/ / Terror acts in Thailand: events and their causes

Terror acts in Thailand: events and their causes

People react negatively to unhappiness,especially when they are organized by specially radical groups. It is especially scary to read about the events taking place in the resort areas, where it is customary to relax and forget about the danger. The terrorist attacks in Thailand caused a storm of indignation among the fans of traveling. "Country of smiles" was previously considered a fairly safe territory. What and why changed? Let's understand.

terrorist attacks in Thailand

The threshold of events

The fact that the terrorist attacks in Thailand - a possible thing,experts have known for a long time. The activation of the activities of the IG (a banned organization in the Russian Federation) took place around the world. Terrorists prefer to penetrate into countries that have "holes" in the defense system. And the secret services of Thailand - a thing, as experts say, relative and useless. Law enforcers of the country are capable, unless, thief neutralize. On systemic activities aimed at arresting the terrorist threat, they did not hear. This was written by representatives of the Russian community living in the "Land of Smiles". They know, as nobody knows, what precautions are being taken in the Russian Federation. Compared to them, nothing was done in Thailand. The militants were able to receive explosive devices from behind the cordon almost freely. And to install them at the airport, in public institutions and places of mass gathering of tourists is a matter of technology. In the absence of aspiration of the state bodies to increase precautions, it remained only to wait for the thunder to break out. And the time has come.

The terrorist attack in Thailand August

Terror acts in Thailand (2016)

Explosions began in mid-August.As reported by the media, the militants used a special scheme that would potentially increase the number of victims. As experts later found out, the terrorist attacks in Thailand were based on the tactics of double explosions. It consists in the fact that immediately bombarded two bombs at a short distance. The time of the explosion is regulated in such a way that under the second hit the law enforcement officers and idlers, attracted first. The power of the bombs is not very large.

Tactics did not lead to planned victims,the police worked. On August 11-12, eight explosions were heard in the south of the country, four people were killed, thirty-five wounded. As reported by law enforcement officials, the devices that carried out the terrorist attack in Thailand (August 2016) are identical to the IG bombs. That is, there is an obvious technical trace of militants terrorizing the countries of the Middle East. Terrorists laid down devices in recreation areas with the expectation that tourists would suffer. They succeeded. Ten of the wounded were foreigners.

terrorist attacks in Thailand 2016

Damage from terrorist activities

The death of citizens is not the only thingmanaged to achieve militants. The terrorist attacks in Thailand led to large fires, which resulted in the destruction of many buildings and other property. Damage is estimated in an amount exceeding four million US dollars. In addition, multiple fires affect the attractiveness of the resort area. But it is tourism that brings income to a state like Thailand. Phuket, the terrorist attacks on which brought a lot of grief, at the same time, for example, is one of the main destinations for travelers. Terrorist acts in this area frighten off people who ensure the growth of the country's economy. Experts argue that this illegal activity can have a political background. In early August, a referendum took place in the country, which approved amendments to the Constitution. But some political forces disagree with this. They could contribute to the activity of radicals, which harm the main industry that ensures the filling of the budget.

thailand phuket act of terrorism

Successes of law enforcement agencies

Thailand is a politically difficult country.This is governed by democratic forces, then by the military. There are no major changes in world media, however, they happen regularly. The terrorist attacks in Thailand are a reflection of the internal struggle. Agree, this does not make it easier for tourists. Bombs of terrorists can work at any time, a place, naturally, in advance, no one will indicate. Public services try to carry out work on early warning of danger. Thus, part of the devices in August were found and neutralized. It happened because the tactics of double explosions were solved. Next to the place of the tragedy, another device was immediately searched for. The authorities believe that the terrorist attacks are temporary. An opinion is expressed that behind this series of explosions there is one politician, angered by the results of the referendum. Whether this is in fact, the investigation will show. And tourists should be careful when buying a tour. As it turns out, you can not feel confident even in the "Country of Smiles".

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