During the tour you can see the old cart, samples of keys and locks of the period and many other interesting antiques.

Museum of wooden architecture today

Suzdal Museum of Wooden Architecture
Nowadays, the exhibition is open to touristvisits daily from 9.00 to 19.00. Cleaning day - the last Wednesday of each month. The visit is paid, an adult ticket costs 200 rubles (passage to the territory and inspection of interiors), discounts for children, schoolchildren, students and retirees are valid. Like many other museums of wooden architecture in the open air, Suzdal invites everyone to national holidays and mass celebrations. The most interesting events are Cucumber Day, Maslenitsa and the feast of the Holy Trinity.

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